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Help a luddite out?


Falling Down
May 19, 2020
Member Number
D.p. Ca.
Is there any way to make this laptop access internet? It's mine from high-school and hasn't been turned on in that long.
Looked up the specs. It did have wireless, but it was b/g only. Some wireless aps disable those speeds for performance but they can be turned on. 2.4ghz only.

I would install peppermint Linux or a similar low overhead version. Had really good luck with it making older stuff run acceptably and getting on web pages with win xp is a bad idea - a lot of stuff won't work and you are super susceptible to viruses and attacks
That's not that old. It looks like it should have wireless on it. If not it's got an ethernet port for sure that you could just run direct.
brought my xp laptop with me to AZ a couple years back, didn't realize that everything's fuckin' html5 now

another vote for some flavor of linux, been running mint with the mate GUI for probably 6 years now?
Wow you must have just graduated high school because that laptop looks pretty modern. Now here's my laptop from high school for all you young whippersnappers.
Okay, so I don't know how to go about installing peppermint Linux or anything like that what do I do? Would it be ok to access my Gmail on? I keep getting this message...
Okay, so I don't know how to go about installing peppermint Linux or anything like that what do I do? Would it be ok to access my Gmail on? I keep getting this message...

Just click continue to the website

That's just a cert warning

You've been online already

Change your browser homepage
Don't use that thing for banking or anyrhing else you care about or you will be proper fucked in short order unless you put some current linux build on it.
I see Limewire on that desktop, teh aids have taken over that device. Best to to shoot it now lest it suffer.
Don't use that thing for banking or anyrhing else you care about or you will be proper fucked in short order unless you put some current linux build on it.

How do I go about putting linux on it? I don't mind spending money on it but I have no clue what I'm doing.

I'd like to be able to safely sign in to my Google account and surf a couple of forums if possible.
mebbe start over w/google page?

anything to pass the "safety check"-
Seriously though, if you don't mind spending a little $ just get a cheap chromebook.
How do I go about putting linux on it? I don't mind spending money on it but I have no clue what I'm doing.

I'd like to be able to safely sign in to my Google account and surf a couple of forums if possible.

Download Linux , burn to a cd, put cd in, boot pc and tap f12 as it boots up. Choose the cd as your boot device. Follow the prompts to install Linux on the hard drive.

don’t use XP online. It’s really not secure.
You should probably format the whole thing and start fresh. I think a tablet or even a Raspberry Pi has more power than that laptop.

what are you trying to use it for?
Email, Google account, surf forums.
Have you tried plugging an ethernet cord from the router to the computer? It's the one that looks like a phone cord, but it's bigger. You should be able to access the internet that way.
Have you tried plugging an ethernet cord from the router to the computer? It's the one that looks like a phone cord, but it's bigger. You should be able to access the internet that way.

It is connected through wifi but fails when I try to search or download anything. I think it has to do with the virus blocking software.

I did get it to hook to my hp r817 camera so I could get some pictures from it.

Now I to make it safe to sign into my Google account so I can use my email to distribute the pictures to who I want.

Like I told Ted, I'm like the blind kid playing rugby 'What The Fuck Is Going On'.

If it's too much trouble I'll just have to get something else.

I don't have a ethernet cable here.
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