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I guess we have to watch what we say to people in TX


Refugee from syrup
May 19, 2020
Member Number
East Coast
Nearly 50 people in North Texas drank bleach this month and officials are warning people it won't prevent or cure coronavirus

Public health officials are warning Texans not to drink bleach after the North Texas Poison Center fielded 46 calls within the last month related to people drinking bleach.

The center's public health education manager, Cristina Holloway, told NBC Dallas-Fort Worth that at least some of the callers mentioned coronavirus as a reason they swallowed the chemical. Bleach does not prevent or cure the coronavirus, and can seriously sicken, injure, or even kill people.

"We do know that there's a lot of misinformation through the media, through the internet, so that can also be a contributing factor where people are misinformed and hear it from a neighbor or a friend and think it sounds like a good idea when it could potentially be dangerous," Holloway told the outlet.

She added that most of the 46 calls were not severe cases, though 12 of them sought medical help, according to NBC DFW.
They obviously didn't drink enough. :homer:

Every fucking moron that tried that should have died. I hope it at least made some, if not all if them sterile. That kind of stupid doesn't need to be floating around in the gene pool.
Aint gotta hair on they ass , iffn theys a-listening to no -ones!
Don't mind us Texans, we are jus trying to thin the heard! We did a test and removed the warning label off some bleach bottles in areas that Californians are moving too and the results are looking good so far!
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Perhaps the survivors can move onto blenders?
Why would we watch what we say? keep telling them that shit. If they are dumb enough to do it, then we dont need em around anyway .
Interesting that there are that many in just north Texas. My sister is in Hidalgo county and was telling me about a dipshit they had in the hospital for this.
Why would we watch what we say? keep telling them that shit. If they are dumb enough to do it, then we dont need em around anyway .

This^ - absolutely this. Take the warning labels off everything & give Darwin a fuggin' chance.
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