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Kamala Harris

Spreading it around much be one of her more redeeming qualities.
If you do some research you might good old Washington might not be who you think he was.

Sending a subordinate away so you can fuck his wife isn't something I personally admire in a man.

Though there are some admirable things about him...

got a link for info on this? I’m struggling to find anything.
We are in a sad state. I believe that if Kamala Harris were to twerk and sing WAP at a press conference that she would exceed all previous popularity polls from the American people.
got a link for info on this? I’m struggling to find anything.

It was on the history channel during one of the documentaries. I'll have to what I can find.

Maybe I should have stated he was alleged to have...
And she is all about legalizing prostitution. Tell that to all the little daughters of liberal ****s who support her for being a woman.
So, how do the Armed Forces feel about all this. There any reason to believe they would never back a Commander in Chief? Or, Cowomander in Chief. :rolleyes:
We are in a sad state. I believe that if Kamala Harris were to twerk and sing WAP at a press conference that she would exceed all previous popularity polls from the American people.

I do not think she has enough Soul in her DNA to actually rap successfully and when asked before the election who her favorite living rap star was she said Tupac... :clown2:
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