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Legal , stop what you're doing now and read this

Not saying it's you or anything but you still haven't denied it. You've just pointed in a different direction. :fo2:

For what's its worth, you would be one of the last folks on my list of suspects. I really don't think there's some big conspiracy from there to here, though. Just a butt hurt individual trying to flex his imaginary muscles.

My gripe is that the first post about this was that all PBB mods should be banned here because they're "spies". Absolutely zero proof was given. This is the typical bullshit that IMO needs to cease. I certainly haven't done any spying or informing. As far as PBB is concerned, I just walking away from the shithole VS created.
My gripe is that the first post about this was that all PBB mods should be banned here because they're "spies". Absolutely zero proof was given. This is the typical bullshit that IMO needs to cease. I certainly haven't done any spying or informing. As far as PBB is concerned, I just walking away from the shithole VS created.

You're a pompous peice of shit cvnt. It's sad how different you act here without your mod powers. Go eat a hairy dick sandwich bitch.
You're a pompous peice of shit cvnt. It's sad how different you act here without your mod powers. Go eat a hairy dick sandwich bitch.


We all know he Thought "HE" would be considered a Mod here but the Group here would Never like/Want that so he had to accept that,which I believe he has. I've Never had any problem with him.

He's a Pompous Ass sometimes but I guess that's what happens when you have to wait till you're in you're 60's to get laid and married to somebody who has more Testonerone than you :laughing:
I'm just saying. I'm no gary ball licker but you following him around calling him a cvnt in just about every thread he posts inis quite cvnt-like.

Is anyone cutting "mydadwantedtoseemeinit" any slack? I'm not following him, he's bumping threads. You're get to moderate, not dictate.

Gary is a CVNT.
Is anyone cutting "mydadwantedtoseemeinit" any slack? I'm not following him, he's bumping threads. You're get to moderate, not dictate.

Gary is a CVNT.

Man I'm just commenting, not preaching from on high. Keep doing it ,I dont care if you do or dont.
Thread has about run its course...

You bozos want to see it tossed in the dumpster I guess. It's circling the drain as it is.

Have fun... *click* :flipoff2:

mudlicker put his head up his butt ever since he arrived there and when he migrated it failed to pop out...

must be stuck for some reason

I've been around long enough for you to know that I call them as I see'em. If me stating a fact that you disagree with for your own personal reasons, I can accept that.

Other than what I made a statement about we probably agree about all the Bullshit more than either one of Us would like to admit :flipoff2:
I've been around long enough for you to know that I call them as I see'em. If me stating a fact that you disagree with for your own personal reasons, I can accept that.

Other than what I made a statement about we probably agree about all the Bullshit more than either one of Us would like to admit :flipoff2:

We agree you're a twat. Right? Right. :flipoff2:
“America is Having the Mother of All Social Collapses” by umair haque https://link.medium.com/f7vBukQrp8

Read it. He is most probably right. Some of you have fully swallowed the propaganda, parrots you are.

America’s collapse is a real one, and a special one. It isn’t just a Nazi collapse. It isn’t just an authoritarian collapse. It isn’t just an economic collapse. It isn’t even just a cultural collapse into hate and backwardness and superstition. It’s all those things put together.

The world hasn’t really seen all that put together before. The Soviet Union didn’t want to be a theocracy, and neither did the Nazis. The mullahs of the Islamic World wanted to provide basics for all — they weren’t capitalists — mistaken as they were as to how go about it. And so on. America combines all the strands of social collapse that we know of, and then adds some of its own — like the idiocy of the non-mask-wearer or the anti-vaxxer or the Fox News addict.
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