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James May injured in car crash

He was moving too. Almost sounded like he hit something A bump that upset the car causing it to skid and lose braking.
He was moving too. Almost sounded like he hit something A bump that upset the car causing it to skid and lose braking.
I dunno, think it was just too fast and then slow on brakes and then oh shit moment trying to steer, less grip and away she goes.

I do wonder if he had stayed straight if it would have stopped or been a lower speed whack
They had little red lights in the green light section that I imagine were braking markers, the edit makes it hard to tell if he stayed on it past those.
Watched the Grand Tour episode last night, he just hit the brakes too late. They could have just ran their race the other direction but that takes all the excitement out of it.
Yeah. He hit pretty hard.

Surprised jeromy didnt stuff it or call it off after his first pass as scary/squirlly as it was.

Looks like the trips for the lights were timed off a speed limit. Then they doubled it so the lights didnt have enough time to activate.
I think they were all running studded tires.

Plain old tires wouldn’t have made for much usable footage there I imagine.

That was quite a whack of the head, glad he seemed to get over it rather quickly.
That's a good illustration of why race buckets and harnesses help so much. Kind of hard to hit your heat on the other side of the car when your torso is stuck in the seat.
it was a good crash too, violent as hell... amazing how much the body will move around and still be belted in. lucky he is....
My thoughts were that the studded tires would effect braking distance / preformance on concrete, no?

Yeah, that would screw with braking distance...also, tires brake better going forward...plus forward impacts are much better restrained. He should have just stayed straight.
Stunt drivers most certainly would have done this maneuver in their cars before letting the cast do it. I think May probably got tunnel vision and lost track of where he was.
ditto, my theory is the tires lost grip on with the studs. probably on top of him being a little too ambitious
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