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Has anyone ordered through cosmos ammo store?


Well-known member
May 19, 2020
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They have really good prices but at checkout they only accept PayPal (friends and family).
Sounds like they would be on a forum, if not a scam. paypal doesn't allow transfers for gun stuff.
I checked out their website and it has an actual phone number to contact them and also says they are based out of Lakeland, FL. We have anyone in that area that can check them out to make sure it's legit?
They have great prices but paying through the (friends and family) means if they don't ship, you're shit out of luck.

any verification would be greatly appreciated.
There are two cosmos ammo stores in FL, cosmosammostore.com and cosmosammunition.com. Which one we talking about?

Neither one will take visa but will do paypal friends and family. cosmosammuntion will do bit coin and apply pay and google pay.

Oh and the cosmosammostore on google street view shows as "rapture guns and knives"
I guess this type of scam will become more common. Found a Equipment dealer in NY that had some very nice pieces at good prices. Good looking web site. Very detailed descriptions and pictures. Nephew knew a fellow that was buying a tractor from them, they were to deliver. All their info checked out to the bank he financed through. Delivery date came and went. They stopped email, phones. After a couple of weeks he and bank where contacted by NY AG office that they had shut the website down and it was a scam. Still working on getting money back. Pretty elaborate set up.
I'll be in Florida this spring and will check out the address...just out of curiosity.
There are tons of scam sites popping up for guns and ammo due to the shortages. Many of them play the "CC processors don't like guns so pay with something un-reversible". And there is absolutely nothing preventing someone from listing a legit address they have no relation to on a web site.

Scam signs:
Wants you to pay in PPFF, Venmo, Cashapp, etc
Has ammo in stock at reasonable prices - especially if it stays in stock more than a few hours
Recently registered domains - this one is 1/12/21
Domains registered outside US - this one is Panama

It costs very little other than time to setup a web page that looks decent nowadays. Google voice or any number of a dozen other voip services can get you a number - interestingly this one lists an Atlanta area code but a Fl address.
Scam signs:

Recently registered domains - this one is 1/12/21
Domains registered outside US - this one is Panama

How are you divining this? I think some of us would like to know how to determine this too. Enlighten us pls (if it's possible)...
How are you divining this? I think some of us would like to know how to determine this too. Enlighten us pls (if it's possible)...

Just google (or any other search engine)

whois joebobshadyshitstore.com

You should get a link within the first few results for whois.com. It lists all the info - who registered it, when it was first registered and last renewed, where they are, etc.

Note - you will see a lot of ones that the name is "Godaddy protected" or similar - this is legit and common. If you don't either use a corp name or hide yours spammers and con types will use it. However you can't hide where you registered it from or when.

You can go further and trace where the web hosting is, but that's more of a grey area - you can get a scam site running on AWS, especially if they are going through a 3rd party seller. However if you see it going to chinese servers its a bad sign. But even the chinese dont host their western facing crap in country.
Stay away from Cosmos Ammo Store. I was researching and attempting to purchase ammo at ridiculously low prices and found out they do not accept CCs. Also, neither of the phone numbers on the site work. They answered questions quickly via email, almost too quickly, in regards to payment but when I asked about the telephone numbers and speaking with someone it's been radio silence. They are advertising 1000 rds. of 9mm for $250 and 500 rounds of the same caliber for $250 for a box of 500. Whomever set the site up does not know what they are doing in regards to ammunition cost and sales. Total scam - Stay away.
Stay away from Cosmos Ammo Store. I was researching and attempting to purchase ammo at ridiculously low prices and found out they do not accept CCs. Also, neither of the phone numbers on the site work. They answered questions quickly via email, almost too quickly, in regards to payment but when I asked about the telephone numbers and speaking with someone it's been radio silence. They are advertising 1000 rds. of 9mm for $250 and 500 rounds of the same caliber for $250 for a box of 500. Whomever set the site up does not know what they are doing in regards to ammunition cost and sales. Total scam - Stay away.

We established this a month ago. Now kindly fuck off. :flipoff2:
been seeing a lot of these scam stores getting setup and then returning hits through ammo seek.

There was one in Texas last week that had stock, price was better than others but not pre-panic. I felt it was too good to be true and have avoided them. honestly cant remember the name of the place, but unless you get warm and fuzzy feelings, i would avoid most of these "new" places.

on the plus side, SGammo is getting stuff in stock, slowly.
Aisin, you sound like a professional. Idiocy has no bounds apparently.

You see the double fangers? :flipoff2:. Thats his way of asking if youd like him to put food and beverage in you in a romatical manner.
Texas97 lots of warning signs to fraud if you take the time to look into a site. Phone numbers not working and no credit card accepted are two major flags.
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