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Happy Killdozer day


Well-known member
May 19, 2020
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That is all

Some times reasonable men are forced to do unreasonable things. :beer:

I love the sentiment of the whole thing but he wasn't a reasonable man. He was a small town asshole who tried to juke the city into paying for his water and sewer hookups, and got all pissed because he didn't like the easement and frontage ordinances that were in place when he bought his property.

He was an asshole.

However, the thought of plowing down an entire town full of assholes is simply too good, so I still like the Killdozer. Tread on them.
I love the sentiment of the whole thing but he wasn't a reasonable man. He was a small town asshole who tried to juke the city into paying for his water and sewer hookups, and got all pissed because he didn't like the easement and frontage ordinances that were in place when he bought his property.

He was an asshole.

However, the thought of plowing down an entire town full of assholes is simply too good, so I still like the Killdozer. Tread on them.

I was reading this post without noticing who posted it and at the second sentence I knew who posted it before looking up
I was reading this post without noticing who posted it and at the second sentence I knew who posted it before looking up

Yeah and now all the smart people that don't know have to go look it up, and all the dumb people will be like wtf he talkin bout mane?
There's a great documentary that I had to pay $6 for on Amazon or the like, called TREAD. The production value was great, and it was fun to watch if just for the footage. On one hand I like the concept of bulldozing a whole town in a giant F-U dozer, but the more day to day version of me isn't to rah-rah on that kind of thing. In any event, the documentary was good.
Pretty sure I heard they dismantled it and shipped it off to different places so no one would try and re-assemble it... Shame.

This unfortunately. They were worried about "crazies" idolizing the guy and they had it cut to pieces.
isn't that basically what's been going on in all of these cities?

No way, that is just lame unimaginative rioting. If the hood rats showed up in a killdozer I might support them :flipoff2:

closest the :mr-t: got was using some telehandlers at a Best Buy in Fairfield. But that was only to break in, not go all killdozer on the town.
protest with destruction of property. mainly focused on the destruction of city property and city controller owned properties, not entirely random and without significant loss of life.

weird concept, right?
Yeah and now all the smart people that don't know have to go look it up, and all the dumb people will be like wtf he talkin bout mane?

Did you go “look it up”? Because that’s not what happened.

the city killed his dream. He wasn’t trying to get anyone to pay for for shit. They denied every permit he was required to have to run his business after rezoning the place. He attempted to hook up to the sewer line which required crossing someone’s private property and he was denied by the land owner (the batch plant people). He applied for a permit to put in a septic system which was denied by the city. And now we’re to the reason he had a bull dozer in the first place. They built the batch plant on the road from the street to his shop. He bought the dozer to build a new access road to the shop but the city denied the permit to move his street access making his property land locked. He used every single appeal and exhausting all his options first.

It probably would have been a good idea to take the 250K from the batch plant people and try again. People love to point out that he only paid 42k for it. What they fail to mention was that he had a shop built, and had the electric & water ran from the property line to the shop at his expense. Lastly he had fenced the place. So rule of thumb is what ever improvements were done should double the value of each cost, to the property. I don’t think he was out of line to want more for improved commercial property that he didn’t actually want to vacate.

Every story like this always gets picked apart in an attempt to portray the perp in a bad light. I think he was reasonable until the point he had no more options but let the Doceph’s (batch plant fuckers) get his dream. If city hall would have granted the permits for the septic and street access I bet no one outside of Granby would have ever heard the name Heemeyer.
Yeah and now all the smart people that don't know have to go look it up, and all the dumb people will be like wtf he talkin bout mane?

Nope. All the smart people just assume you are lying, once again, and ignore any subject matter that may be contained within your posts.

screenshot this because it is dead accurate and the most profound statement ever made
Did you go “look it up”? Because that’s not what happened.

the city killed his dream. He wasn’t trying to get anyone to pay for for shit. They denied every permit he was required to have to run his business after rezoning the place. He attempted to hook up to the sewer line which required crossing someone’s private property and he was denied by the land owner (the batch plant people). He applied for a permit to put in a septic system which was denied by the city. And now we’re to the reason he had a bull dozer in the first place. They built the batch plant on the road from the street to his shop. He bought the dozer to build a new access road to the shop but the city denied the permit to move his street access making his property land locked. He used every single appeal and exhausting all his options first.

It probably would have been a good idea to take the 250K from the batch plant people and try again. People love to point out that he only paid 42k for it. What they fail to mention was that he had a shop built, and had the electric & water ran from the property line to the shop at his expense. Lastly he had fenced the place. So rule of thumb is what ever improvements were done should double the value of each cost, to the property. I don’t think he was out of line to want more for improved commercial property that he didn’t actually want to vacate.

Every story like this always gets picked apart in an attempt to portray the perp in a bad light. I think he was reasonable until the point he had no more options but let the Doceph’s (batch plant fuckers) get his dream. If city hall would have granted the permits for the septic and street access I bet no one outside of Granby would have ever heard the name Heemeyer.

Yeah, it's not that interesting of a story to hash out again, I've already done it.

If you want him to be your hero, then fine. Plenty has been written about this very contentious man who believed that he had been ordained by God to get into a Death Match with a concrete plant and a hillbilly City Council.

If I'm going to expend my life on Fighting the System, I'm going to find a way bigger hill to die on. You do you.
Yeah and now all the smart people that don't know have to go look it up, and all the dumb people will be like wtf he talkin bout mane?
Yeah, it's not that interesting of a story to hash out again, I've already done it.

You do you.

Translation, you got called out for being full of shit so now the details aren't that interesting. That's evernoob doing evernoob, just like old times.

I love the sentiment of the whole thing but he wasn't a reasonable man. He was a small town asshole who tried to juke the city into paying for his water and sewer hookups, and got all pissed because he didn't like the easement and frontage ordinances that were in place when he bought his property.

He was an asshole.

They rezoned the place two years after he built his business there literally changing the rules after the fact. Those ordinances were not "in place when he bought the property" so how could he have known about them? Is the only real exception you take with what he did is saying that "god wanted him to do it"? That is a weird thing to say. Other than that he was just a regular dude getting bullied by the state.

At the same time he pulled this act off, there was nearly the same thing going on in Grand Junction Co. The guy in GJ was getting fucked way harder than Heeymeyer but just when it looked like the state had won, a judge sided with the land owner. Anyone that knows Dean Vangundy, thinks that if he had lost, his level of retaliation would have made Marvin's look like nothing. The only reason nobody knows Vangundy's name is because he got to stay in business.
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