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It's the little things in life....


Master of the Universe!!!
May 21, 2020
Member Number
3rd Rock From the Big Ball of Fire
Recently bought a house- one of the things I hated was the water pressure. Decided to look into the shower heads - yup low flow. Spend a few minutes and modified them.

Dawned on me after doing that, how dumb I have been in my years of travel. 99.998% of the time when I get to a Hotel I have tools with me, 99.9999% of the time the showers in hotels suck.

Well not this time, not this time.

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many travelers after you will thank you

Quite a few did in Yucca. I did that to one in a room in the Super 88 in Yucca Valley. We were spending a lot of time there before we got set up to camp in JV. Always wound up in the same room for some reason. I modified that dribbling piece of shit showerhead into near fire hose status and it was great. The leather punch tool on a Leatherman worked great for opening up them little holes.
Quite a few did in Yucca. I did that to one in a room in the Super 88 in Yucca Valley. We were spending a lot of time there before we got set up to camp in JV. Always wound up in the same room for some reason. I modified that dribbling piece of shit showerhead into near fire hose status and it was great. The leather punch tool on a Leatherman worked great for opening up them little holes.

I am more annoyed at myself than anything else. How did I never think of this before. Years on the road, and just was always happy when a hotel had decent water pressure. Silly me. So simple.
I am more annoyed at myself than anything else. How did I never think of this before. Years on the road, and just was always happy when a hotel had decent water pressure. Silly me. So simple.

I hate those showers you have to run around in to get all the way wet. Pure bullshit.
I have been doing this for years. There are hundreds of hotel rooms across the US with good showers now.
[486 said:

haha political joke so funny
just fuckin dying of laughter here

You smirk now. Wait a year and all the progressive greenies will have your neighbors narcing on youfor not recycling. Just like family members are doing to each other over being at the capitol protests.
My coworker carries a shower head in his luggage, changes it out every room he's in. I told him he'd be a way better human if he just modified each shower head since he had the tools anyway.:homer:
The Hampton I stay at has nice water pick heads, I've no complaints. Then again we don't have as many water rules here in WY.
I hate being in a hotel room and turn on the shower only to feel like I'm a stupid little plant getting watered gently.
On behalf of the everyone, thank you for doing this fine service for humanity.
A properly tuned UCONN shower will strip paint :grinpimp:

UMaine was the same way. More than once I left car parts just chilling in one with a note "knock on door X if you have an issue with this"
I've got the Commando 450 at home. Anything less is just inferior.
The one I have at home was named "tropical monsoon" or some shit. What a crock, thing barely dribbled. A little pic action and some drilling to open it and it finally lived up to it's name.

A couple hotel rooms I have been in were all ready done, so there are more people like us out there. I stayed in 5 different rooms in one hotel over the course of a job. Between me and the other 2 guys we did half the hotel rooms in the place.:lmao:
The one I have at home was named "tropical monsoon" or some shit. What a crock, thing barely dribbled. A little pic action and some drilling to open it and it finally lived up to it's name.

A couple hotel rooms I have been in were all ready done, so there are more people like us out there. I stayed in 5 different rooms in one hotel over the course of a job. Between me and the other 2 guys we did half the hotel rooms in the place.:lmao:

I think this is my new mission in life while on work trips. Slowly but steadily make showers better for all of man kind.

Been loving my new found water pressure. Offered to modify my co workers, but he declined.
Don’t stay in hotels often but am also always annoyed by low flow heads. Was going to buy one and mod it to keep in my travel bag but now I’m thinking I need to join this movement to a better America

make shower heads great again.:smokin:
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