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Glenn Beck interview of Eric Weinstein


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2020
Member Number
Southern Wisconsin
It's an hour and a half. And it's brilliant.

Watch this when you can just sit down and have at it. Pour a whiskey. Just listen and watch the whole thing. I barely knew who Eric Weinstein was, still don't really. But what he had to say here is god's honest truth about the American system and what the reality is about the free market, lefties and righties. Wokistan and Magastan. Brilliant stuff.


If you are an objective person you should watch this. Maybe twice. There is so much here and it's so on-point I refuse to reduce it to cliff notes. That's the whole point. What's going on in the US right now IS cliff notes. It's more nuanced than just A vs B. I am being abstract here to entice you to watch this. The whole thing.
Joe rogan has several podcasts with both of them. Good stuff. Eric’s podcast was a bit to rambling for me. He needs someone to interview him. He was on rising this last week too.
That was a great interview and nice discussion. It changed a lot of views I had and opened my eyes on some subjects, like progressives not actually being progressive and conservatives trying to hold onto a forgone world. Interesting view of the mortgage issue.

Sad this thread isn’t getting more responses.

where do I find more of this guy?

Google "Eric Weinstein podcast". You will find all the platform options available. Until he's simultaneously deplatformed by everyone that is :flipoff2:
I had only heard of the guy, never watched or heard him speak at length before this interview. What he's saying is exactly what I've been thinking, but I couldn't put into words as well as he did. You can't just call a person progressive or conservative and assume what that person really stands for. I think most Americans outside of the Twittersphere and college are mostly on the same page with differences that can be dealt with. But the rest of it is a dark cloud that we can see off in the distance. The economy, growth, and the rest of it. The speed at which technology is advancing is very slow right now. Humans are at a point of near maximum comfort and maximum laziness right now.
Really basic/dumb youtube- Android question...

Is there any way I can keep youtube playing audio with my screen darkened in my pocket? I want to listen to this at work but the only way I can get youtube to stay on is with the video playing. Boss man says earbuds are fine, but video is a no go.
Really basic/dumb youtube- Android question...

Is there any way I can keep youtube playing audio with my screen darkened in my pocket? I want to listen to this at work but the only way I can get youtube to stay on is with the video playing. Boss man says earbuds are fine, but video is a no go.

You have to pay for youtube fancy pants subscription service to get that feature.

Unless the Communists tone down their rhetoric or the Dems shut them up and quit pandering to them, the right is going to get more and more dug in and angry.

That's not happening in the least and there is no actual attempt at unity. Just shut up and do as we say, or you will face punishment.

Shit is only going to get worse.
IThe speed at which technology is advancing is very slow right now. .

God that's so true, I used to go crazy arguing about that until I dropped out of Android development altogether. Did he mention why that is, so I don't have to listen to his 1.5 hour podcast?
God that's so true, I used to go crazy arguing about that until I dropped out of Android development altogether. Did he mention why that is, so I don't have to listen to his 1.5 hour podcast?

No he just states facts, observations, etc. You really should listen to the whole thing, it's much more nuanced than I made it sound, much deeper than the few things I touched on.
term limits on all political positions, including judges at all levels, is what this country needs to stop these scumbags

That won't make a real difference. Who do you think writes these 5000 page laws? Hint, it's not the senators and representatives. It's lobbyist groups and "think tanks."

About the only way we will get anything like term limits and a ban on lobbyists is a convention of states.
That won't make a real difference. Who do you think writes these 5000 page laws? Hint, it's not the senators and representatives. It's lobbyist groups and "think tanks."

About the only way we will get anything like term limits and a ban on lobbyists is a convention of states.

And California instituted term limits on almost every elective office and it hasn't helped one bit.
I've watched him on several podcasts. Smart guy for sure. I do find it funny how he and his brother cling so hard to being "radically liberal" but now find themselves in the same place conservatives have been for years with respect to free speech, compelled speech, etc. It only took the left turning on their own to make them wake up.
Really basic/dumb youtube- Android question...

Is there any way I can keep youtube playing audio with my screen darkened in my pocket? I want to listen to this at work but the only way I can get youtube to stay on is with the video playing. Boss man says earbuds are fine, but video is a no go.

Link to a stream that will play while darkened.
Not so jiggly about it. The interview starts out well. But the audio quality is about the worst I have seen and it sucks. Every key big intellect word he pulls out of his ass is craoked by some garble mumbling. A pair of 12 yo on iPhones have better sound than big boy. The guy definitely loves himself and loves to talk. I have never ever heard of the 2010 Colorado Midterm elections as game changing, never heard of them at all. And so on with most of it. Not really impressed with the impressionist. It was good food for thought but not much more.
Not so jiggly about it. The interview starts out well. But the audio quality is about the worst I have seen and it sucks. Every key big intellect word he pulls out of his ass is craoked by some garble mumbling. A pair of 12 yo on iPhones have better sound than big boy. The guy definitely loves himself and loves to talk. I have never ever heard of the 2010 Colorado Midterm elections as game changing, never heard of them at all. And so on with most of it. Not really impressed with the impressionist. It was good food for thought but not much more.

Maybe you shouldn't comment on a discussion that is above what your IQ allows you to understand.
no they didnt

The California State Assembly has 80 Members elected to two-year terms. Under the provisions of term limits, each Member elected on or after the passage of Proposition 28, in 2012, may serve a lifetime maximum of 12 years in the State Legislature.
Great podcast. Definitely worth a listen. Ill give it a week and play it again. There were some minor signal/audio issues on Weinstein's end but it was nothing to get worked up about.
Maybe you shouldn't comment on a discussion that is above what your IQ allows you to understand.

Not at all. I understood everything he blasted through that I could hear clearly. I don't always grab the low hanging fruit as he puts it. I guess I am a skeptic and I expected too much. IQ has nothing to do with it by the way. And 95% of the discussion here is ever about the OP anyway. :eek: I think that one with a self professed genius level and IQ could ensure better sound so he can be understood clearly. He was a pHD from Harvard and am "I am not rich". Sucks to be you mister. But thank you for posting the link Squashy. :flipoff2: It is interesting to think about and beats simple ignorance and indifference. I agree with his early on discussion about the polarization of two sides in American culture. Even the sharing of the exponential tech groth every 10 years. And the erosion of the single male wage earner household. But, the creeper dude has a wig and I want to shout MOLE like Austin Powers the entire time. :laughing:
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I watched it. If anyone gets anything from it, I hope that its that if we want a better America, we need to love our neighbors and treat them with respect, no matter what their views. It's better for us all if we're all producing growth rather than trying to steal it from each other.

Splib - I don't know Eric's story, but a huge number of ivy league school attendees are there are scholarships, so I'm not going to make any assumptions about how much money he has or started with.
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