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Limits of the 2A? The revenge of Okey Payne.


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Police: Man, 95, killed assisted living worker over money

T. Grant Benson
February 4, 2021

Lafayette, Colorado — A 95-year-old man is accused of fatally shooting an employee in the head at his assisted living center in Lafayette Wednesday morning.

The crime occurred in the lobby of ‘Legacy Assisted Living’ around 7 a.m. local time.

Police responded to the scene at 225 Waneka Pkwy and located the elderly suspect, Okey Payne, in his room. The victim, Ricardo Medina-Rojas, who was in his 40s, was taken to a hospital and placed on life support. He has since died.

Payne, is facing a charge of first-degree murder.

A police report reveals Payne confessed to killing Medina-Rojas–telling police he believed the victim was stealing his money. Payne told investigators he was missing 2 one hundred dollar bills.

Legacy Assisted Living released the following statement to CBS4: “We are devastated by the incident that took place at our community this morning. In consideration of privacy laws and the integrity of the investigation process, we cannot share specifics about those involved. Our thoughts and prayers are with our employee and their family, as well as our residents and staff who are understandably shaken by what took place. Our chief concerns at this time are providing comfort and care to all that have been impacted. As it is an active investigation, we will not be commenting further on this matter.”

Police are still trying to piece together how Payne obtained the weapon.

A friend of the murder suspect spoke to CBS Denver, and revealed details that were possible red flags.

Parkinson's Hallucinations & Delusions. Any Parkinson's condition causes that, many aren't actually Parkinson's Disease they're just displaying those symptoms of brain damage. Any form of Dementia can cause psychotic hallucinations & delusions.

There is a drug called Nuprazin or something advertised for it on TV. A lot because I don't watch a lot of TV. The ads are creepy and disturbing.

So the old man had some hallucinations about money and delusions of persecution (thief targeting him), gets a gun and kills him.

When should the old man have been barred from having a gun?

More significantly, pay attention to this, do we need a checklist for everyone, everywhere, about guns? That's effectively A List about guns but in a photonegative. Don't color inside the lines of the person, color everything outside the lines and leave the person blank. It's possible now with big data.
I guess the term "life in prison" doesn't mean much if you're 95. :laughing:

That's what I'm saying. What do you do with a guy like this?

Ninety-five years old. In a State-funded disposal facility attended to by surly minority orderlies who have less oversight than Corrections Officer.

For this guy a life prison sentence is a big improvement in his quality of life!
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

Seems crystal clear to me that the second amendment does not permit any restrictions.

Tell that to the departed Justice Scalia. He said there are restrictions as no right is absolute.
That's what I'm saying. What do you do with a guy like this?

Ninety-five years old. In a State-funded disposal facility attended to by surly minority orderlies who have less oversight than Corrections Officer.

For this guy a life prison sentence is a big improvement in his quality of life!

Has it been determined that the guy actually had dementia? Or is that your supposition? I mean at 90+ there is usually some cognitive decline.

What if the second $100 bill was bait after the first one was stolen? :stirthepot:
And the moral of the story...

Don't steal from grouchy old bastards.

I got more of a "don't associate with people that are gonna assume you stole the money they lost in the washing machine" vibe from it.
Maybe something like "don't hang with the sorta guy that will kill over $200" but that one's a little more situational I guess.
Just because that's what he said doesn't mean he or anyone else is correct. I believe those that formed the constitution would also disagree with him....however that's just my opinion also.

No, that makes it something you don't like, but it does have the force of law.
Well, I see you still don't give a shit about the constitution. Please go crawl back under your rock.

Saying the supreme court or supreme court judge is wrong goes against the constitution? Please explain.

Again there are many laws that are wrong and goes against the constitution. Pointing them out if anything is exactly the definition of supporting the constitution.
Saying the supreme court or supreme court judge is wrong goes against the constitution? Please explain.

Again there are many laws that are wrong and goes against the constitution. Pointing them out if anything is exactly the definition of supporting the constitution.

Not what I said. I was responding to everboob's idiocy that we can't discuss the subject.
Again, personal opinion, which doesn't mean anything when it comes to how the country is run.
I thought this was a conversation about how things should be, not how things are. Do you understand the difference?
I thought this was a conversation about how things should be, not how things are. Do you understand the difference?

I understand the difference, but from what I've seen too many here think their personal opinion matters more than a SCOTUS decision and some think that just because they dislike a SCOTUS decision it's incorrect.
I understand the difference, but from what I've seen too many here think their personal opinion matters more than a SCOTUS decision and some think that just because they dislike a SCOTUS decision it's incorrect.

We get it. You think SCOTUS is more important than the Constitution. You'd be wrong.

Constitution: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

Scalia: there are restrictions as no right is absolute.

You're on track with the people who believe the Constitution is a living document and can be changed over time based on who's on the bench. :eek:
I understand the difference, but from what I've seen too many here think their personal opinion matters more than a SCOTUS decision and some think that just because they dislike a SCOTUS decision it's incorrect.

You're god damn right that my personal opinion matters more than what some dip shit tyrannical authority on a throne thinks. I'm a free person, I'm beholden to no authority. As long as I don't hurt anyone, or steal their stuff leave me the fuck alone to live my life as I see fit.
That old man was 100% fine to have a gun, until he murdered that guy who may or may not have stolen 2 bills. If he did, then fuck him, he got what he deserved.
Not what I said. I was responding to everboob's idiocy that we can't discuss the subject.

So you take responsible for being a contrarian but not for taking any real stand or even stating you opinion. Got it.

Not sure what you called people like that back in the 1700’s but today we call them cowards...
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