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Hey twit13


May 19, 2020
Member Number
I Don't Know
This should bother you a lot more than someone not wearing a mask.

Or are these your heroes?
Don't you mean twat13 ? that foreign douche nozzle that's always whining like a bitch about Americans ?
This should bother you a lot more than someone not wearing a mask.

Or are these your heroes?

Everyone is really just laughing at them. But free country, freedom of speech. Their political party is about 800 people strong.
Nobody really cares, but I won't be crying if people pull that one down.
People are more like: let them put it up, so we know EXACTLY what type of people these are.

The city says: Lenin or Hitler, statues like this should not be part of the public. "Hard to bear."


They are being watched officially by the Ministry of Constitution protection. (defense of Constitution)
If they fuck up even once, they get shut down. (AfD is another party being watched, although far far Nazi right.)

Generally, I am not for the pulling down of statues.
This pulling down of statues is the most terrible thing that can happen. It serves as a reminder of the past - ESPECIALLY the bad part of the past.
They should really be stopped and sent back to school.
Rewriting the history in this way is so big brother. Sad.

Kids in Germany ALL go to a KZ Nazi Camp field trip. To shock them. To make sure they see what happened.

While I will say the glorification of C.Columbus might be already a bit skewed history, a pulling down of statues is certainly not the way to break it up.
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Everyone is really just laughing at them. But free country, freedom of speech. Their political party is about 800 people strong.
Nobody really cares, but I won't be crying if people pull that one down.
People are more like: let them put it up, so we know EXACTLY what type of people these are.

The city says: Lenin or Hitler, statues like this should not be part of the public. "Hard to bear."


They are being watched officially by the Ministry of Constitution protection. (defense of Constitution)
If they fuck up even once, they get shut down. (AfD is another party being watched, although far far Nazi right.)

Generally, I am not for the pulling down of statues.
This pulling down of statues is the most terrible thing that can happen. It serves as a reminder of the past - ESPECIALLY the bad part of the past.
They should really be stopped and sent back to school.
Rewriting the history in this way is so big brother. Sad.

Kids in Germany ALL go to a KZ Nazi Camp field trip. To shock them. To make sure they see what happened.

While I will say the glorification of C.Columbus might be already a bit skewed history, a pulling down of statues is certainly not the way to break it up.

Shut the fuck up you commie cuck... you are the type that looks forward to big brother so all decisions are on them and not you... freedom of choice is something you don't believe in. Fuckin virtue signaling pig fuck commie cuck
Shut the fuck up you commie cuck... you are the type that looks forward to big brother so all decisions are on them and not you... freedom of choice is something you don't believe in. Fuckin virtue signaling pig fuck commie cuck

Jeez man, you have a serious hard on for me, huh?

Look, it's too much for your feeble brain to comprehend, but I can be for masks, against sip and still point out how Americans Pres is playing big brother and, at least with you, fully succeeding!

I can even be for masks, while saying: "Government is doing things I am not ok with."

Why can I differentiate, and you see only black and white.

Also: what's with the rage man? Don't heart attack on us now, ya hear?
Generally, I am not for the pulling down of statues.
This pulling down of statues is the most terrible thing that can happen. It serves as a reminder of the past - ESPECIALLY the bad part of the past.
They should really be stopped and sent back to school.
Rewriting the history in this way is so big brother. Sad.

To my understanding, all public images 3rd Reich has been removed. But Stalin is cool.

Something seriously fucked up there.
To my understanding, all public images 3rd Reich has been removed. But Stalin is cool.

Something seriously fucked up there.

Well,to be fair the Berlin Wall and what it represented is but a distant memory to this newest generation of idiots,so good on them for givin' old Joe and his buddies another shot at it.
To my understanding, all public images 3rd Reich has been removed. But Stalin is cool.

Something seriously fucked up there.

It's also illegal to Nazi salute. Don't get me started...
While I don't like the Nazi Gedankengut, I feel that freely saluting retards makes them much easier to spot.

But the Jews have problems with 3rd Reich anything. And since the war, people are tripping over themselves to appease them.
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