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Lawsuit or Offer to buy?


May 19, 2020
Member Number
Roanoke, VA
I see something coming from the syrup lickers. Will they file suit or will they offer to buy this site contingent upon a no-compete clause?
It's a totally different site! :flipoff2:
Pronounced Irate and definitely not pirate without the p. :lmao:
It's a totally different site! :flipoff2:
Pronounced Irate and definitely not pirate without the p. :lmao:

I can hear the complaint already "But, it looks like what we used to look like before we killed our own business."
I could see them going the route of offer to buy, and if refused then hitting with a lawsuit. Maybe that's the way we hurt them, keep setting up a new forum everytime they buy out the old one.
I see something coming from the syrup lickers. Will they file suit or will they offer to buy this site contingent upon a no-compete clause?

This would imply they gave a fuck about either site.

If they gave a fuck, they would roll back the other site.
This situation reminds me of a gun board i was on and what happened there.

Someone that had control of as I remember thehighroad.??? took control and it boiled down to two THR forums a .org and a .com or .net.

This site talks a bit about it.

Maybe a hired "gun" (hacker) could break in take all of the data and rebuild it to what it once was before the VS stupidity.

Worth a thought.

A go fund me for assistance in paying for said watergate burglars fee.

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I'm sure ole jeffy and ****y cricket are in here watching.

Go cafuck yourselves by the way.

They done fucked up and moved on...We all asked and pleaded our case and its apparent they didn't/don't care.

With a bit of luck Austin will have our best interest in mind as he appears too now and hopefully in the future.

They changed their website and Austin's/ours is absolutely nothing like there's.
Only thing they can claim is similar currently is the name of the site and forum names. Perhaps iratepoorxpoor.com? ;)
I could see them going the route of offer to buy, and if refused then hitting with a lawsuit. Maybe that's the way we hurt them, keep setting up a new forum everytime they buy out the old one.

The next one will just be "rate4x4.com", then "ate4x4.com"....
I see something coming from the syrup lickers. Will they file suit or will they offer to buy this site contingent upon a no-compete clause?

That's an excellent question/point.
I've seen companies sue an entity just to bankrupt them.

It's a simple sleazy game of financial attrition.:mad3:
I'm sure ole jeffy and ****y cricket are in here watching.

If they are they're probably laughing. They admin dozens of forums each. They don't care about any one in particular. PBB wasn't any sort of crown jewel of their business hence why it was able to exist unmolested for so long.
What this guy said about TOS.

I see something coming from the syrup lickers. Will they file suit or will they offer to buy this site contingent upon a no-compete clause?
If everybody copied their posts over and there was a significant irate4x4 presence in the SERPS then they may. It wouldn't be anytime soon. I hope they do just so we can tell them to go fuck themselves.

now with 100% less P
Thats F'n awesome. Once this launch calms down thats going on a t-shirt.

I've seen companies sue an entity just to bankrupt them.
This is exactly what VS does, Google it or read this post.

A lot of legal consultation has gone into PBB, this site and the relation of the two in the last several months. We should be good

What this guy said about TOS.]
You may want to tell him not to waste a dime and do some Googling first. PBB isn't the first community they have trashed and we're in a massive group of pissed off users. Sad part is none have really been successful in taking action. They cross their T's and dot their I's, its a bitter pill but we have to move on.
If everybody copied their posts over and there was a significant irate4x4 presence in the SERPS then they may. It wouldn't be anytime soon. I hope they do just so we can tell them to go fuck themselves.

Thats F'n awesome. Once this launch calms down thats going on a t-shirt.

This is exactly what VS does, Google it or read this post.

A lot of legal consultation has gone into PBB, this site and the relation of the two in the last several months. We should be good

I wonder if there is some legal jargon that forbids VS, their employees, subcontractors, etc. from viewing this site.
just checked and it looks like the new site is up. you cant search for your own threads anymore, and sifting through 15yrs worth of threads is not gonna happen.
This would imply they gave a fuck about either site.

If they gave a fuck, they would roll back the other site.

This. Doubt any of their higher ups even logs on any more, just let the ad revenue roll until there’s zero traffic.
If everybody copied their posts over and there was a significant irate4x4 presence in the SERPS then they may. It wouldn't be anytime soon. I hope they do just so we can tell them to go fuck themselves.

Thats F'n awesome. Once this launch calms down thats going on a t-shirt.

This is exactly what VS does, Google it or read this post.

A lot of legal consultation has gone into PBB, this site and the relation of the two in the last several months. We should be good

You may want to tell him not to waste a dime and do some Googling first. PBB isn't the first community they have trashed and we're in a massive group of pissed off users. Sad part is none have really been successful in taking action. They cross their T's and dot their I's, its a bitter pill but we have to move on.

I am here...

And I won't waste a dime. I have free legal service from some of the best attorneys here in the states.

And my venue is here in the states, not Canada. I did not give them license to my copyright, per their changed TOS.
If it does get ugly with the snow spics, we got your back
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