I really need to build a new stand for my CNC router so I can actually start using it again.
Gonna completely scrap the one from the OP as it's all booger welded, barely square and not remotely level-able. Between what I can salvage from the old stand and what's on my drop rack, I have plenty of material to build something beefy.
But I'm looking for ideas on a combo leveling leg w/ casters. Either casters that can be jacked down when I want to move it, or leveling legs that get jacked down and lift it off the casters. Ideally, I'd like something that I could work from the front side only as it may get set up in a corner or against a wall where access to the back legs could be tough. Something as simple as a long piece of rod w/ a nut that's connected to a 90 degree little gear box to turn the jack leg.
I have some ideas, but haven't come up with anything really great and I'm sure someone's already made a perfect solution that I can copy.
Give me some ideas!
This is from what I originally dragged it home. New one will be the same footprint but the front will have slot shelves for sheet storage and probably a couple drawers near the top for consumables.
My other though is to build it on a skid with fork pockets so I can move it with my pallet jack instead of casters....then I'd only need to level it.