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Google anti-trust lawsuit

and I remember microsoft losing in a case much about the same thing.
using their operating system to promote a website and browser.
and I remember microsoft losing in a case much about the same thing.
using their operating system to promote a website and browser.

Yet Apple has done the same thing and not come under the same scrutiny. Inability to name anything other than Safari as default browser on IOS...
and I remember microsoft losing in a case much about the same thing.
using their operating system to promote a website and browser.

Ironically that's the exact same thing they're doing now. Edge is so amazingly good that they force you to download it AND make windows throw up a splash page telling you how amazing it is.
Ironically that's the exact same thing they're doing now. Edge is so amazingly good that they force you to download it AND make windows throw up a splash page telling you how amazing it is.

oh believe me, that's exactly what I said when the last windows update put the fucking icon on everyone's desktop.
Ironically that's the exact same thing they're doing now. Edge is so amazingly good that they force you to download it AND make windows throw up a splash page telling you how amazing it is.

no... that's not exactly what they are doing now. Not even close. They PREVENTED other browsers being set as default. Marketing is completely different.
Yet Apple has done the same thing and not come under the same scrutiny. Inability to name anything other than Safari as default browser on IOS...

If they had a larger market share somebody might care.
no... that's not exactly what they are doing now. Not even close. They PREVENTED other browsers being set as default. Marketing is completely different.

As I recall it was due to them not allowing vendors selling windows machines to install any other browsers, kept users from uninstalling IE, and making any windows related stuff pop up in IE. We might be thinking of different lawsuits, or I am mixing up some details.
As I recall it was due to them not allowing vendors selling windows machines to install any other browsers, kept users from uninstalling IE, and making any windows related stuff pop up in IE. We might be thinking of different lawsuits, or I am mixing up some details.

just like iOS.
As I recall it was due to them not allowing vendors selling windows machines to install any other browsers, kept users from uninstalling IE, and making any windows related stuff pop up in IE. We might be thinking of different lawsuits, or I am mixing up some details.

microsoft manipulated APIs to make things require IE to function properly, and then they made it so you couldn't uninstall IE from the OS or choose a different default for any link you clicked on.
microsoft manipulated APIs to make things require IE to function properly, and then they made it so you couldn't uninstall IE from the OS or choose a different default for any link you clicked on.

Ah, so partly the same in any case.
When can I opt out of the NSA harvesting all my data?

Curious to see what google did to piss off the .gov.

Well, a fairly shallow view is that they took the lefty shit too far shadow banning and shit and Trump got enough leverage with the doj to address the issue.

at least that's what I hope happened, movement in the right direction
Seri and Alexia both disagree with your premise. Can you repeat that again with more clarity? :flipoff2:
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