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If you Fuck around with us

And look at the can of whoopass the prez of the U. S. A. unleashed on em!
Brought a whole new meaning to the phrase

We will hunt you down like the heathen scum you are and kill you!
Apparently numbnutzhorseman the antiTrumptroll did not watch Kamala spewing that now Iran is a danger to the US because of Donny boy.
Gee, it's almost like armored cockpit doors didn't exist back then. Oh wait, they didn't. Good luck pulling that stunt off again.

Personally I think the prez playing tough guy on the radio is going to do nothing other than stoke the egos of the Iranian leadership. Because obviously they're such a threat that the president has to act tough on the radio. Sure it makes his fans say "yeah we're so tough!" but I don't see it doing much good on the global stage where it actually matters.

We've been at it for twenty fucking years, WTF do we have to show for it?

Trump goes to a UN meeting. Iranian runs his mouth. President Trump excuses himself for a moment. Upon returning the Iranian's phone is blowing up. Trump looks around and say Iran is no longer a problem. Anyone else got a fucking problem they would like me to handle?
Gee, it's almost like armored cockpit doors didn't exist back then. Oh wait, they didn't. Good luck pulling that stunt off again.

Personally I think the prez playing tough guy on the radio is going to do nothing other than stoke the egos of the Iranian leadership. Because obviously they're such a threat that the president has to act tough on the radio. Sure it makes his fans say "yeah we're so tough!" but I don't see it doing much good on the global stage where it actually matters.

We've been at it for twenty fucking years, WTF do we have to show for it?

We have Idiots like you that spout the first random stream of unconsciousness bullshit that pops out of your pointy little head.
You're right, I didn't watch that shitshow either. And even you ought to be able to admit that he didn't really do much to help relations with Iran.

So we should start a nuclear war? Surely that wouldn't get out of hand.

Playing pussy like Carter and Obama worked out so well...shakes head.
And plenty of idiots like you cheering like an inbred WWF fan any time Donald opens his mouth.

Not quite. Although I like it if he did say that about Iran. And Orangeman is still the only President of the last few that openly tried to get our troops home in spite of resistance from both sides of the aisle, and the defense and "intelligence" agencies. And nearsighted morons like you.
So we should start a nuclear war? Surely that wouldn't get out of hand.

Uh, No. Not going to be a war. One or two detonations all in the same country and then silence and peace. That is not a war. That is pest removal. That is regime change. That is a debt to the world long over due. That is the removal of an oppressive war and hell bent religuous zealot death party. That is a message to the CCP Wuhan would-bes. That is peace through strength and resolve.
Invading Iraq and Afghanistan didn't seem to work out too well either. So where does that leave us? Having the prez shake his fist over the radio or twitter? Surely that will make us look big and strong./QUOTE]

We didn't finish the job. That is what happens we you don't follow through.
Invading Iraq and Afghanistan didn't seem to work out too well either. So where does that leave us? Having the prez shake his fist over the radio or twitter? Surely that will make us look big and strong./QUOTE]

We didn't finish the job. That is what happens we you don't follow through.

Every job since Vietnam , you would think these stupid politicians would have learned that by now.:mad3:
Not quite. Although I like it if he did say that about Iran. And Orangeman is still the only President of the last few that openly tried to get our troops home in spite of resistance from both sides of the aisle, and the defense and "intelligence" agencies. And nearsighted morons like you.

Bringing all troops home means they band together and nobody is watching them.
Then they bring atomic bombs into major US cities.

Bought from Russia. Cheap too. And if Mexicans can get in easy af, SO CAN THEY.

You fucking idiot.

There is reason there is peace in the world right now.

You nearsighted fuckstick.

Already a taste of Trump backing his words. Who was the Iran "general" in Lebanon that got vaporized, just as trump said he would if any Americans died.??
If anyone really believes iran could get any weapons system into the north American ive got some oceanfront property to sell you in Arizona. Iran is what North Korea wants to be, they will never want an open war with any of the first world countries. They prefer to saber rattle and fund/train terrorists every day of the week. Anytime you practice limited war the occupying country will lose in war.
If anyone really believes iran could get any weapons system into the north American ive got some oceanfront property to sell you in Arizona. Iran is what North Korea wants to be, they will never want an open war with any of the first world countries. They prefer to saber rattle and fund/train terrorists every day of the week. Anytime you practice limited war the occupying country will lose in war.

You're an idiot if you think anyone thinks they'll make an open military strike in the continental US. They'll do what they've always done, promote and fund terrorism indirectly or pull petty bullshit like they did under Obama when they have flimsy at best justification for doing so.

Obviously Iran isn't a direct threat to the US militarily, realistically there's not a country on the globe capable of sustaining long term warfare with us. That doesn't mean that rogue nations like Iran and NK can't cause harm.

Warfare in general isn't overt anymore and overt warfare isn't the danger that it once was. Subversion and indirect warfare are the real danger and it doesn't take a super power to wage it.
You're an idiot if you think anyone thinks they'll make an open military strike in the continental US. They'll do what they've always done, promote and fund terrorism indirectly or pull petty bullshit like they did under Obama when they have flimsy at best justification for doing so.

Obviously Iran isn't a direct threat to the US militarily, realistically there's not a country on the globe capable of sustaining long term warfare with us. That doesn't mean that rogue nations like Iran and NK can't cause harm.

Warfare in general isn't overt anymore and overt warfare isn't the danger that it once was. Subversion and indirect warfare are the real danger and it doesn't take a super power to wage it.

I think you overestimate how intelligent the average mouth breather is. Like people saying ww3 bull shit like earlier this year with salami guy.

Sounds like its time to make a example of someone. If your going to provide protection for the world mine as well get some benefits instead of just the bill and the world's contempt.
How would they fuck around with us? A speedboat attack on the mainland USA? :laughing:
Those morons damn near blocked their own main naval base when the model of a Nimitz class carrier sank after a wargame.

You're a newslet. I strongly suggest you spend more time taking in information.

I guess your dumb ass forgot about 9/11. :rolleyes:

Not specifically but there's plenty they could do, I get your post.

There are the small boat swarms and tanker attacks, which Iran has demonstrated many times.



Europe has the most to lose from all of this (the US Navy is a warfighting organization and they expect danger and casualties, plus they have increasingly robust swarm defenses).

The US does not specifically depend on ME oil, though we buy it as part of the market. Europe depends on Russian oil and Oil from the Middle East.


The red are tankers. No it wouldn't destroy Europe's ability to get oil, but it would drive the price up (and hurt China even worse than Europe).

That's why those Europeans have been wishy-washying about everything from defense against Russia to the Middle East. See if Germany can say "buh-but its American troops on our soil!" to Putin, they have an out. But if they have to pay for those troops which are obviously there to counter Russian aggression, now THEY are the adversary, and will pay adversary oil prices.

Same with the ME.

Last, there is the Chinese dependence on ME oil and the Straits of Mallaca


So this is a good way for Trump to fuck with China and pressure their Belt and Road bullshit.

Iran's strategy will be anti-access area denial and they CAN cause an enormous amount of havoc, but Trump is setting it up to all play into America's hands.

And that is why the Trump Admin is genius, but the midwits can't see past the Twatter posts.
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