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Interesting Trucks for Sale

I'm, far, far, far less than these asking prices into my equivalents. :laughing:

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That's a lot of truck for $3500. Though I guess the way it's spec'd (gas, single rear, short frame, out of date sling lift, air brakes) out is pretty perfect for driving away anyone who'd drive up the price. :laughing:

Are there any options to de-rate to skirt CDL requirements?

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That 12" ers overhang is dumb...
If you need a kicker axle to keep the front on the ground, yea NO.

Capable hell Yes, I've been hooked to more the (see edit below) 11' caveman I had in the bed of the 67 said it wasn't happy .
'Sides your not capable of normal things

I had the Wrong rig in mind..
The 67 had a 9' slidein
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How did it sell for $6k in 5 hours? :laughing:

Grandma and grandpa have a 95 that is free to my kid if he ever gets to be old enough to drive.

Mid 90s roughly 30 years old is supposed to be the sweet cheap spot right now
Nah, early 2000's is the cheap stuff no one wants now. People who were young in the 80s-90's have money now and want the truck they had, or wanted, when they were young.

Drag that thing north, polish the paint, and slap a $10k price on it.
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it's only a matter of time until I buy some garbage like this. :laughing:

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Looks to be in really, really good shape for its age and the price sure is right. I kinda want to buy it to move empty dry vans with.

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I wish I had seen that before it was gone, it would be in our yard.

My grandfather had one that was all wheel steer, single rear axle, with duals front and rear non directional tread military tires, with chains front and rear. Frame was shortened to just long enough for a fifth wheel plate for a log trailer. I rode in it often in the winters as a kid, when they hauled logs out of the woods to the roadside yard. The skid trails were a couple miles long, and a rough ride. Not sure what broke on it, but it got put into the family junkyard in the do not sell section, and my uncle still has it as far as I know. I’ll have to get some pictures the next time I go back home.
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