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House Dems want Biden to give up sole power to launch nukes

Reminded me of Genesis' Land of Confusion video (from waaay back when MTV had music).

But seriously, the Dems wanna' make a nuclear launch a litigious clusterfuck that's effectively not an option (like guns, . . . or free speech).
Ted Lieu sponsored, Taiwanese congressman from California, and strong defender of Chinse spies. Not all Taiwanese are anti-PRC.

Nobody wants him to wake up in a chair, confused after a nightmare, and drop a bomb on Wisconsin.
Nobody wants him to wake up in a chair, confused after a nightmare, and drop a bomb on Wisconsin.

Well, hold on now. :flipoff2:

Call me stupid, but I never knew the President could launch a nuke on their own. I thought there were codes and a legislative process.
Of course blame Trump

“Past presidents have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or exhibited behavior that caused other officials to express concern about the president’s judgment,” the two said, referencing former President Donald Trump’s very public feud with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
I like that we're gonna form another congressional comitee to oversea national security.
don't we already have a few?

Right? At this point hope one of these unelected beaurocrats goes off the rails and nukes evreything after this, I want off clown world.
Well, hold on now. :flipoff2:

Call me stupid, but I never knew the President could launch a nuke on their own. I thought there were codes and a legislative process.

I suggested books in another thread, here's The Nuclear Book.


I strongly recommend avoiding the Documentary version on PBS. Sometimes they're great, not this time.

This story made the news because foreign influence (Chinese) is attempting to water down our quite excellent NCA. It's a pretty big deal. Nothing will happen now, Congress makes resolutions and writes stupid letters all the time.

What's significant is that dozens of US lawmakers thought it was a good idea. Who has enough money to shower 31 politicians with bribes?

They've broached the idea, that means the PRC (and probably others) will seek to push this over the next decades.



Of course blame Trump

“Past presidents have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or exhibited behavior that caused other officials to express concern about the president’s judgment,” the two said, referencing former President Donald Trump’s very public feud with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Don't mention the fact that DT's saber-rattling led to Rocket Boy coming to the table.

Remember when NK & SK came together for the first time in most of our lifetimes?

. . . and didn't Reagan's "hot mic" slip contribute to the fall of the USSR?

:idea: - oh, wait - maybe these congresscritters are afraid of the threat to SOCIALISM
Don't mention the fact that DT's saber-rattling led to Rocket Boy coming to the table.

Remember when NK & SK came together for the first time in most of our lifetimes?

. . . and didn't Reagan's "hot mic" slip contribute to the fall of the USSR?

:idea: - oh, wait - maybe these congresscritters are afraid of the threat to SOCIALISM

I thought the entire purpose of nuclear weapons was to talk about using them so all sides would agree to negotiations because no one wants to use nuclear weapons.
I thought the entire purpose of nuclear weapons was to talk about using them so all sides would agree to negotiations because no one wants to use nuclear weapons.

Yes, but for the talk to be effective, the threat must be real.

Threat of "a time out" is not the same as "an ass-whipping".

Do you think Gorbachev would've taken Reagan seriously if he thought Jane Fonda had to sign off on a nuke launch?
referencing former President Donald Trump’s very public feud with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Oh, the one that directly lead to the most significant diplomatic progress with North Korea in 50+ years and earned him a Nobel Peace Prize nomination? :laughing:
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Fuck them, that’s not their job.

And if this is being brought about because people are worried about 46.... well then sorry about your fucking luck. He is the president, like it or not.
Those power hunger fucking tards would probably all head to the bunker and nuke the whole United States, just so they could stay in power.
Looks like an attempt to shift presidential power to congress. If we go nuclear then it really doesn't matter as we will all die soon. So we don't really need a committee. This will be a stepping stone for more presidential power grabs so lifetime members of congress without term limits like Pelosi can carry out presidential duties without being elected to do so.

while congress neglects it's own duties and continues to give more power to the executive bureaucracy.

what a time to be alive.
Ted Lieu sponsored, Taiwanese congressman from California, and strong defender of Chinse spies. Not all Taiwanese are anti-PRC.


Corrwct me if I am wrong.

edited: I was wrong. Different Asian government employee. Leland Yee was the dude I was thinking of apparently. Thanks
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You are thinking of Leland Yee, he is now in the Fed Correction instution in Fort Worth Tx.
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