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Tin Roof

May 20, 2020
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There’s always a cheaper alternative to the mainstream guns out there, and a lot of times you do get what you pay for. But, if you are not a gun snob, there are some good alternatives. For example, my 1911 is a RIA that I bought on a blemish sale. It’s not pretty, and it’s not a high end 1911, but it shoots well with no issues and I like it.

My favorite example and what made me think of doing this post is my first carry gun. It’s a SCCY CPX-2 9mm. It was $230 and for the money was/is a great shooter. The only issue I ever had with it was ftf when I was target shooting with dirty Tula ammo. When I told my gun guy I wanted one he had never heard of them. It sits in the safe now because I have a few other carry guns that I regularly use, but I wouldn’t hesitate to put it back in duty.

What are some other “cheap” guns you guys have experience with and are not to ashamed to admit to?
Have a 9mm high point carbine from the late 90s that I’m not sure has ever been cleaned. Got it in high school and put who knows how much cheap 9mm through it. It has a cheap scope on it now, but I have the original sites to it. Probably haven’t shot it in 20 years.
I've got a H&R 999 Sportsman that was left to me by my grandmother. The trigger has a 2.4 million pound pull but other than that it's a good cheap (or was anyway) pistol. I have an Ithaca M66 break action .410 that my Dad paid less than $60 for NIB and was a Christmas present. Not much to go wrong with that one. I spent $89 for my Ruger 10/22 new with scope, it's been flawless (except for the cheap Tasco which has been discarded decades ago). My RIA 1911 has been a great gun with the exception that the LRBHO feature is hit or miss. I've tried several different mags but the LRBHO is still inconsistent (prolly the gun).
a few marlin glenfield model 60 .22 semi auto rifles that came from sears are spot on, even with their no name scopes.
dad got them in the early 60's
still shoot like brand new.
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