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Mass shooting at Orange office complex


Well-known member
May 20, 2020
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Not posted yet that I can see.....


Four people, including a child, were killed Wednesday evening and a fifth person was injured in a mass shooting at an Orange office complex.

It marks the third mass shooting in the United States in two weeks, coming after incidents at three Atlanta spas that killed eight people, including six Asian women, and at a Boulder, Colo., supermarket that killed 10.
Not posted yet that I can see.....


Four people, including a child, were killed Wednesday evening and a fifth person was injured in a mass shooting at an Orange office complex.

It marks the third mass shooting in the United States in two weeks, coming after incidents at three Atlanta spas that killed eight people, including six Asian women, and at a Boulder, Colo., supermarket that killed 10.

So, you they point out the race of the asians but don't include that the 10 were all white people. It would seem that open season may be on asians and whites. I suppose that doesn't fit the narrative at all.
Really weird that dems want to push anti 2A legislation and now all of a a sudden 3 highly publicized shootings. Does this mean COVID has ran out for its usefulleness?

I'm sure they will still get some more mileage out of the plandemic, but I do not remember hearing about a single mAsS ShOOtiNg in all of 2020.
Well, this explains why I heard lots of sirens yesterday.

“Mass” shooting :rolleyes:
When they don’t have Trump to hate or viruses to talk about shootings are the number one hit.
L.A. had 349 homicides in 2020. This is only being used for propaganda purposes. If they actually cared they would headline daily their murders and shootings.

Probably too many of those are minority on minority, so...
I'm sure they will still get some more mileage out of the plandemic, but I do not remember hearing about a single mAsS ShOOtiNg in all of 2020.

Imagine that. Republicans who support guns are silent on mass shootings while Democrats who want gun control find them weekly.

4 killed, including child, in mass shooting at Orange office complex

4 killed, including child, in mass shooting at Orange office complex

Four people, including a child, were killed Wednesday evening and a fifth person was injured in a mass shooting in Orange.

Four people, including a child, were killed Wednesday evening and a fifth person was injured in a mass shooting at an Orange office complex.

It marks the third mass shooting in the United States in two weeks, coming after incidents at three Atlanta spas that killed eight people, including six Asian women, and at a Boulder, Colo., supermarket that killed 10.

Residents watch as police respond to the scene of a mass shooting in Orange on Wednesday.
(Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times)
Few details were immediately available about the victims or a potential motive for the shooting.

Lt. Jennifer Amat, a spokeswoman for the Orange Police Department, said officers received a call about 5:30 p.m. of shots fired and responded to a business at 202 W. Lincoln Ave. in Orange. The beige, two-story office complex at the address contains a number of small businesses.

Authorities at the scene of the shooting in Orange.
(Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times)
The officers encountered gunfire when they arrived and opened fire, Amat said. The shooter was taken to a hospital with a gunshot wound and was listed in critical condition Wednesday night. It was unclear if the wound was self-inflicted or if he was struck by police gunfire, Amat said.

There is no current threat to the public, she added. A firearm was recovered at the scene.

The other wounded person, a woman, was listed in critical condition Wednesday night.

Amat said the city hasn’t “had a situation like this since the 1997 Caltrans shooting.” In that incident, a former state employee opened fire with an assault rifle at a state maintenance yard, killing four people before dying in a shootout with the police.

Orange, Amat said, “is usually quiet.”

The complex is home to about a dozen businesses, including an insurance office, a marriage therapist, a speech and language pathologist, a phone repair shop and several property management companies.

Amat declined to identify the specific business where the gunman first opened fire, but she said the incident began inside one of the complex’s suites before moving to a courtyard area. Investigators will spend the coming days trying to determine the exact sequence of events, she said.

Uvaldo Madrigal was in his office at Lincoln Body and Paint, his auto shop that sits next to the shooting site, when he heard popping sounds.

“They sounded very low, so I didn’t think they were gunshots,” he said.

Then Madrigal heard about 10 shots, followed by silence. He looked outside and saw about five police cars in the middle of Lincoln Avenue and officers with their guns drawn.

(Los Angeles Times)
He rushed to the back of his shop and told an employee to get inside. Several minutes later, the police told him and his employee that they needed to leave the area; as they did, Madrigal saw two people on stretchers being loaded into an ambulance.

“I don’t know what condition they were in,” he said. “Nothing like this has ever happened around here.”

Judging by the muffled sound of the shots, Madrigal thought the rounds were being fired indoors.

“Normally when you hear gunshots out in the open they’re louder,” he said. “The gunshots just sounded lower, they sounded different.”

Nathan Zachary, 18, and his father had been cooking fried chicken for dinner when, while scrolling through Instagram, he saw news of the shooting. The two went outside to see what was going on.

“I couldn’t believe it,” Zachary said, describing the neighborhood as “a safe, really safe area.”


Mass shooting stuns quiet Orange neighborhood: ‘I couldn’t believe it’

March 31, 2021

He and his father stood curbside in flannel pajamas, trying to track the movement of the many police officers milling about the scene.

“Hard to sleep,” Zachary said, “unless you know what’s going on.”

Camilo Akly, 28, couldn’t pick up his younger brother, who was hanging out with a buddy in a home facing the crime scene.

Police at the shooting scene in Orange.
(Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times)

So on Wednesday evening, after walking several blocks to reach his sibling, then seeing “one by one by one of the police cars pulling up, then hearing the helicopter, then watching firefighters rushing in,” he paused to try and make sense of the situation.

“You think that nothing could be going on during your evening, and all of a sudden, it changes really fast,” he said. “So much to be careful of these days.”

Other neighbors spilled onto the sidewalk, filming the commotion with their cellphones and posting their recordings on Facebook, speculating about the shooter’s motives and huddling near news cameras to hear the latest updates.

Police plan a press conference for 10 a.m.Thursday.

Police are deployed to the business complex in Orange where a mass shooting occurred.
(Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times)
Rep. Katie Porter (D-Irvine) wrote on Twitter: “I’m deeply saddened by reports of a mass shooting in Orange County, and I’m continuing to keep victims and their loved ones in my thoughts as we continue to learn more.”

Porter’s district includes parts of Orange.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic coincided with a decline in mass shootings, which dropped to the lowest levels in nearly a decade, a recent series of such attacks has left many Americans reeling and seeking answers from lawmakers.

Robert Aaron Long, 21, faces murder charges in attacks on three spas in the Atlanta area March 16. Six of the victims were women of Asian descent, spurring concerns that the gunman was motivated by anti-Asian hatred. The women’s deaths came amid spikes in anti-Asian hate crimes and other incidents of harassment, which have been rising in the last year.

In the Boulder shooting, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, 21, was taken into custody and faces 10 counts of murder. The victims included a 51-year-old police officer, who was one of the first to respond to the scene. The nine other victims ranged in age from 20 to 65.
Meanwhile six were shot and killed in Chicago this week alone.

Not even three months in. Didn't take much time for the headlines to change.
L.A. had 349 homicides in 2020. This is only being used for propaganda purposes. If they actually cared they would headline daily their murders and shootings.

Chicago is halfway there 3 months in. Sounds like those pussies in L.A. need to step up their game. :smokin:
Imagine that. Republicans who support guns are silent on mass shootings while Democrats who want gun control find them weekly.

Did the media change when Biden was inaugurated?
Really weird that dems want to push anti 2A legislation and now all of a a sudden 3 highly publicized shootings. Does this mean COVID has ran out for its usefulleness?

Point of clarification. Are you suggesting that the Democrats hired these shooters, or are you suggesting that there were shootings under the Republican POTUS, but they were not reported?

Did the media change when Biden was inaugurated?

nope. I guess Donald Trump stopped all public shootings with 4 or more deaths. The liberal, Trump hating media had plenty of things to put front page nationally without making every four person killing national news. Amazing how people think if you don't put it in the news it doesn't exist. I think drunk driving has gone away since I don't see it on CNN or Fox News every day. Also speeding, rape, and murder.

February 26 Milwaukee Brewing shooting. 6 people died at the Coors factory. Must have missed the thread about that one. I'll ignore all the family disputes like the Haynie Family shooting which is the deadliest mass shooting in Utah since 2007, or apartment complex shootings in Henderson NV.
Point of clarification. Are you suggesting that the Democrats hired these shooters, or are you suggesting that there were shootings under the Republican POTUS, but they were not reported?


Shootings happen fairly consistently. They seem to have ratcheted the breathless reporting of them since Biden took office. I'd bet the media is being told to amplify it to further the chances of the Anti Gun agenda gaining traction.

The media also seems to be ignoring that it is not Evil Whitey that is doing most of them and leaving race out of the reports that don't suit the agenda. Just like the Asian assault angle by mostly POC.
Point of clarification. Are you suggesting that the Democrats hired these shooters, or are you suggesting that there were shootings under the Republican POTUS, but they were not reported?


How about the FBI/Law Enforcement was aware of many of the shooter in the last 20 years yet failed to act and up to the possibility of a direct order Stopping action. Lets not forget the great government history of doing the correct thing. Most of the shooter have been heavily on the watch list and the Pulse nightclub shooter even tried to seek government help for his mental issues before being ignored.

I say all of these shooting have a chance of being less deadly had the public been legally allowed to carry to protect themselves. They government is not responsible for your protection...
Probably too many of those are minority on minority, so...

There were five (IIRC) of those between the times of the recent Atlanta and Boulder that would fall under "mass" shooting. That's how they got to "Seven mass shooting in seven days", they just left out that the others were ^^that^^ and/or most likely gang related.
The corrupt are in control, they've rigged the election process and have all the confidence that they can remain in office and do anything they want... except for those pesky gun owners that could water the tree of liberty and take back the country if pushed far enough.

Hence we will see mass shooting/false flag operations planned and coordinated by the corrupt within certain three letter organizations and we will see the Marxist Stream Media highlight and focus on every shooting (planned or organic) that they can spin into an anti-firearm narrative until "the people" scream for gun control and/or outright abolishment of the 2A (remember they don't have get a Constitutional Amendment to actually pass, they just need 5 of 9 to say it passed -- they proved this with the 16th Amendment).

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin
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