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Irate Motorcycle Group.

Kids bikes

:lmao::lmao: yer fucked:lmao::lmao:

He wouldnt have done that, if he knew that in 1998 that was hard core shit:flipoff2:

Right? I remember no footers being x games worthy!:laughing:

His weapons grade ADHD riding buddy said to him the other day that he's gonna start working on backflips. Lach comes riding up to the parents "uhhh...Logan says he's gonna start working on backflips and I think a grown up should go talk to him!":lmao:


Same parts as last time, except the shifter shaft is bent too this time. Gonna reassemble and sell this bitch in favour of a klx or crf110. The obvious answer here is more power.
Motocross season is wrapped. Told him the fast kids were double-doubling it. He nailed it a couple times, and uh...also this. Once he got the front end back on the ground he resumed the previous program of "wide-fuckin-open.":laughing:

Wild to see his skills progress over the year. From little 6" airs to being the fastest of the slow pack to the slowest of the fast pack and leaving the slow kids in the absolute dust, and picking off anyone who fucks up in the fast pack:smokin:. A lot of bike problems, but we're gonna talk to Pax Racing and see what they can do for us for a race motor for next year.

Aaaand also in the market for a 65. Gotta get him sorted out on 2 levers. Sooner he starts, better he'll be at it.

Staging lanes with his crew this morning.

That was a pretty smooth recovery man. He's getting good at staying in it for sure!

Not bad for one season racing!

The previous weekend while I was away hunting, my wife solo-parented a hare scramble. He had a full minute lead and a "volunteer" sent the fastest kids in each class one way, and all the rest of the class another way. 7 minute delay. He passed everyone, no one passed him, he came off course thinking he was first, and found out he'd been fucked over and was fourth. My wife tried to protest it and was told "too bad, we're not running it again." The usual kid's race organizer is in the Phillipines for work, and the venue was changed with less than a week's notice, so it was chaos all around. They also sent the kids to race without medics on site:mad3:.

I'm fucking pissed, but there's nothing I can do.
Life lesson in government for him. Never forget what they'll take from you just because they think they can.

How do events and shit have like a sixth sense to know when they can pull one over on you just because it's only mom that's around? :mad3: Though props to her for having the awareness to go and protest it.
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