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Kids car transmission Acura MDX


bordering on illiterate
May 19, 2020
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OK, So I have my 17 yr old daughter driving a old 2003 Acura MDX and the transmission is slipping. Slipping worse than I ever have seen one slip before.

I bought the car for $1,200 dollars and she will get her a newer car for Birthday / Graduation, but I need this one to last a few more months.

I am not putting a new transmission in this car, I have too many other projects and it's not worth the investment. So the question becomes do any of the snake oil treatments at the auto part store actually work? I don't want to make this car more un-relaible, but I don't want to put any money into it.

So what works, and what will result in a trashed transmission upon start up?
It's a 20 year old Honda with an automatic behind a v6, it's amazing it's lasted this long! I've heard of people using power punch or whatever other bottle of snake oil they've got at your local Napa in to drive failing transmission to a dealer to trade it in. I've had a couple old shit boxes that I got the transmission serviced and flushed at the dealer that seemed to perk up for a while before they finally died. I'd do that and see what happens:flipoff2:
OK, So I have my 17 yr old daughter driving a old 2003 Acura MDX and the transmission is slipping. Slipping worse than I ever have seen one slip before.

I bought the car for $1,200 dollars and she will get her a newer car for Birthday / Graduation, but I need this one to last a few more months.

I am not putting a new transmission in this car, I have too many other projects and it's not worth the investment. So the question becomes do any of the snake oil treatments at the auto part store actually work? I don't want to make this car more un-relaible, but I don't want to put any money into it.

So what works, and what will result in a trashed transmission upon start up?

A bad slip in a Honda transmission, I doubt you'll find anything that fixes it. What's the condition of the fluid? When was it last changed?
if it's that bad, probably nothing in a bottle will help.

I tried Lucas transmission fix in a beater that would occasionally have a delayed shift into gear and it helped :homer:
Did you try replacing the filter and changing the fluid? :homer:

I am kind a of the mind set that at this point changing the fluid and filter would be a death wish. The only thing holding it together is the crap in the fluid.
It’s gone. The last 17 year old girl that had it before her killed the fucking transmission most likely.
Some mashed up banana peels in trans oil? Other than the filter could be plugged, most likely it’s done
Sharpen 5 #2 pencils from new, to the stubs, then put all the shavings in a had a quart of ATF, shake it up and pour it in, that should do it.

Try it and report back
Those were 100k mile transmissions when new, if it had a trailer hitch, less. They sucked. What sucks more is the transmission filter is inside the case, and it's most likely plogged, and that's why it's slipping cause it can't build line pressure. Only way to change filter is to rebuild the transmission.

I "fixed" a honda civic transmission of the same vintage by taking a junk one apart, measuring the filter location off of reference points on the outside of the case, then marking the spot on the one in the car and drilling a hole in. Used a punch to tear up the filter screen, and threaded a JB welded bolt into the case hole. Poured the old fluid back in and it went back to working fine.
I've used Lucas fix-in-a-bottle twice in my life. From my experience 50% of the time it'll work every time. I think a $10 gamble is pretty cheap if it works
My mom had an 01 that went through I think 3 transmissions since new. Just got parked late last year with 210,000 HARD miles. I think the trans is sorta working in it still. I'll make you a hell of a deal. Rest of the car is honestly scrap at this point
What does the fluid look like? My buddy's Wife has a 2008 Honda Pilot and had a cross-contamination issue with the radiator cooler. Apparently its a common problem with that platform?

He caught it early enough that we were able to drain/refill and she is still rockin' it to this day.
Those were 100k mile transmissions when new, if it had a trailer hitch, less. They sucked. What sucks more is the transmission filter is inside the case, and it's most likely plogged, and that's why it's slipping cause it can't build line pressure. Only way to change filter is to rebuild the transmission.

I "fixed" a honda civic transmission of the same vintage by taking a junk one apart, measuring the filter location off of reference points on the outside of the case, then marking the spot on the one in the car and drilling a hole in. Used a punch to tear up the filter screen, and threaded a JB welded bolt into the case hole. Poured the old fluid back in and it went back to working fine.

Wow, that is fucking awesome.

I too had the 100k Honda trans go from a slight flair to all neutrals

I manual swapped it
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