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like the fall of the roman empire


land of corruption and control of the people
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Living in hell
Was thinking last night, when did p4x4 start failing.......
i think it was when ponygirl started dating clifford.......
clifford started to change......camo started to fade away...
the giveaways stopped......
the merchandise sales started to crap out.....
and once they got married .... the sale to the sapsuckers happen.....
clifford became a family man, and used people for his new career as leisure suite larry, real estate salesman.

i could be wrong, but this is how i see it.
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I don't think it was failing until it sold and facebook became more prevalent.

All the other shit was just ... shit.
I blame fb. all the decent tech stopped when social media became the easiest way to share your build wasn't the forum.
I blame fb. all the decent tech stopped when social media became the easiest way to share your build wasn't the forum.

Dont think you can nail it down to one instance. Anyone who thinks they build something on facebook/Instagram are just attention whores looking for likes. People dont want to be critiqued, they want to feel empowered. Just overall pussification of society.

Jeremy Felts is a perfect example.
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Was thinking last night, when did p4x4 start failing.......
i think it was when ponygirl started dating clifford........

That was very early stages. She started swinging d!ck like she owned the place......and it was allowed.
Nah....Lance is a smart guy. He saw the writing on the wall when the social media sites like Facebook started popping up. He has said that multiple times in interviews and podcasts.

He would have been dumb for not selling Pirate when he did.
Nah....Lance is a smart guy. He saw the writing on the wall when the social media sites like Facebook started popping up. He has said that multiple times in interviews and podcasts.

He would have been dumb for not selling Pirate when he did.

I concur; but that's beside the point.
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