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I give him credit for not caving to the snowflake bullies.

it sucks when he makes coherent responses.

this is why the debates won't happen this year :lmao:

I don't see how we can't have debates. I mean, how are we going to get information?

The debates are almost exclusively hosted by far-left journalists. The Trump/Hillary debates were hosted exclusively by Leftist journos, including Chris Wallace who used to host Meet the Press and NBC Nightly News. They figured he represented Fox News, but a FoxNews representative would have been O'Reilly, Hannity, or Carlson. Not even Shep Smith who was pretty critical of Trump, or Brett Baier. Nope, the single Leftist journo at FoxNews.

They can't even do that?
If he just acted like that all the time, and on Twitter, he would do himself a great service, and with Biden as the alternative......the country.

the majority of his stuff is like this, rally's, speeches, business visits, hell even most of the press conferences. without having 20 people to divide and weed through a primary against, he'd probably be surprisingly good live against biden.

thot twitter tho, too much volume, too little context, gold mine of collecting trash for low rent reporting
FCC fairness rule

decline of education

its no wonder MSM is so effective.

and yet people lap that shit up.

hell i've had multi-post discussions with people even on this board about the absurdity of the lies of the media, facemasks and covid and such. it's insane.

the easiest sign that something shitty is afoot is if all the main streams of media are parroting the same line. anything they try to sell you that hard pretty much means it should be dismissed outright, no further thought required.

that's why the destruction of critical thinking is so tragic.

You need to watch the youtube series "the war on sensemaking" it's a few hour long lecture, but it goes over this. It's some HEAVY stuff, meaning alot of human sense making theory over time and you will need a dictionary handy and watch it sober. It's way above the heads of most people, not meaning that in a diragatory way, but it's interesting if you WANT to learn about it and have a good thought session. They go over how humans have externalized critical thought over time and how dangerous that is on a human kind scale, not just a political scale.
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You need to watch the youtube series "the war on sensemaking" it's a few hour long lecture, but it goes over this. It's some HEAVY stuff, meaning alot of human sense making theory over time and you will need a dictionary handy and watch it sober. It's way above the heads of most people, not meaning that in a diragatory way, but it's interesting if you WANT to learn about it and have a good thought session. They go over how humans have externalized critical thought over time and how dangerous that is on a human kind scale, not just a political scale.

to add to that, i think "one child nation" on amazon is an excellent documentary regarding intense propaganda
to add to that, i think "one child nation" on amazon is an excellent documentary regarding intense propaganda

I was looking at that, I'll have to check it out.

Oh that youtube video I was telling you about is on a channel called Rebel Wisdom. Tons of great speakers and topics, it's like being in a college class again and exercises the brain, in a good way not SJW bullshit modern college lol.
I was looking at that, I'll have to check it out.

Oh that youtube video I was telling you about is on a channel called Rebel Wisdom. Tons of great speakers and topics, it's like being in a college class again and exercises the brain, in a good way not SJW bullshit modern college lol.

i've dumped a few hours into "unsafe space" and "trigger nometry"

lot's of good stuff. caving on my nearly life long anti-youtubism leaves me with a decade of shit to catch up on :laughing:

for that "war on sensemaking", he does work on the base assumption that his audience isn't aware that they are being distorted in messaging so i've got a bit of a leg up in that area :rasta:
You need to watch the youtube series "the war on sensemaking" it's a few hour long lecture, but it goes over this. It's some HEAVY stuff, meaning alot of human sense making theory over time and you will need a dictionary handy and watch it sober. It's way above the heads of most people, not meaning that in a diragatory way, but it's interesting if you WANT to learn about it and have a good thought session. They go over how humans have externalized critical thought over time and how dangerous that is on a human kind scale, not just a political scale.

alright, that guy ends with his world view desire being global collectivism and his human body examples are half thought and poorly done. I fully accept and understand that individualism and cooperation that form the basis for capitalism isn't without it's flaws and failures, but those failures are far superior to the failures of collectivism, as witnessed repeatedly through history. He makes several points talking about seeking understanding of other opinions, and then gives a big WTF for how christians could pervade a religion build on forgiveness to ramp up some crusades...well, there is a shiton more to it than that. his nuanced positional goal falls flat in many aspects. Concerning the body, not just with the appearance of cancer cells and mutation errors, the body will actively consume and kill certain parts when stressed. the organs are in competition. naturally stressed, several will shut down to preserve the few, and at the demand of the few :laughing: Sure, does that mean that ultimately "the body" might survive longer? well yeah, but that is because we don't view a kidney or leg as equal to a brain. Do we think the same of people? Yes. Collectivists regularly have cleansed and removed whole segments of populations so that "the brain" or "the body" can survive 🤣

oh, i mean, if things aren't stressed then life is all hunky dory, but that is valid across all systems. He initially is pretty dismissive of libertarianism/freedom as "utopia fantasy" stuff but then gets into his whole ideal rational world view as if his version of enlightened collectivism is in any way more valid? it is equally fantasy but with a lower likelyhood of success. it is a notion that eschews the good enough to better for the prefect and ideal.

of course he would dismiss me as being somebody who simply isn't open minded and stuck in my pre-set mentality bias and that is certainly true to a point. To his much earlier points about always needed to dig in to the source documents and take as wholistic view of science/media/narrative as possible, the backing does exist to support that notion. individualism and cooperation outperform collectivism and coercion in every way, excepting only generalized outcome equality. Because outcome equality is a shit poor metric, that doesn't hold any weight.

that said, critical thinking is in dire need. nobody should expect to not look into the whole of a position being offered to them for things they care about or find interesting.
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alright, that guy ends with his world view desire being global collectivism and his human body examples are half thought and poorly done. I fully accept and understand that individualism and cooperation that form the basis for capitalism isn't without it's flaws and failures, but those failures are far superior to the failures of collectivism, as witnessed repeatedly through history. He makes several points talking about seeking understanding of other opinions, and then gives a big WTF for how christians could pervade a religion build on forgiveness to ramp up some crusades...well, there is a shiton more to it than that. his nuanced positional goal falls flat in many aspects. Concerning the body, not just with the appearance of cancer cells and mutation errors, the body will actively consume and kill certain parts when stressed. the organs are in competition. naturally stressed, several will shut down to preserve the few, and at the demand of the few :laughing: Sure, does that mean that ultimately "the body" might survive longer? well yeah, but that is because we don't view a kidney or leg as equal to a brain. Do we think the same of people? Yes. Collectivists regularly have cleansed and removed whole segments of populations so that "the brain" or "the body" can survive 🤣

oh, i mean, if things aren't stressed then life is all hunky dory, but that is valid across all systems. He initially is pretty dismissive of libertarianism/freedom as "utopia fantasy" stuff but then gets into his whole ideal rational world view as if his version of enlightened collectivism is in any way more valid? it is equally fantasy but with a lower likelyhood of success. it is a notion that eschews the good enough to better for the prefect and ideal.

of course he would dismiss me as being somebody who simply isn't open minded and stuck in my pre-set mentality bias and that is certainly true to a point. To his much earlier points about always needed to dig in to the source documents and take as wholistic view of science/media/narrative as possible, the backing does exist to support that notion. individualism and cooperation outperform collectivism and coercion in every way, excepting only generalized outcome equality. Because outcome equality is a shit poor metric, that doesn't hold any weight.

that said, critical thinking is in dire need. nobody should expect to not look into the whole of a position being offered to them for things they care about or find interesting.

Hahaha never said I agree with everything, but it gets the brain going. If you listen to his sit down interview with Eric weinstein on his podcast the portal, eric pushes back on him on alot of stuff and he explains it a bit more. It's like way heady stuff that suggests people move past the social constructs we have now and evolve. It's just as utopian as an anarcho capitalist society actually functioning like my utopian dream, but it gets you thinking. I dont know where you got coercion from in all that, maybe some bias is poking through.;).

I had kind of the same WTF reaction you did, then did some research and this guy is a professional critical thinker and he approaches things with ideas and challenges to the narrative, not the concrete solutions. I need that job haha!

I'm one of these oddballs that likes hearing intellectuals (actual ones) make their case that challenge my beliefs. I really enjoy listening to Bret and Eric Weinstein talk, even thought I barely agree with them on alot of social issues, but they make some good points. I lump this dude in with this as well. It's a good alternative to the bullshit thrown at us day in and day out at a 4th grade level from the MSM and social media.
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Hahaha never said I agree with everything, but it gets the brain going. If you listen to his sit down interview with Eric weinstein on his podcast the portal, eric pushes back on him on alot of stuff and he explains it a bit more. It's like way heady stuff that suggests people move past the social constructs we have now and evolve. It's just as utopian as an anarcho capitalist society actually functioning like my utopian dream, but it gets you thinking. I dont know where you got coercion from in all that, maybe some bias is poking through.;).

I'm one of these oddballs that likes hearing intellectuals (actual ones) make their case that challenge my beliefs. I really enjoy listening to Bret and Eric Weinstein talk, even thought I barely agree with them on alot of issues, but they make some good points. I lump this dude in with this as well. It's a good alternative to the bullshit thrown at us day in and day out at a 4th grade level from the MSM and social media.

oh for sure, i just didn't see any point in posting it as a comment on the youtube video, but still wanted to respond :laughing:

same goes for the "one child" documentary, it is world class in it's presentation for propaganda, but i don't think it even realizes how fully it goes and get's distracted by some other things.

the coercion is a must in collectivism just like cooperation is a must in individualism. it is inescapable. To use his body example, the liver doesn't choose to shut itself down during starvation, the brain makes that call to save itself.

coercion is the "quiet" part that nobody wants to acknowledge, anybody that doesn't support that, doesn't support collectivism. Voluntary collectivism can only work on a micro scale, and is simply deep cooperation of individuals.

i'll listen to the other two series later on as well. anybody that can make a semi-rational thought is worthwhile as far as i'm concerned. Hell, i've been watching the fucking commies in Seattle on live stream for the last month anyways :laughing:
oh for sure, i just didn't see any point in posting it as a comment on the youtube video, but still wanted to respond :laughing:

same goes for the "one child" documentary, it is world class in it's presentation for propaganda, but i don't think it even realizes how fully it goes and get's distracted by some other things.

the coercion is a must in collectivism just like cooperation is a must in individualism. it is inescapable. To use his body example, the liver doesn't choose to shut itself down during starvation, the brain makes that call to save itself.

coercion is the "quiet" part that nobody wants to acknowledge, anybody that doesn't support that, doesn't support collectivism. Voluntary collectivism can only work on a micro scale, and is simply deep cooperation of individuals.

i'll listen to the other two series later on as well. anybody that can make a semi-rational thought is worthwhile as far as i'm concerned. Hell, i've been watching the fucking commies in Seattle on live stream for the last month anyways :laughing:

Yea you need a brain purge after watching that CHOP live feed LOL!! I agree collectivism only works at a super small level, you couldnt scale it up, coercion free, unless we massively evolve as a species IMO. Unfortunately we are devolving.... I cant remember if he talked about it here or somewhere else, but I think we are getting way too bombarded with information and mentally cant cope with it, hence everything seemingly going down a spiral. I think we just mentally cant cope and comprehend the ammount of data coming in, and to make it worse you have algorithms fucking with and distorting ones reality. Crazy times in the human experience.
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Yea you need a brain purge after watching that CHOP live feed LOL!! I agree collectivism only works at a super small level, you couldnt scale it up, coercion free, unless we massively evolve as a species IMO. Unfortunately we are devolving.... I cant remember if he talked about it here or somewhere else, but I think we are getting way too bombarded with information and mentally cant cope with it, hence everything seemingly going down a spiral. I think we just mentally cant cope and comprehend the ammount of data coming in, and to make it worse you have algorithms fucking with and distorting ones reality. Crazy times in the human experience.


if it wasn't for that, i wouldn't have bothered watching anything on youtube, so there is that. yeah it was one of his lamentations that too many people are reprogramming themselves away from thought and it is a self feeding cycle with the shit, though generally losing reach, echo chamber media.

Most people have a massive capacity for information, but there are so many divergent individuals that there has never and will never be mass introspection. fun times, i'm really enjoying it :laughing:

there really is easier and more information out there today than ever before, still a general void in bias investigation, as he rightly notes, that perpetuates ignorance and ease of acceptance of 'whatever' driven viewpoints without further thought. but for anybody willing to do some digging? hell yeah :smokin:

I couldn't bring myself to figure out how to properly execute options stock market trading, despite it offering massive financial gain. but this upheavel anarcho-commie shit? oh, i'm all in. i've enjoyed this shit all my life
Most people have a massive capacity for information, but there are so many divergent individuals that there has never and will never be mass introspection. fun times, i'm really enjoying it :laughing:

there really is easier and more information out there today than ever before, still a general void in bias investigation, as he rightly notes, that perpetuates ignorance and ease of acceptance of 'whatever' driven viewpoints without further thought. but for anybody willing to do some digging? hell yeah :smokin:

I had an employee that was 70, he was a walking encyclopedia and memorized evreything. He was going off one day about how the youth of today cant remember shit and they need to memorize more stuff. I explained to him you have to look at it from the other perspective, we have access to almost all of human knowledge in our pockets and within a few search terms, why memorize? Now that is pretty awesome when you think about it, flip side it's much easier to skew and alter that information when you try to access it and thats the scary part, to me at least.

I've been geeking out during quarentine, I think I have had more thought exploration than all of college lol!
and yet people lap that shit up.

hell i've had multi-post discussions with people even on this board about the absurdity of the lies of the media, facemasks and covid and such. it's insane.

the easiest sign that something shitty is afoot is if all the main streams of media are parroting the same line. anything they try to sell you that hard pretty much means it should be dismissed outright, no further thought required.


Have you always had a victim mentality? When did it start... childhood? Or later?
He should have just answered her question with the fucking truth, because they are criminals getting caught and fighting the law! They ain't all quire boys like they mammas and granny's would like us to believe.
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