

Upgrayedded user
May 19, 2020
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Farm lands and horse's asses
I'm wanting to throw a couple freezers in the basement. I was thinking a chest freezer for just meat and an upright for prepared meals and soups, just because some times of the year.i work upward of 120 hours a week. Both would be 15+ cubic foot.
All the freezers on fb market place are stupidly priced for decrepit pieces of shit, so I'm looking at new or used from a small appliance shop. I've also toyed with ponying up for a commercial grade 47 cu ft+ double door and do away with the 2 freezer idea. Efficiency is a concern I expect power usage to go up, but I'd rather it not be insane.
The basement stays a pretty consistent 60 to 65 degrees and has 2 dehumidifiers running in it 24/7.
What would Irate suggest?
Maybe later. With hemmeroids I'm having trouble getting a turd to land in the toilet bow, let alone the mouth of a jar.
and the vinegar splash back would sting like a motherfucker.

Holy moly, first world problems are real. Can you get a wand type sprayer and all the cooling action it might bring?
I'm wanting to throw a couple freezers in the basement. I was thinking a chest freezer for just meat and an upright for prepared meals and soups, just because some times of the year.i work upward of 120 hours a week. Both would be 15+ cubic foot.
All the freezers on fb market place are stupidly priced for decrepit pieces of shit, so I'm looking at new or used from a small appliance shop. I've also toyed with ponying up for a commercial grade 47 cu ft+ double door and do away with the 2 freezer idea. Efficiency is a concern I expect power usage to go up, but I'd rather it not be insane.
The basement stays a pretty consistent 60 to 65 degrees and has 2 dehumidifiers running in it 24/7.
What would Irate suggest?

On a scale of 1 to Chris brown, how mad are you at your wife right now?

if Chris brown mad, chest freezer is what they always put the body in on the movies. Never seen an upright used, Do whatever you want with this information.

But upright commerical stainless freezer would would be super bitchin most likely will last longer and be repairable when the time comes. Buddy has got a commercial fridge and I gave it a good look over. I’m pretty sure I could source parts and repair it myself if needed. And I’ve eyeballed the hell out of them at the local restaurant supply places.
my chest freeze can easily hold a couple bodies, roughly 24sf. its old, no idea how old but prob from the 70s could be older, brand is coranado, it dont have a prong fer a ground. its built like a tank. picked it up fer 100 bucks like 7years ago. i have to keep weight on the lid since the seal leaks so i keep bags of chicken feed on it.
i would recommend an upright freezer just fer the sake of room and easier to keep food in a rotation. i could fit a few uprights where the coffin, er i mean chest freezer is.:grinpimp:

my folks still use their upright deep freeze they got in 77.

Upright is the only way to go. Fuck digging through a 3’ deep pile of frozen shit to find what you want in a chest freezer. We sold both of our smaller chest freezers a few years ago and went to a big upright.
Folks had an upright for years the problem with it was almost always it was stuffed so full that everytime it was opened stuff fell out and it seemed like you had unload it to get to what you wanted.
We have 2 chest time freezers nothing flls out, but everytime you need something you have empty everything to find the one thing you want
I use a system of cardboard boxes to organize our chest freezer. One box of frozen fruit, one for frozen veggies, one for bear meat, one for venison, one for birds, etc. It would cut down on digging if I could get my wife on board with it too.
I have a medium chest freezer on the back porch that is being phased out for a large upright in the shed. I picked up the large upright frosting model for about $50 from a guy who moved from CO to FL for orthodontist school and the house they bought came with a garage fridge so the wife was happy to use that and sell this one. Granted I bought it last fall so well before corona.
The chest freezer is a pain to get stuff off the bottom. We ended up with a layer of frozen 1 gallon jugs of water in there to fill the space and keep things lifted up and minimized things being lost to the abyss. I kept debating on making dividers to put in there to separate fruits, veggies and meats.

Marketplace prices are insane because the stores don't have them to sell or that's the rumor I've heard.
I use a system of cardboard boxes to organize our chest freezer. One box of frozen fruit, one for frozen veggies, one for bear meat, one for venison, one for birds, etc. It would cut down on digging if I could get my wife on board with it too.

Mom claims there is a system, but at 92 things move after she shuts the lid, so she has to unload till she finds what she wants then everything just gets dumped back in.
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