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LOL... and here it comes~ Anyone watching McConnell right now?

Then said witnesses need to testify under oath in a court of law or before the Congress.. And likely they will be cross examined. If true and can be proved that this is wide spread....Then what, a new election? Old Joe gets thrown to the curb? Very interesting...

Or will be be another nothing burger impeachment style hearing?

If they have something solid then good, not looking forward to the other guys taking office one bit.
Imagine if this all flipped back to Trump after the media already declared Biden and all the welfare cases dancing in the streets.

NOT holding my breath for that, I believe in my gut it is over for Trump, but that would be absolutely epic and a true once in a lifetime event.

well duh he can only serve 2 terms:flipoff2: But yes it would be.
It was very odd on election night, Trump started gaining ground and they decided to stop the count. In the middle of the night a bunch of Biden votes just magically appeared.

Nothing fishy about that, am I right ?
It was very odd on election night, Trump started gaining ground and they decided to stop the count. In the middle of the night a bunch of Biden votes just magically appeared.

I said the same thing. They counter with "well they started counting the mail-ins that are mostly democrat". The razor-thin margins, in so many states, and in the states that "stopped counting" is what seems suspect, if anything is. Not saying it's proof of anything, I'm sure there were close states in 2016 but 2020 should have been a repudiation of the MSM and big tech censoring everyone, and the anti-police hood rat race-war rioting. It's either fraud or we really have that many stupid sheeple.
When is our resident "data analysis" expert going to chime in on this?

@TheFlyingfuckstic...... er, I mean TheFlyingDildocupine

Why his name no show up when I do the @ thing? That shithead delete his account again today?

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When is our resident "data analysis" expert going to chime in on this?

@Flyingfuckstic...... er, I mean @Flyingdildocupine

Why his name no show up when I do the @ thing? That shithead delete his account again today?


I don't really care if he deletes his/it's account , I'd just rather he delete himself.
Imagine if this all flipped back to Trump after the media already declared Biden and all the welfare cases dancing in the streets.

NOT holding my breath for that, I believe in my gut it is over for Trump, but that would be absolutely epic and a true once in a lifetime event.

In 2016 I had Trump as a loss, sometime around 10pm that night things changed. That's what everyone is cautious about right now, even the Dems :laughing:
Strategic blunder IMO, especially with control of the Senate and a recently stacked Supreme Court. Jettison Trump like the dead horse that he is, let the progressive wing further erode public support for the Democratic party, and prepare to field a real candidate in 2024.
Strategic blunder IMO, especially with control of the Senate and a recently stacked Supreme Court. Jettison Trump like the dead horse that he is, let the progressive wing further erode public support for the Democratic party, and prepare to field a real candidate in 2024.

You are working under the assumption that the election isn't rigged. I have zero confidence in our elections right now. None.
You are working under the assumption that the election isn't rigged. I have zero confidence in our elections right now. None.

Pretty much this.... I suspect that my paper going through the machine isn't even counted. I partially suspect It is just a physical act that I do as a comfort to those who believe the system is legit... worth just as much as the sticker.
If the only thing Trump manages to do with these lawsuits is expose just some of the corruption, then it is worth it. The issue being is if there is a little that you can prove, there probably is a lot that they will get away with. I hope he burns the whole system to the ground personally. Only then can it be rebuilt correctly.
I agree... why are people against someone spending THEIR OWN MONEY to potentially expose fraud in a "sacred" event such as a presidential election.

The Justice Department's top election crimes prosecutor resigned Monday in protest after Attorney General William Barr told federal prosecutors that they should examine allegations of voting irregularities before states move to certify results in the coming weeks.

This is also kind of suspicious... :confused:
If the only thing Trump manages to do with these lawsuits is expose just some of the corruption, then it is worth it. The issue being is if there is a little that you can prove, there probably is a lot that they will get away with. I hope he burns the whole system to the ground personally. Only then can it be rebuilt correctly.

If he exposes enough of the corruption to sway the legislatures of the swing states, they could pick enough electors to win regardless of the popular vote.

It's their job alone and it happens in December. (Pennsylvania and Michigan legislatures are controlled by the Republicans.)
there is no way Biden won these 2 counties Fayette-nam and Green

I said the same thing. They counter with "well they started counting the mail-ins that are mostly democrat". The razor-thin margins, in so many states, and in the states that "stopped counting" is what seems suspect, if anything is. Not saying it's proof of anything, I'm sure there were close states in 2016 but 2020 should have been a repudiation of the MSM and big tech censoring everyone, and the anti-police hood rat race-war rioting. It's either fraud or we really have that many stupid sheeple.

It's both. Tucker pointed out that inaccurate polling IS voter suppression for the exact reason we all bitched about the censoring and suppression. People get demoralized about their 1 vote in Millions, and stay home. Trump's turnout was great but not as big as I'd suspected. A lot of people that would support Trump are Gary-type fags who think they are aloof from Politics (because they don't understand it), and so they don't vote if they are faced with an EZ-Out like "buh-Biden's got all the polls!"
Pretty much this.... I suspect that my paper going through the machine isn't even counted. I partially suspect It is just a physical act that I do as a comfort to those who believe the system is legit... worth just as much as the sticker.

I had to fill out a provisional ballot, and got a receipt to check on it. Still hasn't been counted. It's not even "found" in the system.
Every time i think about trump pushing on this, i start to think basically “there he goes again” and start to wish he’d give it up. then i realize that every single time he’s gone off on a tangent like this it has ultimately ended up that he’s been proven absolutely right..

If there's suspicion of voter fraud I want it exposed.

My hope is two fold. 1. I hope he's not Hillary Clinton'd and 2. I hope everyone living in the cities after this is all over turn out okay when the leftists go absolute insane (assuming these results are overturned).

The media broadcasting a winner prematurely has literally set the stage for pure chaos and destruction.
If there's suspicion of voter fraud I want it exposed.

My hope is two fold. 1. I hope he's not Hillary Clinton'd and 2. I hope everyone living in the cities after this is all over turn out okay when the leftists go absolute insane (assuming these results are overturned).

The media broadcasting a winner prematurely has literally set the stage for pure chaos and destruction.
I’m pretty much thinking the same thing. at this point i really can live with trump losing through all this, as long as a bunch of lower level democrats end up in the defendants chair. This shit has been going on for decades, it’s been steadily getting worse and more brazen, and it has got to stop. we can’t survive as a viable country when half the political spectrum regards our body of election law to simply be inconvenient guidelines.
If there's suspicion of voter fraud I want it exposed.

My hope is two fold. 1. I hope he's not Hillary Clinton'd and 2. I hope everyone living in the cities after this is all over turn out okay when the leftists go absolute insane (assuming these results are overturned).

The media broadcasting a winner prematurely has literally set the stage for pure chaos and destruction.

why do think they broadcast the "winner " so prematurely? Everything is planned, and we are watching it on a stage to set us up for something BIG coming from their side.
I told my wife the day they announced Biden as president elect they were fucking up...
why do think they broadcast the "winner " so prematurely? Everything is planned, and we are watching it on a stage to set us up for something BIG coming from their side.
I told my wife the day they announced Biden as president elect they were fucking up...

I saw a video of Bernie Sanders a month or so before the election, and he literally laid out exactly what is going on. Everyone in the comments praised him for being a genius...I was there thinking, "Sure sounds like he knew the plan, spilled the beans, and now people think it's all an accident." :homer:​​​​​​​
I saw a video of Bernie Sanders a month or so before the election, and he literally laid out exactly what is going on. Everyone in the comments praised him for being a genius...I was there thinking, "Sure sounds like he knew the plan, spilled the beans, and now people think it's all an accident." :homer:​​​​​​​

ha, precisely what Hollywood has been doing for decades... hiding in plain site, make the truth seem so inconceivable that there's no way it could happen. It's all in there, we just have to put the story together.
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