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Fox Primetime


El Stupido
May 19, 2020
Member Number
17 miles West of Murdock KS
I know Fox has sold out to the left.

But its about time someone finally made a nightly news type show that is not completely leftist Socialist communist.

Seems good. I just wish it was on the same time as the other bullshit nightly news shows so I can watch it while they are on and the local news afterwards. I also wish it was on the standard Fox over the air channel so people who cant afford cable can see something besides the propaganda they are being fed nightly now.
I know Fox has sold out to the left.

But its about time someone finally made a nightly news type show that is not completely leftist Socialist communist.

Seems good. I just wish it was on the same time as the other bullshit nightly news shows so I can watch it while they are on and the local news afterwards. I also wish it was on the standard Fox over the air channel so people who cant afford cable can see something besides the propaganda they are being fed nightly now.

Fuck fox , Newsmax for the win.
I still like tucker carlson. you need to watch it all to get any truth. I needd to try newsmax
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I have noticed that Foxnews has recently toned down the libbies they would have on all the time previously. They still have some Dems on there and that's fine if they aren't just trumpeting the talking points. If I hear Marie Harf blather one more time I'm going to just pout and turn it off again. They fucked up during the election fraud and did no actual journalism. Really pissed me off.

OAN is very young people playing TV station, it's hard to watch sometimes.

Newsmax is the grown-up version of OAN, and I like most of their opinion shows. They do not do news as much as they should and they don't seem to take part in the Whitehouse/gov't video feeds like the rest, so that content is a little lacking.

NTD has some good stuff online, I don't think I have their channel on the DirecTV
comcast, verizon, at&t and the likes will never air "right wing" news to the masses:lmao:

they hardly allow it to exist on their internet services
Which one? And it's on basic cable?

I actually dont have cable anymore, but dont you have to pay extra for channels like newsmax or OAN?

I have Directv currently. AT&T is actively trying to destroy it for some reason, but it has OAN and Newsmax.
Fuck the right wing and the left wing "news" shows/outlets. :flipoff: I want a straight news to watch. Tell be the FACTS and stuff your slant/opinions up your ass.
Fuck the right wing and the left wing "news" shows/outlets. :flipoff: I want a straight news to watch. Tell be the FACTS and stuff your slant/opinions up your ass.

I fully agree that Newsmax and OAN are 90% opinion shows, that's why I sometimes watch some Newsmax. But they aren't trying to pass it off as news, and I'm not stupid enough to think it is just "news". CNN, MSNBC, broadcast news, none of these are going to get you the facts. You want facts then you have to get them yourself. They do not even report car crashes correctly on the local news - they are all incompetent on that front.
I take back everything good I said about this show. It has turned into the same ol same ol Fux News look at this look at this bullshit. The lady on there now with the liberal bubbles glasses and DSLs sucks.
Bream, Ainslie, that blonde with the big eyes, the one with legs that go all the way up = foxes
Fuck the right wing and the left wing "news" shows/outlets. :flipoff: I want a straight news to watch. Tell be the FACTS and stuff your slant/opinions up your ass.

You used to get that from PBS, but they went full leftest and now you gt the same lies as everywhere else
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