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Friday Night Losers Club!!!!1!

This began early!

Finally done teaching my boy. Looking at homes where normal humans live. We're trying to figure out if we want to be nearer a city and learn about the state and then move to the ideal place, or drop more $ and get something closer to an ideal. Using online resources, like any village idiot, to get my bearings. It's a 30 hour drive to the area I have in mind, so my choices are limited.

Edit: BTW Reddit might be the worst place to get your bearings about a particular geo area. OMG those people are outright crazy.
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I’m east of Sacramento, they try to keep the leaves out of the storm drains
Gotcha. Hard to imagine i guess when it's winter outside my front door.
I do road sweeping in summer. We usually start tiward the end of April and end up going around snow.
Took a beginner snowmobiling today. Dude got stuck alot. Now my shoulders are sore.
Just got up a bit ago. Put in about 90hrs this week plowing and hauling snow. Expected to get called to work tonight, but no call.

Between the drive and work, it ends up being 14-18hr shifts. Dunno if it's just from getting old, but it seems to kick my ass harder these days.
Feels like I need several days to recover and it ends up stacking up quick.

Clutch leg and knee is so sore I can barely walk and my hands are swollen and hurting like arthritis is going full bore. Not sure why.

Oh well.. the checks are decent. Between regular job and snow job, I did near 15k in January.

Plowing will suck the life out of you. Just a mater of when. Pretty soon your schedual is so fucked up that you loose a day or two
Truely something of a loser tonight. My mom passed away Monday morning, it is a blessing.
She is no longer suffering, she had just started to bounce back from Covid when we got the word that my brother and his wife had died in a trucking accident last March, from then on she just kept going down hill. Sunday night, she was already slipping away, I told her if she was staying because of me, not to worry I could take care of myself. Monday morning her breathing was labored and I couldn't feel a pulse, I kissed her on the forehead and went to start breakfast, she was gone about 8 am.
Didn't see this earlier. Very sorry to hear this, man. She was lucky to have you there for her.
Truely something of a loser tonight. My mom passed away Monday morning, it is a blessing.
She is no longer suffering, she had just started to bounce back from Covid when we got the word that my brother and his wife had died in a trucking accident last March, from then on she just kept going down hill. Sunday night, she was already slipping away, I told her if she was staying because of me, not to worry I could take care of myself. Monday morning her breathing was labored and I couldn't feel a pulse, I kissed her on the forehead and went to start breakfast, she was gone about 8 am.

I'm sorry for your loss. I'll keep her, your family and you in my thoughts and prayers.
Truely something of a loser tonight. My mom passed away Monday morning, it is a blessing.
She is no longer suffering, she had just started to bounce back from Covid when we got the word that my brother and his wife had died in a trucking accident last March, from then on she just kept going down hill. Sunday night, she was already slipping away, I told her if she was staying because of me, not to worry I could take care of myself. Monday morning her breathing was labored and I couldn't feel a pulse, I kissed her on the forehead and went to start breakfast, she was gone about 8 am.
:( I am so sorry.
Gotcha. Hard to imagine i guess when it's winter outside my front door.
I do road sweeping in summer. We usually start tiward the end of April and end up going around snow.

We are just north of San Francisco and our town runs sweepers before and during any major storms.

People are to lazy/pay to much in taxes to be bothered raking their leaves. If they don't, the drains clog and we get localized street flooding.
Truely something of a loser tonight. My mom passed away Monday morning, it is a blessing.
She is no longer suffering, she had just started to bounce back from Covid when we got the word that my brother and his wife had died in a trucking accident last March, from then on she just kept going down hill. Sunday night, she was already slipping away, I told her if she was staying because of me, not to worry I could take care of myself. Monday morning her breathing was labored and I couldn't feel a pulse, I kissed her on the forehead and went to start breakfast, she was gone about 8 am.
Sorry man.

Spent some time sorting stuff out for my trailer. Then while it was a balmy 50*, sunny and no wind I had time to enjoy a nice Fuente.

Then my GF and I picked up a friend of ours and took him to our monthly radio club meeting.

Spent the rest of the evening watching TV and surfing the web.
I’m east of Sacramento, they try to keep the leaves out of the storm drains
We mostly deal with road sand. There's dust rules in the Anchorage muni and not sweeping exceeds whatever those are.

And yeah, run into fucksticks that rake their whole yard and put it in the street. We just go around it, not even attempting to clean up foot tall piles of dirt.

"It's not my sand"

True, but you chose to have a house with roadside property and reap the rewards of that road being plowed and sanded all winter.... so.....
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