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Joe Biden Iran OP-ED


Jul 8, 2009
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Gatesville, TX
(CNN)When Donald Trump ran for President, he promised a "better deal" to constrain Iran's nuclear program and pledged to pressure Tehran into curbing its aggressive behavior across the Middle East. Like so many of President Trump's promises, these proved to be just empty words. Instead, he recklessly tossed away a policy that was working to keep America safe and replaced it with one that has worsened the threat.


Joe Biden

This past month has proven that Trump's Iran policy is a dangerous failure. At the United Nations, Trump could not rally a single one of America's closest allies to extend the UN arms embargo on Iran. Next, Trump tried to unilaterally reimpose UN sanctions on Iran, only to have virtually all the UN security council members unite to reject his gambit. Now there are reports that Iran has stockpiled 10 times as much enriched uranium as it had when President Barack Obama and I left office.

We urgently need to change course.
I have no illusions about the challenges the regime in Iran poses to America's security interests, to our friends and partners and to its own people. But there is a smart way to be tough on Iran, and there is Trump's way. He ignored our closest allies and walked away -- alone, without a plan -- from a deal that put the world's eyes and ears inside Iran's nuclear program and was verifiably blocking Iran's pathways to a nuclear weapon.

He has repeatedly ratcheted up tensions, risking bringing us closer to another Middle Eastern war without a realistic strategy or endgame. He has lurched into risky escalations that endangered our troops -- and then downplayed their brain injuries as "headaches."

By any objective measure, Trump's "maximum pressure" has been a boon to the regime in Iran and a bust for America's interests.

Ending the Iranian occupation

Five years ago, American-led diplomacy produced a deal that ensured it would take Iran at least a year to produce enough fissile material for one bomb. Now -- because Trump let Iran off the hook from its obligations under the nuclear deal --Tehran's "breakout time" is down to just a few months. but joe, if 5 years ago they were 1 year away, and now they are a few months away, doesn't that mean we've delayed them by about 4 years?

And there is no serious diplomacy underway to reverse it. The bottom line is that Iran is closer to a nuclear bomb today than it was when Donald Trump took office. And Trump has no answer for that. Five years ago, even Russia and China stood with our European allies behind an American-led approach to Iran's nuclear program.

Now, America stands alone. Trump's policies have pushed Russia and China closer to Iran, but joe, fuck russia and china, they've been close to Iran your whole 47 years in office. you can't control them and the current admins tough on china/rus stance has been effective at limiting their scope of belligerence. while reducing transatlantic relations to their lowest point in decades. When tensions spiked early this year, instead of rallying to America's side, our European allies called for "all parties to exercise utmost restraint and responsibility."
Because Trump violated an agreement that America itself negotiated and then acted recklessly, other world powers now devote their energies to opposing US policy instead of working alongside us to counter Tehran. This mix of confrontation and isolation will leave us with the worst of both worlds: no arms embargo or snapback of UN sanctions, but also no deal to constrain Iran's nuclear program -- and no plan except to recklessly double down.

Five years ago, Iran was a bad regional actor requiring active deterrence and pushback. But it had not conducted a major attack on US forces in the region in years. Since Trump took office, Iran or its proxies have killed two American service members and a US contractor, severely injured more than 100 US troops, damaged Saudi oil facilities and disabled commercial ships transiting the Gulf. joe, during your time none of those were considered major, iran has long been a bad actor, that is bad actor shit and trump has actually made gains in that area

Opinion: In Trumpian times, Israel and a Gulf State find common ground

Before Trump, years went by without a militia rocket attack on US facilities in Iraq. joe, that's because you fuckwits famously pulled out of iraq and left syria/russia/iraq/turkey to deal with the "JV Squad" of al-queda Now they happen regularly. Instead of restoring deterrence, Trump has emboldened Iran. Instead of ending "endless wars," Trump has repeatedly brought America to the brink of a new one. If this is what Trump considers success, I would hate to see what failure looks like. as the famous country song goes, you are Shameless!

The good news is that there remains a better way.

Here's what I would do as President.

First, I will make an unshakable commitment to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

Second, I will offer Tehran a credible path back to diplomacy. If Iran returns to strict compliance with the nuclear deal, the United States would rejoin the agreement as a starting point for follow-on negotiations. With our allies, we will work to strengthen and extend the nuclear deal's provisions, while also addressing other issues of concern. This includes working aggressively to free unjustly detained Americans and calling out the regime for its ongoing violations of human rights, including the execution of wrestler Navid Afkari this week and the wrongful detention of political prisoners, such as human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh. And we will work to help our partners reduce tensions and help end regional conflicts, including the disastrous war in Yemen.
I will also take steps to make sure US sanctions do not hinder Iran's fight against Covid-19. And on day one, I will repeal Trump's disgraceful travel ban targeting a number of Muslim-majority countries, among others.

Third, we will continue to push back against Iran's destabilizing activities, which threaten our friends and partners in the region. Drawing on the record-setting US-Israel security assistance agreement signed when I was Vice President, America will also work closely with Israel to ensure it can defend itself against Iran and its proxies. We will continue to use targeted sanctions against Iran's human rights abuses, its support for terrorism and ballistic missile program. ah yes, make Israel do the dirty work! That will certainly improve relations across the gulf!

If Iran chooses confrontation, I am prepared to defend our vital interests and our troops. But, I am ready to walk the path of diplomacy if Iran takes steps to show it is ready too.
With the world back at America's side, a Biden administration will make it a priority to set Iran policy right.

my comments are in red, this was just too crazy not to share
He was supposed to start WWIII, instead he just signed an agreement between the UAE, Bahrain and Israel. Something no other administration has done.
My favorite red line is the first one. He said what you said, but in Democrat liberal speak.

Maybe Trump's approach to the middle east is too subtle for most people to understand. He just brokered a deal between UAE and Bahrain in that they will have full diplomatic relations with Israel. He says there are other countries that are coming on board. This is a giant accomplishment because those countries are recognizing Israel's right to exist as a country. This has never happened before as far as I can tell. These countries are already turning on Iran, which will cause more pressure than we ever could. Trump is getting other countries to take care of world problems for us so we don't have to do it ourselves. Like him or not, Trump gets shit done.

Lets not forget he made the fat kid from North Korea sit in the corner, also.
Five years ago, Iran was a bad regional actor requiring active deterrence and pushback. But it had not conducted a major attack on US forces in the region in years. Since Trump took office, Iran or its proxies have killed two American service members and a US contractor, severely injured more than 100 US troops,damaged Saudi oil facilities and disabled commercial ships transiting the Gulf. joe, during your time none of those were considered major, iran has long been a bad actor, that is bad actor shit and trump has actually made gains in that area

Uh, guess he forgot about EFPs and their use on troops in Iraq...Not to include their support of Hamas, Hezbollah, Rebels in Yemen and so on.

Five years ago, even Russia and China stood with our European allies behind an American-led approach to Iran's nuclear program.

No they stood to gain in terms of arms sales with Iran flush with cash and the embargo lifted. I'm sure they were incredulous that the US would coddle Iran like that.

Joe is not afraid to bend the truth to sell himself. What an utter tool.
This is exactly what I despise about POTUS campaigns. Mixing up a bunch of half-truths and outright lies to make your opponent look bad. Then they'll point to the one or two facts they used to claim that they weren't lying. :rolleyes: It's all bullshit opinion stated as if it's fact. To me that just means it's an outright lie. Fuck em. :flipoff:
My favorite red line is the first one. He said what you said, but in Democrat liberal speak.

Maybe Trump's approach to the middle east is too subtle for most people to understand. He just brokered a deal between UAE and Bahrain in that they will have full diplomatic relations with Israel. He says there are other countries that are coming on board. This is a giant accomplishment because those countries are recognizing Israel's right to exist as a country. This has never happened before as far as I can tell. These countries are already turning on Iran, which will cause more pressure than we ever could. Trump is getting other countries to take care of world problems for us so we don't have to do it ourselves. Like him or not, Trump gets shit done.


If he gets Saudi Arabia to recognize Israel that's a game changer. It's because these countries are afraid of Iran more than their love for Israel or the US. Enemy of an enemy being a friend, so to speak. That and they want access to our weapons.
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