Looking for a Pan Sausage Seasoning Recipe

Are you looking for a recipe to make bulk ground breakfast sausage?

I've got two recipes that I use. I have used both with game meat as well as pork loin I got on sale and ran through my grinder. Both do call for sage, but I think you could easily reduce or remove it and still have excellent sausage. I'll dig up and post my recipes if that is what you are after.
Are you looking for a recipe to make bulk ground breakfast sausage?

I've got two recipes that I use. I have used both with game meat as well as pork loin I got on sale and ran through my grinder. Both do call for sage, but I think you could easily reduce or remove it and still have excellent sausage. I'll dig up and post my recipes if that is what you are after.

Yes. Going to grind a pig I shot.
Like I said above, I've used both of these with game meat and lean pork loin. I aim for about 20% fat, so adjust as needed...

Both recipes start with the following:
8 pounds 1" cubed meat: deer, elk, antelope, pig, etc.- cold- damn near frozen
1.5 pounds bacon- cubed and frozen
1 pound pork fat- cubed and frozen

Mix the seasonings with the meat and put in the fridge for an hour, mix again and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes along with all of your grinding "parts"- you want everything as cold as possible for best results.

I double grind my sausage- first pass through a "wagon wheel" or very coarse plate, back into the freezer then through a 3/8" plate.

Recipe #1:
2.5 TBS coarse ground salt
1 TBS coarse ground pepper
2.5 TSP dried sage
2.5 TSP dried thyme
.5 TSP dried rosemary
4 TBS brown sugar*
2 TSP nutmeg
2 TSP cayenne- adjust as desired
2 TSP red pepper flakes- adjust as desired
2 TSP onion powder
2 TSP garlic powder

Recipe #2:
4 TBS coarse ground salt
8 TSP dried sage
4 TSP dried thyme
8 garlic cloves
1 TBS coarse ground pepper
1-3 TSP red pepper flakes- adjust as desired
4 TSP brown sugar*
.5 TSP ground cloves

* maple syrup can be substituted for brown sugar, but don't add it before grinding or you will have a mess! I forget the exact ratio but I think you reduce the quantity by about 25% (1 TBS brown sugar = 3/4 TBS maple syrup). Add it after the final grind and mix very well, use gloves!
Awesome, thanks. I’ve been grinding my own deer for a few years. First time trying actual pan sausage.
Awesome, thanks. I’ve been grinding my own deer for a few years. First time trying actual pan sausage.

I hope you enjoy, everyone I've given it to has asked for more!

This year I ended up grinding about 100 pounds of antelope, mulie and whitetail. I did a batch each of the above breakfast sausages. I also did 3 batches of "mexican" sausage, 2 batches of "italian" sausage and the rest just plain ground. The mexican and italian are fawkin awesome too!

I don't make links or anything, just bulk sausage.

Copy and pasting the directions from above because they are basically the same:

Both recipes start with the following:
8 pounds 1" cubed meat: deer, elk, antelope, etc.- cold- damn near frozen
2 pounds pork or beef fat- cubed and frozen

Mix the seasonings with the meat/fat and put in the fridge for an hour, mix again and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes along with all of your grinding "parts"- you want everything as cold as possible for best results.

I double grind my sausage- first pass through a "wagon wheel" or very coarse plate, back into the freezer then through a 3/8" plate.

"Mexican" seasoning:
10 TBS chili powder
3 TBS onion powder
3 TBS garlic powder
5 TBS paprika
4 TBS dried oregano
2 TBS cumin
2 TBS coarse salt
1 TBS coarse black pepper
1 TBS cayenne - adjust as desired

"Italian" seasoning:
4 TBS fennel seed (smashed up)
3 TBS coarse salt
3 TBS fresh minced garlic
1/4 cup dried parsley
2 TBS coarse black pepper
4-6 TBS red pepper flakes - adjust as desired
3 TBS "Italian" seasoning
1/2 cup red wine
Cool, thanks. Growing up my grandparents and parents would make pork link sausage once a year out of a hog they butchered. Typically, it was in Jan. or Feb., as those are the coldest months. I would like to do it again, but currently don’t have a smoke house.
Cool, thanks. Growing up my grandparents and parents would make pork link sausage once a year out of a hog they butchered. Typically, it was in Jan. or Feb., as those are the coldest months. I would like to do it again, but currently don’t have a smoke house.

yep. Gotta do it when cold outside so you don’t spoil the meat. I have a smoker here at home to do it in. We dropped our smokehouse at the farm a few years ago, before it would fall over on its own. It was well over 100 years old. :eek:
yep. Gotta do it when cold outside so you don’t spoil the meat. I have a smoker here at home to do it in. We dropped our smokehouse at the farm a few years ago, before it would fall over on its own. It was well over 100 years old. :eek:

Wow, that’s a well aged smoke house. Shame you couldn’t save it. My grandpas is still standing. It was always a storage room when not a smoke house. Think the last time we used it was 2010-11ish.
Wow, that’s a well aged smoke house. Shame you couldn’t save it. My grandpas is still standing. It was always a storage room when not a smoke house. Think the last time we used it was 2010-11ish.

I really wish we could have saved the wood, but I really didn’t have the energy for all that or even anything I wanted to build with it. Kind of sucks, but what is done, is done. We still have a few more barns that need to drop and I hope to reclaim the wood for other things.
We (Rttoys and I) tried this recipe for pan sausage recently. It turned out really good and though it has sage, it's not much, and I doubled the other spices. I have no idea what mace is, and I didn't buy any just for this and the taste is just fine. This is for 8 pounds of meat:
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