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In thought about fixing my fence that blew down in the storm but I'm being a lazy piece of shit.

Beers and board games with the kids.
In, working tomorrow at 3am so nothing crazy planned.
About to eat supper wife has made us, hang out with her for a few and hit the hay...

Labing with my Son. He has an interview next week.


Just about to leave work. Stop and grab a case of beer and a bottle of whiskey on the way home and then go tear into my freebie IR285. Everyone needs a spline drive impact gun at home, right?
In, getting ready to burn something on the bbq. I broke a chain wrench today disassembling a lift pump today. I was able to shorten the chain and finish the job.
In a hotel in Indianapolis.

Making the three day trip from VA to UT dragging my k5, all my guns and my dog..

Funny story, I bought the Tundra I'm driving Wednesday. Bought the trailer Wednesday too, brand new. BIL is following me in my commuter vehicle for the wife to drive. Its been good going so far as we made it to Indianapolis in the first day. The dog isn't taking it well though as he hasn't eaten peed or pooped all day. Guess he will figure it out.

I hope everything continues to good good for you.
Got a pizza at 7-11 for a $1. The family is eating good tonight. Im wiped out from 4 days of work after a month off
At a hotel in Burlington. Was supposed to fly out today but work wasn't finished so had to push it 1 day. Glad to put this week behind me. On a plus 1 leg of my flights I got bumped to First class. Yay legroom!!
In. Tired. Second week in a row I've actually had to work on a Friday. Getting really fucking annoyed with a coworker showing up late every day, then complaining about how much he has to do. Fucktard is doing half the work I use to do. Power company gave me an l.e.d. yard light, pretty sure I can now be seen from space. Meatball subs for dinner, had to make the 20 mile round trip to the store twice after forgetting the marinara. I thought long and hard about just using ketchup.

hope you have a safe trip ieatricks84
In. Ran to Livermore to drop off a brad nailer for repair. Went to costco then came home and started trimming the pear tree.

Holy shit what a pain in the ass. Every year I swear I'm going to pay someon to do it next year. Come next year and my cheap ass says "nah, it wasn't that bad last year.:laughing: My elbow, shoulders and neck say I need to start listening to me from the prior year, and I'm only half done :(

Good news is I picked up a bunch of metal yesterday so I get to play pretend welder this weekend:bounce2:

Just about to leave work. Stop and grab a case of beer and a bottle of whiskey on the way home and then go tear into my freebie IR285. Everyone needs a spline drive impact gun at home, right?

my $10 CP #5 spl gun does come in handy

I ran the usual Friday errands today. Mrs started on a Nutrisystem program this week, and the kid is never home for dinner so my grocery bill was lighter. This week will be a “fend for yourself” since Mrs is just getting started. Glad I know how to use a kitchen :laughing:

We had a Pacific North West like drizzle most of the day. I have the post holes dug for a gate project, but they’re full of water. Weather looks like it will cooperate for at least a couple weeks, this project getting started will make Mrs happy 😋

Time to feed the monster and fix a rum&coke :grinpimp:
set up a tailgate salt spreader so it could be attached and removed using a skidsteer
told the guy to give it a try, couple times on and off before I finish it up and paint anything
come back two weeks later, owner of the shop is mad, "it isn't done and the paint doesn't match he hasn't touched it"
hm well okay, communication is hard apparently
Maybe I should have posted it on his facebooks or reddits?
I might just be done with it. Certainly not charging the previous buddy rate of $60/hr if I do finish it up.
Meatball subs for dinner, had to make the 20 mile round trip to the store twice after forgetting the marinara. I thought long and hard about just using ketchup.
if you were german you'd be using ketchup as the first choice

I took a running dive yesterday morning to keep a cat from puking on the carpet and fucked my back right up. I loaded up on Advil and soldiered through the day. I woke up in the middle of the night and thought I might cry it hurt so bad, more Advil and suck it up.

Today it was a bit better until I go to visit my old mom, I did some chores for her and slipped on some ice:rolleyes: now I gots a hurting back and a messed up hip, get home and find out MIL is in the hospital, might be a return of a twisted gut and the will let no one in to see or be with her. GF and myself are so fucking angry it ain't even funny, her dad though has been the one to try to calm us down even though he isn't happy about it either.

Current status: trying to kill the aches and pains and nerves with copious amounts of alcohol, GF figures we need to eat so she made parmesan chicken, baked potatoes, Caesar salad and garlic toast for supper.

Hopefully tomorrows a better day.
Fuck you guys, In.
Just crawled under the house and bagged up a swollen bloated dead skunk from under the house.:flipoff2::flipoff2::flipoff2:

spent today javilina hunting with my bro in law. didnt see a damn thing except a few deer. hope tomorrow is better to find some ghost of the desert.

Fuck you guys, In.
Just crawled under the house and bagged up a swollen bloated dead skunk from under the house.:flipoff2::flipoff2::flipoff2:

Fuck you too, try putting the cover over the crawlspace next time you get back out from under there:flipoff2:
Fuck you too, try putting the cover over the crawlspace next time you get back out from under there:flipoff2:

Fucker wanted some privacy, he got through a vent fell under the house and couldn't get out. My stubborn ass swore no way cause the access was still intact, That's what I get for being stubborn.
Just crawled under the house and bagged up a swollen bloated dead skunk from under the house.:flipoff2::flipoff2::flipoff2:

No thanks :barf:

We’ve had quite a few road kill skunks in our area. I’ve been sweeping the inner perimeter before I let the pup out after dark recently. We don’t have enough tomato juice on hand to get the stink off him at the moment 😝
In. Crazy amount of snow and ice all week and super low temps have caused a lot of in-house time. The entire city has been closed down. We got cabin fever and tried to go out for dinner tonight.

well, this afternoon the city announced a boil water before drinking order because there is something going on with the water treatment plant. We found a bar serving food who was able to open and follow the “mandates”. Their cook walked out on them as soon as we sat down and they closed the kitchen :laughing::laughing:

Got Chinese on the way home and going to bed early. Oh well.
No thanks :barf:

We’ve had quite a few road kill skunks in our area. I’ve been sweeping the inner perimeter before I let the pup out after dark recently. We don’t have enough tomato juice on hand to get the stink off him at the moment 😝

Plus side, he was just dead animal, no skunk, so the minute i bagged him it was over, Fucking Skunk lasts forever.
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