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LOL... and here it comes~ Anyone watching McConnell right now?

Deleted Member

The video will be available shortly I'm sure...

Brace yourselves Dems. :homer:

CLIFFS: Republicans finally take stance and back Trump in his lack of concession to Biden. State their position on ballot recount, and say Trump is due his day in front of the Courts.

Shorter version: Spineless repubs grow spine.

Full video for you fawks:

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Yah he should have worked smarter by waiting and posting the OP with a link instead of doing it now and editing it later. Total ineficient way to do things.

Dam it... I should have learned better from Jimmy Numbers.
The Senate Republicans finally took a stance on the dumbfawkery as of late and have sided with Trump in not conceding until the ballots have been validated and Trump has his day/s in court.

I will post the video when it surfaces. I watched it live on HULU.
The Senate Republicans finally took a stance on the dumbfawkery as of late and have sided with Trump in not conceding until the ballots have been validated and Trump has his day/s in court.

I will post the video when it surfaces. I watched it live on HULU.

well that doesn't sound like launching a criminal investigation into voter fraud
It isn't... but it does sound like they aren't going to abandon him at the orphanage either. :flipoff2:

posturing... they don't want Trump in office, but they also don't want to get their asses handed to them at mid-terms....
Video added to first page for you knuckleheads. :flipoff2:
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Typical Trump conspiracies won't work, it has to be hard evidence that will stand up in court. They may uncover something, they may not, either way it'll be a thee ring circus...
Typical Trump conspiracies won't work, it has to be hard evidence that will stand up in court. They may uncover something, they may not, either way it'll be a thee ring circus...

They already have sworn eye witness statements from ballot workers. Take that for what it's worth.
Im not sure what his play is here, just postponing his concession speech?
The suits he has filed so far have all been dismissed because there is nothing there, no evidence in the fillings, Judges are just throwing them out cause theyre trash. If there has been fraud he sure hasnt shown any proof other than hear say.
needs to be played at almost 1.5x speed to be conversation speed!? pick it up old man

good. i'm glad they are doing what should be done
They already have sworn eye witness statements from ballot workers. Take that for what it's worth.

Then said witnesses need to testify under oath in a court of law or before the Congress.. And likely they will be cross examined. If true and can be proved that this is wide spread....Then what, a new election? Old Joe gets thrown to the curb? Very interesting...
Imagine if this all flipped back to Trump after the media already declared Biden and all the welfare cases dancing in the streets.

NOT holding my breath for that, I believe in my gut it is over for Trump, but that would be absolutely epic and a true once in a lifetime event.
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