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fuck facebook?

like in : yesterday it worked with the ever-so-annoying banner, today I must login or register... or get the fuck out I guess ?:rolleyes:
Yeah, it's the typical "You can't look at our shit unless we get to look at all your shit (and then sell it to the chinese.)"

Facebook is accused of spying on Instagram users by secretly accessing their smartphone CAMERAS for 'market research'
Facebook has been accused of spying on Instagram users for 'market research' by secretly accessing their mobile cameras through the app, according to a new lawsuit.

A complaint filed in a federal court in San Francisco on Thursday, claims Instagram's parent company intentionally activated smartphone cameras without permission, to collect 'lucrative and valuable data from users that it would not otherwise have access to,' Bloomberg reported.

The lawsuit, filed by Brittany Conditi, from New Jersey, comes after the release of Apple's iOS 14 beta update in July, which notified iPhone users if an app was accessing their camera in the background.
Facewho? :confused:

EDIT: Never mind, IDGAF :laughing:

Exactly !


In todays world it looks like every event, organisation, race, ... is covered on facebook, and it looks like many are covered *only* on facebook.
Which used to be okay-ish when public pages were indeed, well... public.
Hence post #2
I have an account but need 15 friends to see more of what ever is beyond 1 page of stuff.
What I don't understand is why people just won't make up a fake account. Denis Irate from Lake Zippermouth AK, went to Founders University (insert picture of Bruce Willis)

I have one like that just so I can use the marketplace and shit on there.
Dont you need to use your mobile number for text verification to register now? I get enough shit phone calls I dont need Mark Fuckerberg monitoring my phone. That bastard should be on Wanted posters.
What I don't understand is why people just won't make up a fake account. Denis Irate from Lake Zippermouth AK, went to Founders University (insert picture of Bruce Willis)

I have one like that just so I can use the marketplace and shit on there.

even with a fake account, they're still data mining you. it tracks your phone and what you're up to, not your identity:lmao:They give a shit what your name is, they already have it:rolleyes:
I do have a fake account, it was a pain in the ass to get it verified, they wanted a picture , phone number took about a week.
I spend 30mins on market place and maybe 5 on everything else. Isn’t dipshit being sued again anyway to “fact checking”
even with a fake account, they're still data mining you. it tracks your phone and what you're up to, not your identity:lmao:They give a shit what your name is, they already have it:rolleyes:

Yup. Its readily apparent they are activating the microphone on smartphones, too. Talked to my wife the other day about buying a quarter bison, now I'm getting targeted ads on Facebook for mail-order bison.

Once my phone dies, I'm going back to a flip phone and a pc. Aint doing this shit anymore.
It sucks, since, like has already been mentioned, everything is on Facebook now :shaking:

All the automotive listings have pretty much moved to Facebook now since greedy Craigslist decided to start charging for private ads. There are maybe a quarter of the listings on Craigslist that there used to be.

I made a fake account as "Randy of the Redwoods" just to harass one of the local 4x4 Facebook groups since a buddy of mine runs it and it had been taken over by a bunch of mouth breathers. I used a temporary email address and a Google Voice number to verify the account. It was fun for a day or two, then I lost interest. About a week later I tried logging in again, and Facebook said my account was locked because I was using a fake name/impersonating a famous person :laughing: They wanted me to send them pictures of the front and back of my driver's license and call some number to voice verify :shaking:

Fuck Facebook. My wife uses it, so she shows me anything interesting that family members post, but I have no interest in being a part of it.
Yup. Its readily apparent they are activating the microphone on smartphones, too. Talked to my wife the other day about buying a quarter bison, now I'm getting targeted ads on Facebook for mail-order bison.

Once my phone dies, I'm going back to a flip phone and a pc. Aint doing this shit anymore.

Watch out with the flip phones. After December 31st most carriers won't support 3G anymore. I'm running into this issue with Sprint. I still have a flip phone and refuse to "upgrade".

You will still be able to buy trac phones and burners, but most networks won't support them anymore. This also means changing your number with every new burner.

I love my flip phone. I fell in the river last week when fishing and I had my phone in my pocket. Motherfucker still runs like a top.
What I don't understand is why people just won't make up a fake account. Denis Irate from Lake Zippermouth AK, went to Founders University (insert picture of Bruce Willis)

I have one like that just so I can use the marketplace and shit on there.

I do the same, but it is still not really anonymous. It sends your name to everyone near you so they can decide to add you as a friend.

More recently, fagbook has gotten worse. It is so bloated with advertising and spyware that it won't load properly and I get pissed off and close it. I only use(d) marketplace. I have not fagbook friends and have never made a post.
Watch out with the flip phones. After December 31st most carriers won't support 3G anymore. I'm running into this issue with Sprint. I still have a flip phone and refuse to "upgrade".

You will still be able to buy trac phones and burners, but most networks won't support them anymore. This also means changing your number with every new burner.

I love my flip phone. I fell in the river last week when fishing and I had my phone in my pocket. Motherfucker still runs like a top.

Fuck it, ill get a rotary dial phone and a pager :flipoff2:
What I don't understand is why people just won't make up a fake account. Denis Irate from Lake Zippermouth AK, went to Founders University (insert picture of Bruce Willis)

I have one like that just so I can use the marketplace and shit on there.

Exactly what i do.. marketplace is the reason i created an account since CL nearly died.
Yup. Its readily apparent they are activating the microphone on smartphones, too. Talked to my wife the other day about buying a quarter bison, now I'm getting targeted ads on Facebook for mail-order bison.

Once my phone dies, I'm going back to a flip phone and a pc. Aint doing this shit anymore.

asked my bro in law in a store if he liked certain kinds of potato chips. now he gets ads for those exact chips since that day...
I spend 30mins on market place and maybe 5 on everything else. Isn’t dipshit being sued again anyway to “fact checking”

Same here, market place took a bunch of sale ads from CL here. I’ve bought and sold a bunch of shit off of market place. Never post anything on there other then ads on stuff I’m selling.

I get a kick out of everyone acting like their afraid to go there due to getting your info out there. You fawkers know it’s already out there if you’re using the web at all. Most of you dumb bastards use amazon too and they’re no different then FB collecting your data. You ain’t gonna put this “mah personal info” monkey back in the box. Only way you can get away from it all is go live in the woods somewhere in a cardboard box and scrounge around for acorns and berries to eat. Stay out of any city as facial recognition cameras are out there watching your every movement.

when the Chinese come in and take us over, they’ll already have a database file on your ass and round you up for a loooong visit at a special camp. :flipoff2:
even with a fake account, they're still data mining you. it tracks your phone and what you're up to, not your identity:lmao:They give a shit what your name is, they already have it:rolleyes:

That's why $10 cash burner phones that never get used, were invented....
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