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Imagine A.O.C. lied about near death experience


Red Skull Member
May 19, 2020
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Mountainair, NM

AOC Wasn't Even in the Capitol Building During Her 'Near Death' Experience

By Nick Arama | Feb 03, 2021 10:30 AM ET


AP Photo/Frank Franklin II

We’ve reported various aspects of the account of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) of what happened to her on Jan. 6 during the breach at the Capitol. But there are some very critical facts that have been missing from her story that I wanted to talk about here.

The story, as it was initially related by AOC, suggested that she was about to be assassinated by rioters in her office in a video that has been viewed over 6 million times.

Newsweek even claimed that’s what AOC said.
Ocasio-Cortez said that rioters actually entered her office, forcing her to take refuge inside her bathroom after her legislative director Geraldo Bonilla-Chavez told her to “hide, hide, run and hide.”

“And so I run back into my office,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “I slam my door. There’s another kind of like back area to my office, and I open it, and there’s a closet and a bathroom. And I jump into my bathroom.”​

As it turns out, however, as my colleague Bonchie reported earlier, AOC said in her Instagram drama that the person who came to her office was a Capitol Police officer. But she denigrated the officer who came to help, claiming he “didn’t feel right” and that he was looking at her “in all of this anger and hostility.” Her staffer reportedly wondered if he would have to fight the officer and suggested that he might put them in a “vulnerable situation.”

So, basically, this story is about hyping the danger to the members and trying to say people still have to fear those inconsiderate uncaring police (even when they’re coming to help you). She’s even been called out by folks on the left for the effort to demonize the officer and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), as my colleague Sister Toldjah observed.

But a few important things to note that seem to have been left out of this whole story.

AOC wasn’t even in the Capitol building where all the action was going down. If she was in her office, she was in the Cannon Building which is nearby, but a different building. But of course, many didn’t get the logistics and just assumed that she was in the Capitol building.

According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.

AOC’s building appears to have been briefly evacuated during the day as police checked on a nearby suspicious package that was later cleared.

So her “near-death experience” was an overreaction to a Capitol Police officer knocking on her door to direct her to another building, the Longworth Building, where she then stayed in the office of Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA). Instead of thanking the officer, she paints him as somehow a possible danger of which to be afraid. The Capitol Police were likely trying to evacuate the building quickly, it’s possible the officer was focused on getting people out quickly so likely didn’t have time for all the niceties.
This is my shocked face :rolleyes:

i’ve seen a few clips of her Instagram posts lately. She is a typical millennial attention whore.
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I could tell she was lying the whole time. She's a terrible liar. But she fits right in, so they will probably try to pass some stupid bill. Kinda like the capitol officer's giant ceremony today. What a bunch of assholes, as if they give a shit about anyone but themselves.
To be fair: every day is a near-(brain) death experience for Alexandria Occasional Cortex.

EDIT She told a compelling lie - that's, like, way moar importanter than truthing, amirite? :rolleyes:
So I guess Ted Cruz botched having her killed. Bitch is a Drama Queen.
It's her truth. :rolleyes:

I wish that kinda' newspeak bullshit magic worked for everyone, regardless of their gender or ethnicity.

I "self-identify" as a person who works hard, pays their taxes, and isn't the root cause of anyone's misfortune.

Unfortunately, actually being exactly that^ apparently isn't enough for AOC-ites to see me as . . . exactly that.

I miss when racism and sexism were 100% bad, not "depending on who you are" - it was easy to understand.

RIP logic, you were a true friend :frown:
I wish that kinda' newspeak bullshit magic worked for everyone, regardless of their gender or ethnicity.

I "self-identify" as a person who works hard, pays their taxes, and isn't the root cause of anyone's misfortune.

Unfortunately, actually being exactly that^ apparently isn't enough for AOC-ites to see me as . . . exactly that.

I miss when racism and sexism were 100% bad, not "depending on who you are" - it was easy to understand.

RIP logic, you were a true friend :frown:

I identify as a good guy today so it's okay if I have said things that offended people in the past.
To be fair: every day is a near-(brain) death experience for Alexandria Occasional Cortex.

EDIT She told a compelling lie - that's, like, way moar importanter than truthing, amirite? :rolleyes:

Morally correct is more important than factually correct...

she literally foreshadowed this shit....
Call her as a witness for the defense during the impeachment trial. She will either perjure herself or have to admit she has been lying.
The evil white cop wanted to rape and kill her because she is a POC!
She is a dumbass, stealing the taxpayer dime to fund her Instagram political career. Odd how she went from bar tender to elected, figure porn is a more likely path.

Would plow though!

Coulda just summed the whole article up with one letter change :flipoff2:

So her “near-death experience” was an overreaction to a Capitol Police officer knocking on her door to direct her to another building, the Longworth Building, where she then stayed in the office of Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA). Instead of thanking the officer, she paints him as somehow a possible danger of which to be afraid. The Capitol Police were likely trying to evacuate the building quickly, it’s possible the officer was focused on getting people out quickly so likely didn’t have time for all the nicetites.
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