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How long till we are at war in the middle east?


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May 20, 2020
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Hollywood, Florida
I all because most middle eastern countries view women as lower than domestic farm animals. And think we are soft.

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1 year
I all because most middle eastern countries view women as lower than domestic farm animals. And think we are soft.

30 days
60 days
90 days
6 months
1 year

won't be War... Congress will never vote for that, because the DNC can't. There will be a "police action" and 45 will somehow be blamed.
I'm more concerned where/when the next shooting is going to be. Blamed on some R Trump supporter. Bans and stuff are handed out. Discovered they were an Antifa member. Then the story gets buried.
War? Oh no....we can't call it that. But we'll be deep shit in it forsure
Iran in 6 months the War hawks of the military industrial complex is haveing a party now that Trump is out
Iran in 6 months the War hawks of the military industrial complex is haveing a party now that Trump is out

We will be sending ordinance of some sort down range, but unlikely officially a war. Trump getting the peace deal and no new conflicts is something they never got around to fucking with. They can't have that contrast.
What are you talking about? We've always been at war with the middle east.

I really hope there isn’t a domestic terrorist attack...but...6 months and we are in the middle of gofuckyourselfstan throwing all kind of shit down range
I wouldn't put it past Iran to try to assassinate Trump in Fl. And if no retaliation happens, well Iran will close off the gulf and dare us to act. But even if they don't, I think they are going to push buttons until we fly over another pallet of money or some proxy fighting bullshit. What does Kamala want? She is a woman so will resort to violence when someone pisses her off. Biden has no original thoughts, he never has. He goes where he thinks the party winds want him to go.
Not just the Middle East
Did anyone see North Korea parading some big ass missles just last week?
I really hope there isn’t a domestic terrorist attack...but...6 months and we are in the middle of gofuckyourselfstan throwing all kind of shit down range

north korea is more belligerent than the middle east.

we will be right back to providing substantial increases to European defense budgets and they will "take the lead with the UN" against iran
The Jew hating dems will fuck over Israel and Netanyahu, therefore giving a green light to the Muslins to start their usual shit. Specifically Iran. Then dems cry “peace” in the middle East. Whereby they’ll fuck everything up even worse. Six months, at most.
The Jew hating dems will fuck over Israel and Netanyahu, therefore giving a green light to the Muslins to start their usual shit. Specifically Iran. Then dems cry “peace” in the middle East. Whereby they’ll fuck everything up even worse. Six months, at most.

interesting how convenient the jews are for a political pet 'project'

both sides use them in the exact same way, and who seems to benefit from it every time? who pays the bill for it every time?
6 mos.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if we had some kind of isis attack on us soil sooner to start things off.
I'm more concerned where/when the next shooting is going to be. Blamed on some R Trump supporter. Bans and stuff are handed out. Discovered they were an Antifa member. Then the story gets buried.

I am right in your camp on this, I figure sooner rather than later. As for anything else I am gonna go with it happening within the next 6 months.
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