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Lil Uzi Pink 24M Diamond implanted in Forehead

How long before someone rips that off his head and bolts with the loot? Might have some trouble selling it off but 24 million would tempt a bunch of people.
How long before someone rips that off his head and bolts with the loot? Might have some trouble selling it off but 24 million would tempt a bunch of people.

Someone will be sorely tempted to punch him right in the mouth and snatch that pink gemstone like it was hot. $24M, held in by a dermal. I've popped zits that were tougher than that. :flipoff2:
I'd bet it's fake as his musical talent. Nothing would make me smile more then hearing about it being pried from his dumb. dead. head.

Annnnddd Red Dwarf is awesome!
Literally never heard of him, but congrats on him on fooling that many idiots to rake in that kind of cash
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