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Frijoles charro


In Hell
May 20, 2020
Member Number
Alright Stubs thread got me hungry. Which of you texican fuckers has a kick ass Valley recipe for charro beans? I havent been able to get a good bowl of beans since I moved and mine turned out like shit.

Thats just wrong and no HEBs here.
This is just a rough recipe. My times are estimates as you can very temperature to cook faster or slower. I also like to cook the vegetables some. I’ve seen recipes that you add them in raw later in the process. I just prefer them this way.

1 lb pinto beans - sorted, rinsed, and soaked. You can do dry also, but it takes longer to cook.
1 dark beer (I use shiner, but anything works)
5-6 cloves garlic diced
2 serrano peppers diced (seeded if you want it less spicy)
1 jalapeño diced (seeded if you want it less spicy)
1 onion diced
1 lb bacon (mesquite smoked, don’t use sweet bacon. You can also use ham chunks).
1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes (or equivalent fresh diced)
1 bunch cilantro diced
pinto bean seasoning

1. Sort and rinse beans, and soak until tender. You can do them dry and cook longer also.
2. Cube the bacon and cook in the pot you will do the beans in. I don’t fully cook it. Just par cook it to get some of the fat out.
3. Par cook the onion, garlic, and peppers in the fat.
4. Add beans, beer, and drained can of tomatoes to the onion, garlic, and peppers.
5. Add water to cover beans (prob. 3 qts)
6. Cook on low heat (simmer) for a couple of hours.
7. Add diced cilantro and seasoning, and cook for another hour or so until the beans are tender, and liquid has thickened a little.
I’ve tried it in a instant pot. I ended up with really good beans with no liquid. Made some kick ass refried beans with them though.
I didn't realize there was an acceptable Tex Mex dish. :flipoff2:

There isnt. By texican I was referring to those of real mexican descent living in texas preferably the valley. Paging 72blazer....your abuelita has to have a good recipe. If not can you stop at one of the cinder block tin roof taquerias south of the expressway and get theirs? :flipoff2:
This is just a rough recipe. My times are estimates as you can very temperature to cook faster or slower. I also like to cook the vegetables some. I’ve seen recipes that you add them in raw later in the process. I just prefer them this way.

1 lb pinto beans - sorted, rinsed, and soaked. You can do dry also, but it takes longer to cook.
1 dark beer (I use shiner, but anything works)
5-6 cloves garlic diced
2 serrano peppers diced (seeded if you want it less spicy)
1 jalapeño diced (seeded if you want it less spicy)
1 onion diced
1 lb bacon (mesquite smoked, don’t use sweet bacon. You can also use ham chunks).
1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes (or equivalent fresh diced)
1 bunch cilantro diced
pinto bean seasoning

1. Sort and rinse beans, and soak until tender. You can do them dry and cook longer also.
2. Cube the bacon and cook in the pot you will do the beans in. I don’t fully cook it. Just par cook it to get some of the fat out.
3. Par cook the onion, garlic, and peppers in the fat.
4. Add beans, beer, and drained can of tomatoes to the onion, garlic, and peppers.
5. Add water to cover beans (prob. 3 qts)
6. Cook on low heat (simmer) for a couple of hours.
7. Add diced cilantro and seasoning, and cook for another hour or so until the beans are tender, and liquid has thickened a little.

Thanks Aggie. Thats similar to what I tried but without the maters or beer. I dont remember there being maters in the valley beans but Ill give it a shot the beer sounds good. Mmmmmm shiner. I was missing labatts now I really want a shiner.
Thanks Aggie. Thats similar to what I tried but without the maters or beer. I dont remember there being maters in the valley beans but Ill give it a shot the beer sounds good. Mmmmmm shiner. I was missing labatts now I really want a shiner.

It varies by Mexican places and families here. I’ve had them with bacon or chunks of pork, with and without tomatoes, etc. It’s a preference thing.
So where is balls deep south texas? I was in the Mcallen area for about a decade. Ive had bacon and ham just never with maters. What kind of onions? Sweet 1015s or regular?
So where is balls deep south texas? I was in the Mcallen area for about a decade. Ive had bacon and ham just never with maters. What kind of onions? Sweet 1015s or regular?

I live outside of Corpus. Most of the places around here have tomatoes in their beans. Generally larger chunks. My wife doesn’t like them as much, so I do smaller diced. I use whatever yellow onion I have at the time. I prefer sweet personally.
Thanks! I think Ill make a big ol pot this week.
I like to do mine in a heavy cast iron pot. It really doesn’t matter though. Just make sure you have enough liquid, and stir them occasionally so they don’t burn on the bottom.
So where is balls deep south texas? I was in the Mcallen area for about a decade. Ive had bacon and ham just never with maters. What kind of onions? Sweet 1015s or regular?

Best onions Ive ever had came out of...somewhere around Seminole maybe. I can't remember now.
pinto bean seasoning


What the heck is pinto bean seasoning? Does it go by any other name, or is it a regional thing? Or do you have a spice recipe to make it's equivalent?

It's getting to be that fall weather where things like this are great to cook and eat, I'm definitely going to give this one a try
What the heck is pinto bean seasoning? Does it go by any other name, or is it a regional thing? Or do you have a spice recipe to make it's equivalent?

It's getting to be that fall weather where things like this are great to cook and eat, I'm definitely going to give this one a try

May be a regional thing. I buy the Fiesta brand.
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