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May 21, 2020
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I know some of you guys have maids. How much does it cost, what is the experience like, how happy are you, do they steal often, any sexy tales, what are your ragrets?

if you have to ask...you won’t like their services. Most likely ‘it’s too expensive and they don’t do a good enough job’ but if you don’t clean to the same level they do and want a house that clean youll be happy.
I've hired them in the past. When I was renting my house out to 4 shift workers up North I'd bring in a maid once a month to clean the house. She did an amazing job and only charged something like $120 for easily 8hrs of labour plus the cost of supplies. The 5 of us split the bill and it was a condition of being a tenant in my place.

After I got married and moved down South my wife and I would hire one once a quarter or so to deep clean the place. We were both working full time and couldn't be bothered to do more than clean the kitchen, do the laundry, vacuum and generally tidy the house up. 4 times a year was plenty enough to keep the place looking good as we are both generally pretty clean and tidy. Its more the dusting and bathrooms that neither of us like cleaning. Cost in Edmonton was around $250 - $300.

Now that I'm working full time and my wife is at home with the baby she does about 80% of the cleaning and I take care of the rest on weeknights after the baby is off to bed. We haven't hired a maid out for well over a year and our house is still looking good.

Finding a good one is tough. I lucked into a good one the first time in Fort Mac, but we went through at least a half a dozen before we found a good one in Edmonton. There is a big difference in the level of detail and effort that some go to vs others. Some I couldn't even tell they were in, but I was willing to pay well for one who made the house sparkle like new when we came home but it was grounds for immediate termination if they charged me out the nose and did a poor job. I've never have had any issues with theft, but we always made sure to keep our valuables out of sight.
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I own a cleaning business. We do government contracts. We lost a large contract and had to downsize. We hired one of our janitors to clean our house, she does great work for $100 every two weeks. Very pleasant Jehovah's Witness lady. I would have to be on some serious blackout stuff to even think about sexy stories with her. In fact, if i have nightmares tonight, and become impotent, it is on you. She also has never stolen anything. If she finds money, she leaves it in a pile on the kitchen counter, I think we have received as little as 2 cents, and as much as $50.
I've hired them in the past. When I was renting my house out to 4 shift workers up North I'd bring in a maid once a month to clean the house. She did an amazing job and only charged something like $120 for easily 8hrs of labour plus the cost of supplies. The 5 of us split the bill and it was a condition of being a tenant in my place.

After I got married and moved down South my wife and I would hire one once a quarter or so to deep clean the place. We were both working full time and couldn't be bothered to do more than clean the kitchen, do the laundry, vacuum and generally tidy the house up. 4 times a year was plenty enough to keep the place looking good as we are both generally pretty clean and tidy. Its more the dusting and bathrooms that neither of us like cleaning. Cost in Edmonton was around $250 - $300.

Now that I'm working full time and my wife is at home with the baby she does about 80% of the cleaning and I take care of the rest on weeknights after the baby is off to bed. We haven't hired a maid out for well over a year and our house is still looking good.

Finding a good one is tough. I lucked into a good one the first time in Fort Mac, but we went through at least a half a dozen before we found a good one in Edmonton. Never have had any issues with theft, but we always made sure to keep our valuables out of sight.

I wondered if people in the fields would hire them, seems like if you paid $1200/mo for a double-wide and $1000/mo for a brodozer, maid service would be a no brainer.

What about having someone strange come into your house? Sounds like you're well used to it. What about having a maid now go through the baby's stuff?
Only hire them if they are bonded and insured. Bringing someone in off Kijiji or FB marketplace is asking for trouble. As for references and check up on them. As stupid as it sounds, we also ran a credit check on all of them and wouldn't hire them if they had financial issues. I've never had anything that I would be embarrassed for a stranger to see in my house. I always told them that my wardrobe drawers were off limits because of my 12 year old torn threads that I called underwear at the time while making $300k a year :flipoff2:My wife didn't like them doing laundry or handling her clothing either. We've always done our own laundry. The Fort Mac maid would occasionally find my clothes in the drier after I forgot they were in there for the better part of the week and she would fold them up and leave them on my bed. My tenants didn't use my laundry machines so she always knew it was mine.
We had a 4-maid crew do a deep clean on the house + cottage we just bought.

It cost 650 bucks (500 from sellers, 150 from us). Totally worth it.

I wouldn't have maids in my house now that we've moved in.

Meh - there's your fucking anecdote - happy?
We have had the same person for almost 20 years. She comes twice a month, we pay 120.00 per visit. We've also, over the years, given her family a car, helped with school expenses, lots of furntiure. Her husband is a ranch foreman and an excellent horseman. I have hired him a few times to help me and his ranch hired me to make some stuff for them a couple of times. We've all seen each other's kids grow up etc. Never had anything stolen, no sexual stuff.

When I lived in Colorado, we had a nice lady who came once a week, back then it was probably 40.00 a visit? She was good but our current person is amazing. She treats our house like it was her own. When we moved from the ranch into town, she was very concerned about it, but has come to love our current house. Sometimes she brings her sister, we pay her too. On those visits they do big cleaining (all the windows and deep cleaning) totally worth it.

My wife's aunt has a company (her house is like 7500 sq ft and her gardener bill is 1800.00 a month) and she is always a little frustrated with them. I prefer the personal relationship.
I have one that comes every other tuesday for 4 hours for $120. She does a good job but our house is a wreck by the time she gets there. I'm considering asking her to drop her rate to $25/hr if I have her come weekly.
We used one for a while, but honestly just wasn't worth it. Too expensive, and the kids destroy the house within a hour of getting home anyway. Plus my wife insisted on us cleaning before the maid got there, so it wasn't 'too' dirty.
Only one I ever had anydealings with was an older overweight hispanic woman my boss's husband hired while she was recovering from a bad car accident
the decline on the in house maid/service industry has had a significant negative impact on this country :flipoff2:

I used to know a gal that was a maid, extremely honest person, not a thieving bone in her body, damn stick of a twig of a person and damned near dirt floor poor. of course, we were also not exactly the affording to pay others to clean type :laughing:

but honestly, if you can swing it, yeah absolutely hire somebody. i'd be cautious of anybody under about 45 or with teenage kids and there is no reason not to be paranoid at first about them.
:lmao: thats what i was thinking. hes watching family guy and wants to bang the cleaning lady like quagmire, unless hes into consuela.


I'm just thinking how weird it would be to have someone clean the streaks out of my bowl. I'm too neurotic for a maid and if I was a billionaire I would lock myself in my hotel room like HH.
Do you have to supply the lemon pledge, or do they have their own?

I laugh every time our Mexican maid asks for more lemon pledge. :laughing: We pay ours $130 for each visit and have her come every other week. She’s here roughly 6 hours. Sometimes she brings her kids and they knock it out quicker. Haven’t noticed anything missing yet. I think she was a recommendation from a co-worker of my wife.
I am going to be needing one soon after the Rona thingy... I am taking care of my parents (88+ years) and do basic house keeping for now. MOTHER fired the last housekeeper a year ago, claimed she didn't know how to mop a floor. I really don't give a shit on how one mops a floor; just get er done. I need a house keeper to change bedding, clean, dust and mop floors. I do all this shit now, because it isn't worth arguing with MOTHER! I know that day is soon coming to be where I need someone to change my parents diapers. (5-day diapers for the win).

In a way the Biden win might be my blessing in disguise; plenty of messicans on tap.....:stirthepot:
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My "maid" is my GF and I get to fuck her afterwards.

Same. But she gets kind of annoyed if I grab her ass while she's working. :laughing:

She keeps saying she's gonna hire a maid once she finishes her degree and gets a real job. I greatly look forward to my machine shop being cleaned by someone else because right now nobody does it. :laughing:
$100 for 4-5 hours every 2 weeks. She is the cheapest person on the payroll, and I get the most direct satisfaction. Money well spent.
We used one for a while, but honestly just wasn't worth it. Too expensive, and the kids destroy the house within a hour of getting home anyway. Plus my wife insisted on us cleaning before the maid got there, so it wasn't 'too' dirty.

Same thing here. My wife would get pissed that I wouldnt help clean up so it "wasnt so bad for the housekeeper" fuck that.
Same. But she gets kind of annoyed if I grab her ass while she's working. :laughing:

She keeps saying she's gonna hire a maid once she finishes her degree and gets a real job. I greatly look forward to my machine shop being cleaned by someone else because right now nobody does it. :laughing:

I hired a old timer to come in and straighten out the shop. The shop has never been so clean and organized. You can actually use the benches tools are put in their place, floor swept bathroom cleaned and garbages taken out. He was looking for something to do and some people to talk to.
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