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iATN pulled a PBB


Jack of all terrains
May 21, 2020
Member Number
Branson, MO
If any of you go through the motions of wrenching cars all day you likely heard of iATN.net. It WAS the PBB (I mean the IBB) of diagnostics and help when you had that car stuck in your bay scatching your head. Also a great place to meet other like minded "professionals" and shoot the shit about the auto industry.
Well looks like 2020 claimed another forum. If you have an account and haven't been logged on in a few day go look you'll see how they have trimmed down and pulled all the wave forms and basic search functions rendering it mostly useless. RIP iATN.
I don't care if it's in the name of progress or some new corporate hire trying to morph things into there vision. Its a leadership failure no doubt. Was a great forum with TONS of detailed info collected since the mid 90s

Cars are complicated no denying it. Hell my love of cars drove me to my love of fourwheelin. Both of which will be life long pursuit. I feel to work in today's world information is king. IF you want to successfully diagnose and repair cars you need 3 things: The right tools, the right information, and the right attitude. I'm not saying iatn sinking is the end of the world, but damn the concept of leaving well enough alone has creeped into the territory of if it aitn broke fix it until it is!

I'm gonna keep bitchin...The other day I was in a antique store and found some old books on auto repair from the 60s. I bought them all and don't feel like I wasted a dime! There is no corporate take over or the selling of big data that will ever take the physical information in those books. Yes they're old and I don't work on old junk but still I will have those pages of information until some physical cataclysm takes them. Today there are few books everything is organized electronically on Mitchele, Alldata, etc. What happens when the power goes out, they go out of business, get sold, solar flare for fucks sake. I use to document repairs in the past but stopped because of the time it took to compile and put to words all the datastream screen shots, wave forms and diagrams. Guess Im gonna fire that habit back up. This just solidifies the fact that out little electronic worlds are not built to last. Thousands of pictures on phones and computers, tens of thousands of comments and likes. Life is more than this intangible bullshit.
Austin I would contribute
I just signed up on diag.net and am looking for other suggestions if anyone has any?
calling Austin

heres a reasonable opportunity to expand into a fleet of forums:smokin:

No joke. Copy and paste ibb, change subforum names, hit the on button.

Interesting ... initial thoughts are:
  • I don't know those communities like I do PBB .. and not to be a dick, 1 or 2 people saying it sucks balls and do it isn't like me knowing the community and knowing there is a greater chance of people moving to make it a success. Again I'm not being ignorant ...
  • I wish I had more time to do more with IBB and that would cut into it,
  • Also they both seem like more than just forums ..... am I wrong?
I'm not saying I'm not interested ... just not sure. Need more info ..
Interesting ... initial thoughts are:
  • I don't know those communities like I do PBB .. and not to be a dick, 1 or 2 people saying it sucks balls and do it isn't like me knowing the community and knowing there is a greater chance of people moving to make it a success. Again I'm not being ignorant ...
  • I wish I had more time to do more with IBB and that would cut into it,
  • Also they both seem like more than just forums ..... am I wrong?
I'm not saying I'm not interested ... just not sure. Need more info ..

I don't know that forum either, I'm just talking out of my ass. That being said, forums are 100% not dead. Look at here, ih8mud etc. People still want forums, companies are just selectively killing them for some reason.
It would be tough to create a new iATN like Austin has done with this place...Starting fresh is one thing, but most of the value there was in the 20 years of information...without that, it’s not much. They started screwing it up when all the inactive member names were switched to “former member”...so you can’t even tell who posted what. I’m not a computer guy, so I’m not sure the database is even recoverable at this point.
I don't know that forum either, I'm just talking out of my ass. That being said, forums are 100% not dead. Look at here, ih8mud etc. People still want forums, companies are just selectively killing them for some reason.

Same, just talking out of my ass

normal day :laughing:
I have paid $20 a year for PBB for 13 years....
I paid $20 per MONTH for 6 years for iATN! It made me money.

...Pirate just cost me money in dumb ideas and projects lol.
Yeah, I’m pretty pissed about it. Went to look for something yesterday and logged into something that looks like it was made for elementary children.

Its like they didn’t beta test it or anything. I’m hoping they switch it back soon or they are going to lose everybody.
Interesting ... initial thoughts are:
  • I don't know those communities like I do PBB .. and not to be a dick, 1 or 2 people saying it sucks balls and do it isn't like me knowing the community and knowing there is a greater chance of people moving to make it a success. Again I'm not being ignorant ...
  • I wish I had more time to do more with IBB and that would cut into it,
  • Also they both seem like more than just forums ..... am I wrong?
I'm not saying I'm not interested ... just not sure. Need more info ..

IF you don't know then you don't know. Its overwhelmingly obvious the new layout and data loss has everyone pissed. Its not like pirate where most of it is still the same. The big thing they had going was waveform data. This is no longer a searchable function. It looks like Instagram now to be honest. There's some talk that it was on purpose to kill off that forum so that the owners of it could get everyone onto there sister forum identifix. /tinfoilhat

oddly the one of the guys from iatn started diag.net similar to how Austin has done this fine place. Hopefully it will pan out it about $50/yr.
Wow! I've been an iATN member almost since they started. I was a sponsoring member for years, even after I retired. This site is unrecognizable now. This is really sad. It was a great resource for techs.
I spent a lot of time on iATN back when I worked at independant shops. Uploaded a lot of waveforms off ths MODIS. There was another forum called identifix, I did not have much experience with. Snap on tried to launch their own with users specifically using their hardware, not sure if it took off. There was a huge following of techs using the PICO scope and I think they were on "autonerdz" forum. This was 15 years ago I dont know if any of those are still active
IATN actually somewhat listened to the hundreds of complaints and cancelled subscriptions and relaunched the old site today.
IATN actually somewhat listened to the hundreds of complaints and cancelled subscriptions and relaunched the old site today.

Nice! Because I emailed to threaten to cancel our subscription after 24-25 years! Never did get a response tho.
Nice! Because I emailed to threaten to cancel our subscription after 24-25 years! Never did get a response tho.

I was going to do the same thing. I just didn’t want to lose my “legacy” pricing.
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