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Hospital observation


May 21, 2020
Member Number
Pigeon Forge, TN
I have been here at the local hospital for the last couple of days.

This hospital serves our county of 100k people plus however ever many of the 14 million tourists that get sick / have accidents while here.

The news everyday pounds it in still how bad Covid is and how many are sick / dead.

Well where the fuck are they?

This hospital is empty, it looks almost abandoned.

There are 2 floors. Each floor has 2 wings.

The other wing on this floor is completely empty, not even staffed. I walked around it, no patients, no nurses, no anything.

This wing is about 1/2 full so about 10 rooms out of 20 have patients in it and most of those are maternity patients.

I have heard the argument that the hospitals are empty because they canceled elective surgery, and that theory makes sense except I am here for someone that had elective surgery.

Visitors are allowed with just a temp screening so that is not the case either.

Here are some pics I just took.

One is of the lobby (empty) and the other is the visitor parking lot which has about 5 cars in it out of at least 100 spots available.


No one is sick anymore?

Pretty sure most politicians found a statistic that they could latch onto with the "ICU Bed" occupancy rate. So if your small local hospital has 5 beds, and 4 of them are currently occupied from a serious car accident, and 2 of those 4 people tested positive for Covid after 45 test cycles instead of the recommend 20 cycles, the headline would read:

Yea it’s been like this for a year.

Are you guys all howling from your porches and balconies at 8pm to show appreciation to first responders:laughing:

COVID is complete horse shit
Pretty sure most politicians found a statistic that they could latch onto with the "ICU Bed" occupancy rate. So if your small local hospital has 5 beds, and 4 of them are currently occupied from a serious car accident, and 2 of those 4 people tested positive for Covid after 45 test cycles instead of the recommend 20 cycles, the headline would read:


this, its all part of the scamdemic.
Where are all those frontline heroes I keep hearing about? Taking nudes in the bathroom?
this, its all part of the scamdemic.

It's no different than what politicians on both sides have done for ages. Find data that can support your goal, use statistics to spin it in your favor, and decry anyone who objects.

Not trying to toot my own horn, and I suck in many other areas, but by nature of my education and career I'm a bit more science/statistics/government knowledgeable than the average bear. I'm also pretty moderate/libertarian leaning and dislike both major political parties.

So this whole Covid debacle has been really interesting to watch. Yes, SARS-COV-2 is a real virus that causes real issues. Yes, there's a potential chance that it did not occur randomly and naturally. Yes, some people are dying prematurely if they are sensitive or have underlying conditions. Yes, the political motivations (on both sides) were glaringly obvious to those who aren't beholden to the ideology of their party of choice.

But no, it's not serious enough to warrant a solid year of crashing economies, stunting our kids' growth and development, ruining lives, and weakening our global position. Most people who died did not have many years left anyway, dying soon from a common influenza virus or heart failure or any other cause that was knocking on their door (this will be interesting to see over the next 2-3 years - I could see death rates dropping significantly among certain age and demographic groups).

I could go on, but most of us agree on much of this.
Our hospital is the same.

75% closed up and only important surgery is being done. Along with that they also laid off 75% of the staff, doctors exempt but nurses are not. We have friends who are nurses 2 are working and 1 laid off, the 2 working bitch constantly about how overworked they are and the forced OT, all the while the fucking media and the nurses union are saying that the hospital is "full" because of covid.:rolleyes:

MIL is in there and we can't visit, GF goes in on Monday and I gotta wait at home for a fucking phone call.:mad3:
It's no different than what politicians on both sides have done for ages. Find data that can support your goal, use statistics to spin it in your favor, and decry anyone who objects.

Not trying to toot my own horn, and I suck in many other areas, but by nature of my education and career I'm a bit more science/statistics/government knowledgeable than the average bear. I'm also pretty moderate/libertarian leaning and dislike both major political parties.

So this whole Covid debacle has been really interesting to watch. Yes, SARS-COV-2 is a real virus that causes real issues. Yes, there's a potential chance that it did not occur randomly and naturally. Yes, some people are dying prematurely if they are sensitive or have underlying conditions. Yes, the political motivations (on both sides) were glaringly obvious to those who aren't beholden to the ideology of their party of choice.

But no, it's not serious enough to warrant a solid year of crashing economies, stunting our kids' growth and development, ruining lives, and weakening our global position. Most people who died did not have many years left anyway, dying soon from a common influenza virus or heart failure or any other cause that was knocking on their door (this will be interesting to see over the next 2-3 years - I could see death rates dropping significantly among certain age and demographic groups).

I could go on, but most of us agree on much of this.

Pretty much this. Mask up and go on about your business unless you're in a high risk category should've been the protocol from pretty early on once actual mortality data became more clear. Unfortunately, the masks became political very quickly too.

People are just too damn emotional and idealogically driven these days. Check the logic and rationality at the door, get up in your feelings, and hunker down in your idealogical bunker is the go-to methodology for way too many people.
Why you in the hospital crispins ?

From his original post.....................................................

I have heard the argument that the hospitals are empty because they canceled elective surgery, and that theory makes sense except I am here for someone that had elective surgery.
Pretty much this. Mask up and go on about your business unless you're in a high risk category should've been the protocol from pretty early on once actual mortality data became more clear. Unfortunately, the masks became political very quickly too.

People are just too damn emotional and idealogically driven these days. Check the logic and rationality at the door, get up in your feelings, and hunker down in your idealogical bunker is the go-to methodology for way too many people.

Absolutely. Quarantining the elderly or sensitive, great idea. Masks recommended when rates are bad, sure. Social distancing recommended in public places, fine by me. But governors closing their state economies on a whim is the dumbest fucking thing I have seen done at a state level in my life.

My 5yo is somewhat respiratory sensitive so I've taken more precautions than the average member here. That's my prerogative and I would never demand that someone else give up their freedoms for me. I might ask, but if they are not receptive that's on me. Now when my dumbfuck neighbors are shooting fireworks around my trees I'll politely tell them to cut that shit out. :flipoff2:
Our hospital is the same.

75% closed up and only important surgery is being done. Along with that they also laid off 75% of the staff, doctors exempt but nurses are not. We have friends who are nurses 2 are working and 1 laid off, the 2 working bitch constantly about how overworked they are and the forced OT, all the while the fucking media and the nurses union are saying that the hospital is "full" because of covid.:rolleyes:

MIL is in there and we can't visit, GF goes in on Monday and I gotta wait at home for a fucking phone call.:mad3:

damn man, that is really rough.

i would not want that for anyone.

people need support after surgery.

All I am doing is helping to sit up, reach things, help to get to the bathroom, stuff they need assistance with as they are weak.

Plus the emotional support, it is much easier to rest and sleep knowing someone is there making sure everything is going to be fine.

I wish strength to both of you.

Ya know if you ran tiktok search of any of our current forward operating bases you'd probably find worse stuff just from guys in combat gear.:flipoff2:

No idea all of our hospitals are not empty and pretty much running as normal-ish.
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