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Just Bitchin'


Certified Asshole
May 19, 2020
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I own a hardware store in a medium/large sized town in Washington...I usually run a small crew and make up the hours as needed...since the beer flu I lost a couple of staff out of fear...not gonna go down that rabbit hole. Since March 7th I have had two days off and am working 12 hour days seven days a week. I'm 55yo. I am starting to forget words, stutter, and forget which day it is... Not looking for sympathy Pile one if you must just looking for some humor out of all this...btw three applications since the start of this bullshit...hired one... I'm venting...respond as you wish...

With any luck you'll catch the "entitled retard lives matter" flu as well and have your shit burned to the ground. :mad3:

I feel for you man, It's a fucked up world when able people would rather bitch and riot rather than take on an honest job.
Sounds like you need to figure something out real quick before you hit the proverbial wall and collapse both yourself and your business.

Best of luck to you :beer:
Thanks man. I also have Asthma and will not/cannot wear a mask...the shit people say is a trial upon itself. Again not looking for sympathy...I built this road...ad some humor ...


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Good luck. The government is out bidding employers on pay. You can blame the employees but why work for less.
If you temporarily cut your hours of operation "Due to Covid" , will your customers come in when you're open or will they go somewhere else? I guess I assume they will go somewhere else because hardware store stuff I need now.
Local hardware store cut hours due to kungpao cough. Take some time off. My dad was working 12's in a factory up until he retired at 67. He misses working, but not the hours. Dont work yourself into an early grave.

also, double check to make sure you put pants on before you head to work.
Sounds like my boss and his hardware store. He has three employees to work the floor and a bookkeeper that covers lunches. A help wanted sign has been on the front door for months. Covid and small town reputation has kept the store at current staff levels.
Finding new employees is near impossible right now! Unemployment isn't "really" letting employers dispute someone filing for unemployment right now either. We had an employee quit over fear of the covid, and within a couple weeks he filed on us, we refused, he still got it! So, basically that guy is sitting at home making as much as or more than he was when he was working. No incentive to go back to work!
Can I have a job in 10 years. Sounds perfect, retire to a hardware store job at 46 where I can grow to be the old guy that knows where everything is and how to make everything work. Only go to work because I want to and it pays the health insurance.
just spray paint BLM on the side and burn it down, collect the insurance $$ and rebuild once 2020 is over:flipoff2:
I fully understand what you are going through.

I have been at it 90+ hours a week 7 days for 110+ days now.

I never know what day it is, I forget shit all the time.

I have come to rely on reminders in my phone for everything that has to get done or brought from home to work.

I have been trying to hire as well, I had someone hired that was to start working today.

$20 an hour just to clean the cars, move them around, show people how to use them, adjust the mirrors for them. Basic easy shit.

He just wrote me that "he slept through his alarms" This was 4 hours after he was supposed to be here.

Times are hard, just keep your head up and keep going!
Been there, back a few months when we were in full prep mode at our clinic, I don't remember most of April, May or June. Thankful things have slowed and calmed down a bit.

I have been trying to keep finding the positive things, like it's helped me get more organized. As mentioned above keep a daily log (revised bullet log), put everything on a calendar. Also helped weed out some of the garbage. I cut FB as it was a time suck and energy drain. Better focus on health, eating well, and getting sleep.
I'm just surprised to hear there a non-chain hardware store still open.

The few times I've been in a local/independent I have no idea how they stay open. Prices are double or better, and half the inventory is 20+ years old collecting dust.

I pay the $3.50 for a 2" elbow and never return.
$20 an hour just to clean the cars, move them around, show people how to use them, adjust the mirrors for them. Basic easy shit.

20 an hour use to be somewhat skilled labor money. It's like minimum wage now.
I'm just surprised to hear there a non-chain hardware store still open.

The few times I've been in a local/independent I have no idea how they stay open. Prices are double or better, and half the inventory is 20+ years old collecting dust.

I pay the $3.50 for a 2" elbow and never return.

I've had this store for 20 years and we constantly smash that perception.Customer service, inventory, and pricing are all top of mind.
Thanks man. I also have Asthma and will not/cannot wear a mask...the shit people say is a trial upon itself. Again not looking for sympathy...I built this road...ad some humor ...

One of the grocery store clerks in town wears a lanyard with a badge that says "Can't wear a mask, please don't ask"

Rest assured that the lazy fawks who don't want to work are living comfortably thanks to your hard work and tax dollars.
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