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Mayor of Portland Tear Gassed while Rioting


Red Skull Member
May 22, 2020
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Central Washington
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PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The mayor of Portland, Oregon, was tear gassed by the U.S. government late Wednesday as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse during another night of protest against the presence of federal agents sent by President Donald Trump to quell unrest in the city.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said it was the first time he’d been tear gassed and appeared slightly dazed and coughed as he put on a pair of goggles someone handed him and drank water. He didn't leave his spot at the front, however, and continued to take gas. Around Wheeler, the protest raged, with demonstrators lighting a large fire in the space between the fence and the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and the pop-pop-pop of federal agents deploying tear gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

It wasn't immediately clear if the federal agents knew Wheeler was in the crowd when they used the tear gas.

Earlier in the night, Wheeler was mostly jeered as he tried to rally demonstrators who have clashed nightly with federal agents but was briefly applauded when he shouted “Black Lives Matter” and pumped his fist in the air. The mayor has opposed federal agents’ presence in Oregon’s largest city, but he has faced harsh criticism from many sides and his presence wasn’t welcomed by many, who yelled and swore at him.

“I want to thank the thousands of you who have come out to oppose the Trump administration’s occupation of this city," Wheeler told hundreds of people gathered downtown near the federal courthouse. “The reason this is important is it is not just happening in Portland ... we're on the front line here in Portland.”]

Some Portland residents, including City Council members, have accused Wheeler of not reining in local police, who have used tear gas multiple times before federal agents arrived early this month in response to nearly two months of nightly protests since George Floyd was killed. Others, including business leaders, have condemned Wheeler for not bringing the situation under control before the agents showed up.

Protesters in the crowd held signs aloft that read “Tear Gas Ted” in reference to the Portland Police Bureau's use of the substance before federal agents arrived. When the mayor left the protest, around 12:40 a.m., some protesters surrounded him and shouted angrily at him as he walked away. One person shouted, “You've got to be here every single night!”

While taking questions Wednesday night — and before he was tear gassed — Wheeler was criticized for the actions of his own police department, not defunding the local police, national movement that seeks to redirect funds from policing to community needs like housing and education, and not having Portland police protect people from federal agents. The mayor said he wants to use the energy of the protests to make changes.

Wheeler then addressed the much larger crowd from a raised balcony, saying “I am here tonight to stand with you.”

Earlier Wednesday, the City Council banned police from cooperating with federal agents or arresting reporters or legal observers.

Wheeler's tense nighttime appearance downtown came hours after attorneys for Oregon urged a judge to issue a restraining order against agents deployed to quell the protests.

The arguments from the state and the U.S. government came in a lawsuit filed by Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, who accuses federal agents of arresting protesters without probable cause, whisking them away in unmarked cars and using excessive force. Federal authorities have disputed those allegations.

The lawsuit is part of the growing pushback to Trump sending federal agents to Portland and announcing they would be going to Chicago and Albuquerque, New Mexico, to fight rising crime, a move that’s deepening the country’s political divide and potentially setting up a constitutional crisis months ahead of the presidential election. Democratic mayors of 15 cities condemned the use of federal officers in a letter to the U.S. attorney general.

The court hearing focused on the actions of more than 100 federal agents responding to protests outside the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse, which has been a target for the demonstrations.

The motion for a temporary restraining order asks U.S. District Judge Michael Mosman to command agents from the Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Patrol, Federal Protective Service and U.S. Marshals Service to immediately stop detaining protesters without probable cause, identify themselves and their agency before arresting anyone, and explain why an arrest is taking place.

The state acknowledged that federal agents have the right to defend the courthouse but argued that they had overstepped.

Rosenblum, the state attorney general, said she wanted the court to “declare it not acceptable for federal officers to use unconstitutional, police-state-type acts to detain citizens of Oregon without cause.”

David Morrell, an attorney for the U.S. government, called the motion “extraordinary” and said it was based solely on “a few threadbare declarations” from witnesses and a Twitter video.

“The Hatfield courthouse did not damage itself,” he said, calling the protests “dangerous and volatile.”

The lawsuit is one of several filed over authorities’ response to the Portland protests. On Thursday, a judge will hear arguments in a legal challenge that the American Civil Liberties Union filed on behalf of journalists and legal observers who say they were targeted and attacked by Portland police while documenting demonstrations.

A freelance photographer covering the protests for The Associated Press submitted an affidavit that he was beaten with batons, chemical irritants and hit with rubber bullets.

A U.S. judge previously ruled that journalists and legal observers are exempt from police orders requiring protesters to disperse once an unlawful assembly has been declared. Federal lawyers say that journalists should have to leave when ordered.

The ACLU filed another lawsuit Wednesday on behalf of volunteer medics who have been attending to injured protesters. It alleges that federal agents have used rubber bullets, tear gas, pepper spray, batons and stun grenades against medics in violation of federal protections for freedom of speech and freedom of movement.

Police say protesters have tried repeatedly to break into the federal courthouse and set fires around it and that the federal agents drive them back with tear gas and stun grenades.

Federal authorities have defended their response, saying officials in Oregon had been unwilling to work with them to stop the vandalism against the the U.S. courthouse and violence against federal officers.
It would have been a damn shame if he'd gotten shanked...just a shame. :flipoff2:
It would have been a damn shame if he'd gotten shanked...just a shame. :flipoff2:

he had at least 1 obvious body guard next to him. watching the live streams, it was the only dude who had his back to the courthouse :laughing: easy to spot.

Interesting that they mention the trash fire the protestors started and kept throwing flaming shit over the fence on to, but not the barrage of fireworks being lit off at the building walls, the strobe lights and lasers, the attacks on the fence, or the people crossing the fence and getting swooped up in a cloud of gas.

nor do they mention the no fewer than 8 loud recorded warnings from the feds, with no persons present, of "do not touch the fence or we will use force"

nope, they focus on ol ted saying "gas is totally indiscriminate" and "fuck ted wheeler is their freedom of expression" :laughing: I hope he shows up again! there were actually fewer chants going on. once he left, the stream I was watching got cut so not sure how much worse it was after about midnight
Normal, law-abiding citizens have the right to not live in an artificial war zone encouraged & enabled by their local "leaders". :mad3:
The Feds aren't there to "occupy the city" or "quell protests" - they're there to quell rioting, looting, and illegal shitbaggery.
Manipulated moonbat dipshits don't realize they're disposable tools for power-grabbers that give zero fucks about them. :homer:
It's 1 more reason the 'rona lockdowns are atrocities: productive folks have nothing better to do - FREE THE WORKERS!
Meh. Feds are not needed. Nor should they be used for these reasons.
Protect federal buildings, yes.
Anything other than that, no.
Meh. Feds are not needed. Nor should they be used for these reasons.
Protect federal buildings, yes.
Anything other than that, no.

They were at a Federal Building ? Did the mayor, sworn to uphold the law, have a permit to trash light fires and throw trash ??
Meh. Feds are not needed. Nor should they be used for these reasons.
Protect federal buildings, yes.
Anything other than that, no.

the feds are protecting the federal building, and generally poorly at that :homer: the only reason they showed up is because after 40 days, the local police were completely relieved of the job by the city

I agree that the feds shouldn't be there doing this. the city police should absolutely be the ones doing this.
Meh. Feds are not needed. Nor should they be used for these reasons.
Protect federal buildings, yes.
Anything other than that, no.

From the article " as he stood at a fence guarding a federal courthouse" so he was right were the Feds were using gas keep the rioters at a distance. Kinda asked for it. And then got shouted down by the mob and told to go home. LOL be careful who you get in bed with.
the feds are protecting the federal building, and generally poorly at that :homer: the only reason they showed up is because after 40 days, the local police were completely relieved of the job by the city

I agree that the feds shouldn't be there doing this. the city police should absolutely be the ones doing this.

Ab-so-fawkin'-loot-lee^ :beer: The city police should be allowed to do their jobs. Failure = elected moonbats.
I believe that law enforcement should not be using tear gas to disperse these people.

A much more effective method would be to spray them with butyric acid combined with hydrogen sulfide.

Chain reaction vomiting would drastically reduce the pep in their step.

They need to step up their dispersal game.
It ain't over yet.

They will escalate this to outright killing people soon. See the Mayor's libelous comments that the feds were "authorized to use lethal force" against the so called protesters, which was basically a rally cry for the rioters to arm themselves. They will escalate this as the leftist media continues to pander to them.
he had at least 1 obvious body guard next to him. watching the live streams, it was the only dude who had his back to the courthouse :laughing: easy to spot.

Interesting that they mention the trash fire the protestors started and kept throwing flaming shit over the fence on to, but not the barrage of fireworks being lit off at the building walls, the strobe lights and lasers, the attacks on the fence, or the people crossing the fence and getting swooped up in a cloud of gas.

nor do they mention the no fewer than 8 loud recorded warnings from the feds, with no persons present, of "do not touch the fence or we will use force"

nope, they focus on ol ted saying "gas is totally indiscriminate" and "fuck ted wheeler is their freedom of expression" :laughing: I hope he shows up again! there were actually fewer chants going on. once he left, the stream I was watching got cut so not sure how much worse it was after about midnight

So he goes to a protest with his bodyguard....after wanting the police to not protect citizens. How very liberal :laughing:
Meh. Feds are not needed. Nor should they be used for these reasons.
Protect federal buildings, yes.
Anything other than that, no.

Reading comprehension fails you. Ideally the local city police wouldnt be crippled and could do their job protecting the city, but mayor shit bag like the rest of these liberal piece of shit west coast mayors is neutering the police and condoning rioting. But alas here we are with the mayor himself cheering on looters who are attempting to destroy a federal building. Fuck em, they're reaping what the sowed. Any support for these riots should be treason.
So. Wait. The mayor was rioting in his own city? Is that like us burning our rigs/trucks to the ground because the guy that owns them sucks with a wrench?
ugh. my head hurts.

and they will continue to vote deep blue until there is nothing left.

Karl Marx has long been proven wrong because, while he saw failings with industrialization, he ignored the fact that innovation is not zero sum. he was only OK with innovation until it hits a point where he felt everybody could or might be prosperous 'enough' and was fine with freezing society at that point. "take back the means of production" is simply that.

these deep blue cities will freeze themselves until there is nothing left, Detroit is a great example of what happens when a city dies and the world goes on without it. concerning the 'let them do it and burn themselves out', we can again look at Detroit that took 50 years to get to the bottom before it is able to bring itself back up, and it has a long haul to go. the USSR took <100 years to fail, VZ is about 25 years into it's downward slope, China took about 40 years before it softened up and is now propped up by massive international exploitation. hell, china SHOULD, by all rights, be more significant than all of Europe.

the point is, they have a long ways to go and a long time to get there. it will be a couple more generations before Portland has a chance to recover from their 15 year massive decline
I believe that is a branch of chemical/biological warfare.

And you are promoting its use on US Citizens. Nice.

Would you prefer water cannons and dogs? Cause that is what they used to use. How would you suggest the Feds prevent wanton destruction of these building that were paid for with your tax dollars?

You seem to be intentionally dense which makes you a poor troll.
Would you prefer water cannons and dogs? Cause that is what they used to use. How would you suggest the Feds prevent wanton destruction of these building that were paid for with your tax dollars?

You seem to be intentionally dense which makes you a poor troll.

No, he's a libby polesmoker who thinks the breakdown of our society in preparation for Marxism is a good thing.
No, he's a libby polesmoker who thinks the breakdown of our society in preparation for Marxism is a good thing.

It's terrifying, and at the same time quite funny, how ignorant these people are to think that communism (Marxist or otherwise) is going to actually make their lives better. They would be lucky to survive the revolution, and certainly will not be left in a more prosperous situation if they do. :homer:
It's terrifying, and at the same time quite funny, how ignorant these people are to think that communism (Marxist or otherwise) is going to actually make their lives better. They would be lucky to survive the revolution, and certainly will not be left in a more prosperous situation if they do. :homer:

No shit :laughing: They should get ahead of the curve, move to Venezuela, and experience their dream scenario.
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