I'm completely illiterate when it comes to this stuff. I've done my homework and research with reading through Billavista thread and scrolling through old OG Pirate forums on full hydro setups but for the most part those were all kits that were being bought and put on. I'm using what I got off people second hand. The only new thing on this is a factory power steering pump for a WJ (which is apparently better than the XJ for whatever reason I'm not sure) The pump is a TC style that should be putting out (1350-1450 PSI) I have everything mounted and figured out for the most part but I'm struggling on trying to find proper way to route everything while using a remote oil filter. I have low pressure hydro filter and oil filter mount so with that being said it's stuck being on the return side of the hose. So, should I mount the filter between the pump and cooler? or between the cooler and pump?
Or my initial thought put the filter right off the Steering control unit (Orbital) so it filters everything before going into the cooler and back to the pump?
If that's the case mounting the remote mount will be a PITA but if it saves everything from being wiped out by a part failure I'll get creative with making a mount.
Or my initial thought put the filter right off the Steering control unit (Orbital) so it filters everything before going into the cooler and back to the pump?
If that's the case mounting the remote mount will be a PITA but if it saves everything from being wiped out by a part failure I'll get creative with making a mount.