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Liberal media eating their own

welp, shoulda had the debate and everybody could be on one screen :homer:

whatever happened to "live like you have the virus" if, when you've had the virus, suddenly everything has to stop?
It will be interesting to see which gets the better ratings.

yeah, thats what they are really pissed about. Regardless of what is said in either, Trump will get a huge talking point by saying his viewership was millions better than Bidens.

And NBC likely KNOWS this. They know Trump will be a ratings monster. So they are going to go head to head and see how it goes.
It will be interesting to see which gets the better ratings.

I think that's what ABC is upset over while NBC decides ratings is more important than feelings. :laughing:
yeah, thats what they are really pissed about. Regardless of what is said in either, Trump will get a huge talking point by saying his viewership was millions better than Bidens.

And NBC likely KNOWS this. They know Trump will be a ratings monster. So they are going to go head to head and see how it goes.

Am I going to listen/watch it? Nope....but Trump will be on one of the TVs in the house and not Biden. 😁
yeah, thats what they are really pissed about. Regardless of what is said in either, Trump will get a huge talking point by saying his viewership was millions better than Bidens.

And NBC likely KNOWS this. They know Trump will be a ratings monster. So they are going to go head to head and see how it goes.

They should just decide the presidency based off of tonight's ratings :stirthepot:
What liberals do best is eat their own. It's the logical conclusion of cancel culture. When you draw a line in the sand and say you're 100% with me or else you're 100% against me, ultimately you'll find that lo and behold everyone is against you (in your own mind anyway).
Not to de-rail the topic, but I keep seeing/ hearing that polls are putting Biden ahead. I googled, what polls are they talking about and mostly references NYTimes and CNN. Aren't both of them mostly liberal/left media anymore. There for most people that partake in their poll are democratic leaning anyways. Wouldn't that make it a null poll? I made a FB post asking if anyone partook in these said polls and out of 400+ friends not one said they did, most said they had no clue where the "official" polls were taking place.
Not to de-rail the topic, but I keep seeing/ hearing that polls are putting Biden ahead. I googled, what polls are they talking about and mostly references NYTimes and CNN. Aren't both of them mostly liberal/left media anymore. There for most people that partake in their poll are democratic leaning anyways. Wouldn't that make it a null poll? I made a FB post asking if anyone partook in these said polls and out of 400+ friends not one said they did, most said they had no clue where the "official" polls were taking place.

If 2016 taught us anything, its that modern polling is absolutely useless and serves no purpose to anyone.
Not to de-rail the topic, but I keep seeing/ hearing that polls are putting Biden ahead. I googled, what polls are they talking about and mostly references NYTimes and CNN. Aren't both of them mostly liberal/left media anymore. There for most people that partake in their poll are democratic leaning anyways. Wouldn't that make it a null poll? I made a FB post asking if anyone partook in these said polls and out of 400+ friends not one said they did, most said they had no clue where the "official" polls were taking place.

Look up Follow the Data with Dr. Frank on Facebook. He does a pretty good job of summarizing polling data and their biases.

Edit: you have to remember pollsters target certain demographics. Like people with landlines who are prone to answering them at a certain time of day.
Look up Follow the Data with Dr. Frank on Facebook. He does a pretty good job of summarizing polling data and their biases.

Edit: you have to remember pollsters target certain demographics. Like people with landlines who are prone to answering them at a certain time of day.

They are polling the same demographic that they did in 2015.

I was listening to talk radio today and it sounds like there are warnings coming in strong from their own side. They’re saying the obvious. “When you tell people he’s that far ahead, they get comfortable and don’t think that they need to vote and at the same time, driving more people to make it a point to vote for Trump”.

It’s absolutely embarrassing that someone has to tell “the left” that this would be the result:rolleyes:
If 2016 taught us anything, its that modern polling is absolutely useless and serves no purpose to anyone.

100% this.

They only call during the day or dinner time. No one that works for a living is answering that shit.
Literally half the country that is eligible to vote, doesn't. Figure a 50/50 split for D/R just for arguments sake, they've got a 25% chance at best of reaching GOP voters.

That's not even getting into the methodology or polling pools and how the statistics are manipulated for the media. Most of these polls showing a 10% for Biden lead are based off polling done by FiveThirtyEight, founded and run by an openly gay liberal from Chicago and now owned by Disney. They also specialize in pushing news stories on their site promoting progressive ideology. If you get into their polling methodology, the 10% being broadcasted all over the country is a far cry from the supposed 6.6% Biden is winning by from an electoral college standpoint. That same company forecasted Hillary to win at 71%.

Even if the polling wasn't biased and grounded in reality to represent a real vote pool, the media is still going to manipulate the data however they want to push the narrative that they want to push. The reality is that this election is a lot closer than the news would have you believe if not outright favoring Trump in a far larger margin than he won by in 2016.

What purpose would polls serve other than to push a narrative? Who is out there sitting at home undecided waiting to see what the polls say to figure out who to vote for?
C’mon Michealcumguzzler, you gotta try harder than that.
Every since your tantrum and telling on people, your trolling has gotten even worse. :lmao:

How is that trolling? You trigger very easily. Take a break from your computer for awhile.

Sounds like he was inferring that the election should be decided by a popular vote. Did he not?
How is that trolling? You trigger very easily. Take a break from your computer for awhile.

Sounds like he was inferring that the election should be decided by a popular vote. Did he not?

You take yourself way too serious.
Kinda like you claiming that using pictures of you is “identity theft”:lmao:
You take yourself way too serious.
Kinda like you claiming that using pictures of yourself is “identity theft”:lmao:

Jesus, you bicker. Stop clogging up this thread with your useless banter and laughing at your own jokes.
PM me if you want to bicker back and forth. No sense in dragging everyone in this thread along with your shit.
Jesus, you bicker. Stop clogging up this thread with your useless banter and laughing at your own jokes.
PM me if you want to bicker back and forth. No sense in dragging everyone in this thread along with your shit.

Oh, kinda like you coming into every thread and trolling up until it backfired on you? Kinda annoying huh? :lmao:
Laughing at your own jokes and clogging up the thread still. Sorry, everyone.

You think this shit works?:lmao:

Go report me and make sure you send a picture of yourself with an arrow pointing out where it hurts. Be sure to clarify that you don’t want anyone reusing the pic for identity theft:lmao:
I thought this was going to be about debate moderator and hack Steve Scully

C-SPAN indefinitely suspended its political editor, Steve Scully, on Thursday after he lied about his Twitter account being hacked.

In a statement, Scully said he lied about tweeting a message to former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci when he saw it had created “controversy.”

“For several weeks, I was subjected to relentless criticism on social media and in conservative news outlets regarding my role as moderator for the second presidential debate, including attacks aimed directly at my family,” Scully said. “Out of frustration, I sent a brief tweet addressed to Anthony Scaramucci. The next morning when I saw that this tweet had created a new controversy, I falsely claimed my Twitter account had been hacked. These were both errors in judgment for which I am totally responsible for. I apologize.”

C-SPAN said Scully admitted he lied to the network and the Commission on Presidential Debates on Wednesday, but the network said it would allow him to come back after some “distance from this episode.”

“By not being immediately forthcoming to C-SPAN and the Commission about his tweet, he understands that he made a serious mistake. We were very saddened by this news and do not condone his actions,” the network said. “Starting immediately, we have placed Steve on administrative leave. After some distance from this episode, we believe in his ability to continue to contribute to C-SPAN.”

Last Friday, Scully said his account was hacked and denied sending a tweet to former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci asking if he should respond to President Trump calling him a “Never Trumper” during a Fox News interview. At the time, both C-SPAN and the Commission on Presidential Debates publicly supported Scully and backed his claim that the account had been hacked.

Shortly after the Associated Press first reported on Scully’s suspension, President Trump gloated about his “good instincts.”

“I was right again! Steve Scully just admitted he was lying about his Twitter being hacked. The Debate was Rigged! He was suspended from @cspan indefinitely. The Trump Campaign was not treated fairly by the ‘Commission,'” Trump tweeted. “Did I show good instincts in being the first to know?”
I hope Biden has higher ratings tonight simply to hear Trump rant about it. We all know nothing is more important to Trump than TV ratings.
You think this shit works?:lmao:

Go report me and make sure you send a picture of yourself with an arrow pointing out where it hurts. Be sure to clarify that you don’t want anyone reusing the pic for identity theft:lmao:

More jokes and more laughing. Again, sorry everyone. Maybe one day Rockbuggy84 can gain some more self-control.
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