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Kinda seems like liberal policies are designed to fail

Lol what do you ever mean.

By raising the minimum wage to $15 a hour it would kill at least 1.4 million jobs increase the deficit by 54 billion over 10 years but it would raise 900,000 people off the poverty line.

So you're saying $20 minimum wage would be better? Has to be, right?
So you're saying $20 minimum wage would be better? Has to be, right?

of course!!!! We should just bump it up to a even $50 lol

I have a old timer on the payroll that doesn’t get paid $15 a hour. He sweeps floors, takes the garbages out, puts tools away, does the wash, mans the scale shack does some prospecting, goes on geological egg hunts. He gets to do basically anything he wants. He loves coming in it gives him something to do, and people to talk to.

I love it because the shop has never been so clean and organized. It’s a good situation, if the .gov mandates I pay a job like this more than it’s worth, guess what happens they go away.
of course!!!! We should just bump it up to a even $50 lol

I have a old timer on the payroll that doesn’t get paid $15 a hour. He sweeps floors, takes the garbages out, puts tools away, does the wash, mans the scale shack does some prospecting, goes on geological egg hunts. He gets to do basically anything he wants. He loves coming in it gives him something to do, and people to talk to.

I love it because the shop has never been so clean and organized. It’s a good situation, if the .gov mandates I pay a job like this more than it’s worth, guess what happens they go away.

I keep telling my dad to find something like this. Retirement doesnt work for him. Going to be 70 this year, ready to go back to working 50-60 hours a week.
I think raising the minimum wage to $15 is a desperate but feeble attempt to raise tax revenue receipts. Then when it fails taxes on hourly wage earners will go up astronomically. The fun is only beginning.
Going to be interesting, because this is what they are trying to do

I hope some form of sanity shows up for 2022. If not, we are completely screwed

it's crazy that the D supermajority was only back in 2008 and all we got out of it was (un)affordable care act :eek: fucking scary what they would be doing right now with that sort of majority again :(
Who was around to remember the Russians standing in line with arms full of Rubles (?) to buy a couple loafs of bread?

That is... if bread was available

Or have read about the Weimar Hyper Inflation when your wheelbarrow or laundry basket you were carrying your days pay in was worth far more than the actual cash in the basket. And if you couldn’t find what you needed to buy that day your cash was worth far less tomorrow...

Going to be interesting thats for sure. Who truly knows how and where to forage year round and or lives in a hospital enough climate to figure it out in time? Probably a fairly low number...
Who was around to remember the Russians standing in line with arms full of Rubles (?) to buy a couple loafs of bread?

That is... if bread was available

I just get funny looks whenever I mention all this stimulus money and extra unemployment benefits are just making my dollars worth less.
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