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Government shuts down election betting....


white collar hillbilly
May 28, 2020
Member Number
Or... bureaucracy shuts it down "because we said so"????

One coworker still owes me 100 from 2020 election (he bet trump would win), another owes me 50 from the same election (he bet me that trump would carry California) they won't pay up, and claim they don't have to cause the dems cheat.
One coworker still owes me 100 from 2020 election (he bet trump would win), another owes me 50 from the same election (he bet me that trump would carry California) they won't pay up, and claim they don't have to cause the dems cheat.
Trump carry California?

That kind of stupid should cost more than $50
One coworker still owes me 100 from 2020 election (he bet trump would win), another owes me 50 from the same election (he bet me that trump would carry California) they won't pay up, and claim they don't have to cause the dems cheat.

If the bet was “who is going to be president”, You should get paid. But if it was who got the most legal votes, you should pay. (That includes the CA bet)
i paid a coworker 100 bucks the next morning. the bet was who would win. fucking biden won the presidecy. cheated but won, and that's how president Camacho saved us.
I disagree, he didn’t win. The crooks gave him the office. If I flip a coin and you call ”heads” and it comes up heads, did you win? Does it matter if I cover the coin and turn it over and then point a gun at you and say “see, it’s tails” ?
If the bet was “who is going to be president”, You should get paid. But if it was who got the most legal votes, you should pay. (That includes the CA bet)
Yeah this is the bs we relitigate every couple weeks. "Biden only won cause they cheated" my reply is always "did you really think that the dems weren't going to cheat?" Potato Joe won, you can tell, because he is in DC ruining shit right now, one ice cream cone at a time. Just like how the Chiefs beat the Bengals, you can tell they won cause you saw them in the super bowl. Sure the refs had a lot to do with it, but did you expect the refs to do a good job?
i paid a coworker 100 bucks the next morning. the bet was who would win. fucking biden won the presidecy. cheated but won, and that's how president Camacho saved us.

I lost several 'friends' on the 2016 election. I had bet them in early 2015 that Trump would win. It was a hundred dollar bet. Out of around 5 or 6 people, only one paid up. I don't talk to any of them anymore. fuck em
I lost several 'friends' on the 2016 election. I had bet them in early 2015 that Trump would win. It was a hundred dollar bet. Out of around 5 or 6 people, only one paid up. I don't talk to any of them anymore. fuck em
those weren't friends. the more i think about you got rid of shit heads for nothing. that is a win.
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