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land of corruption and control of the people
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Living in hell
found out i have shingles.
really sucks and painful.
on nerve blocker to kerp pain down. working ok.
just ordering pizza and sleep
In. GF bought a really big hutch to fit a blank dining room wall. It's a quality piece so think heavy, real heavy. We had to put on the thinking caps and get real creative to get it out of the truck and into the house and set up. I am gonna be one sore puppy tomorrow for sure.

I am hitting the shower while she makes up some home made corn dogs, tacos and wings. After that it shall be margaritas and netflix until supper and bed time.
my baby is crying like a motherfucker, my wife is acting like a ****, the urge to suck car exhaust is tremendous..... but anyway its all good....I think i will eat some pizza and drink some vodka!!!
In. Tonight starts my "Monday" not looking forward to work. Currently making the kids frozen pizza for dinner and drinking lots of this....

In my chair life is good...fucking full moon screwed up this week, weird shit happens.
In. Currently watching my kid digging in our flower bed. She’s having fun. Pretty sure people driving by think my wife and I are sitting outside watching the house. :lmao:

back from hunting javalina, got nothing, oh well had fun anyway. showered fer the first time in a week. waiting fer wife to return from town so i can grill something. drinking beer and playing with the dogs at the moment. got a mandatory training fer work tomorrow.

In. Waiting for my kids to show up so we can get started on a Hunt A Killer box.
found out i have shingles.
really sucks and painful.
on nerve blocker to kerp pain down. working ok.
just ordering pizza and sleep

Damn that sucks. Hope you get over them quickly.

In, wife has some bug bites that are fucking her up. It went from a couple bites on her thighs that itched, to giant 3 inch round red swollen spots from her ankles to her ass crack. She is fucking miserable and went to the ER last night.

I stayed up late and prepped to BBQ for my crew today. Made baby back ribs, tri-tip, chicken drumsticks and thighs, sausages, baked beans, potato salad, and green salad. They mostly appreciated it. Couple ungrateful assholse didnt bother to show up, now I get to make their lives miserable:evil:

now kicking back drinking beer waiting for my coworker to finish some items for me to review so is can approve.
found out i have shingles.
really sucks and painful.
on nerve blocker to kerp pain down. working ok.
just ordering pizza and sleep

Get better man, health first - rest will fall in place.

Glad work week from hell is over with, they made some big changes (unpopular of course). Two employees lost (one quit after shift ended / other finishing 2 week notice) so far in a week, with a likely 3rd person leaving soon.
When will the corporate/management ever learn...:homer:

We are supposed to get some snow tonight/tomorrow so nothing crazy planned - will be hanging out with wife.

Need to get off my ass tomorrow and adjust rear brakes on my Miata, toss new tires on it and get the garage bay ready to do some maintenance on my daily.
Worked late today prepping for meetings with major customer next week. Not finished which means working through the weekend. No motivation to spend time in the shop tonight. Probably crashing within the hour.
Pizza on the way. Going to drink a beer or two and go to bed early. Long long ride on my mountain bike tomorrow so trying to do my best to be prepared.

First baby, and first wife:confused:
Get used to it:flipoff2:

My first is due sometime in March. Don't do me like that :laughing::flipoff2:
In. Tonight starts my "Monday" not looking forward to work. Currently making the kids frozen pizza for dinner and drinking lots of this....

When I stopped drinking that's what filled the void, it's good stuff.

In tonight as usual, wife making brownies and I'm sitting around thinking how to build a part for tomorrow's job.
In. Fast food for dinner because we both forgot to defrost something to cook. Headed to the folks's in the morning to buy a sweet new to me dirt bike off the old man. Gonna be the first modern bike I've had in about 10 years.
In. Wife and #2 are at a dance recital for the weekend.
I jumped on the sled right after work, put 23 solo miles on. Ran into 5 of my buddies on sleds in the middle of my ride. Had some beers,, shot some tracers,, now home on the couch.:smokin:
In with a headache, getting ready to go to my buddy's cabin tomorrow and come back on Sunday. We had leftovers for dinner.
In with MT, Friday has my favorite shows, and I guess I'll try another Finnegan show since they have the vettecart. That car has too much history, but finnegan is really making an effort to not be the angsty slamtruck kid. Maybe I can like him.
Pizza on the way. Going to drink a beer or two and go to bed early. Long long ride on my mountain bike tomorrow so trying to do my best to be prepared.

My first is due sometime in March. Don't do me like that :laughing::flipoff2:

Ok basic mom and dad survival rule. When the kid is inconsolable put them in their room in the crib with the window cracked if weather permits. Go to kitchen and grab beverage of your choice and go outside. Your job as parents is mainly to keep them from killing themselves the first few years. So if you can hear them crying while safely in their crib they are breathing. If they are breathing they are alive. If they are alive you are doing your job. Good job dad. Now take a victory drink and enjoy your moment. Then go tell Mom to do the same thing.

In, worked around the house today, got chickens cleaned feed and watered. Have work at 10 tomorrow so thats a good day. Drinking carbonated water after some crockpot pork chops.
The problem with work is it gets in the way of the fun you could have with the money earned. Been going every fucking day for way too long. Taking two weeks off starting mid March.

Working in pa this weekend so I Tried to get to the junkyard to grab a rear end for the shitty zj after driving an hour I found their hours changed so camping out till morning. Wanted some tacos but coof coof got this whole city on lockdown it seems. Ended up with a 20pc hotwings from the ghetto chicken spot. Took a few hits from a passing thugs blunt and ate my chicken in the truck while listening to OutKast I think I'm ready to work for coca-cola now but I'm short on wahmelon.

Going to bed early tonight. Leaving at 4:30 in the morning to deliver a hot tub down to Santa Cruz
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