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The range shot craps tonight so I am grilling in the 4* cold.
In, wife ordered pizza for dinner, just ate. Not time to fuck around until bed time.

Still too cold to do much so we just stayed home. GF got busy in the kitchen, made a couple gallons of cauliflower soup, double chocolate as well as oatmeal cookies and she's gonna make me a rack or two of ribs and perogies and a chocolate pie for supper later after we get done with the adult beverages. Might netflix later I dunno.
ran up to my place and dumped off some shit
didn't hang out long, not much to do

apparently waste oil got expensive to get rid of so I'm thinking about making up a drip-style oil burner
got all the shit to do a proper siphon nozzle burner, but don't got an oil burning boiler to toss the oil gun into
[486 said:

I did chicken ramen

Spicy or plain? Occasionally I mix the spicy chicken with the chilli flavor. Lucky if I can get it on sale for .25 now. Grocery store trying to put me on a diet.
Spicy or plain? Occasionally I mix the spicy chicken with the chilli flavor. Lucky if I can get it on sale for .25 now. Grocery store trying to put me on a diet.

plain, I only buy it in the 20 packs and they don't seem to carry any of the spicy varieties in those, just individuals for twice the price
went and looked it up, they don't even make 12 packs of the spicy ones
fuckin' nazis

had some of them that had bugs in them so I started using the flavor packets in the rice cooker with rice
turns out pretty good, guess I'll have to buy like boullion cubes for that or something now
[486 said:

plain, I only buy it in the 20 packs and they don't seem to carry any of the spicy varieties in those, just individuals for twice the price

I got my sister chilli ramen for Christmas, she was thrilled. Apparently it is unobtainium in Seattle.
Drove north @ 2 hours to go snow shoeing.

Spending the night at Sister Mary Elephant's place. Waiting to see what tomorrow brings. And then back home to work on the house & garage.
In. Watching a movie with the kid and watching it snow, looks like we might actually get something. Researching/scheming on an ATV/sled rack for my DD's stubby bed.
Saw this today. Not sure how I feel looked better than a usual pt loser but its also a pt loser, might have had more success if they looked closer to this from the factory.


In. Been snowing all day. Too fucking cold for fast accumulation, high was 21 today got about 6” today. 1-3 or 5-8 overnight depending on what app you look at and who guessed better:homer: With 5-8 expected tomorrow:smokin:. Spent most of the day outside with my oldest because school was canceled:lmao:#pussies. We got a decent sled run built and I started building a “ramp” to get enough speed to start with. Might light a slash pile tomorrow.
Black History Month is yielding positive results, Bravo is playing Friday all night long. Censored though so I went to the long cut version. I'm making real chili, the kind with beans.
Black History Month is yielding positive results, Bravo is playing Friday all night long. Censored though so I went to the long cut version. I'm making real chili, the kind with beans.

If you tell me it has noodles in it I will drive up there and smack you upside the head.
Go from working almost peasant hours to 7 days a week. Fuck people that need heat and oil. the scamdemic changed my outlook on working . I realize i don't have to work to survive.
Had parts delivered by a fellow forum memberAdd
then he bought me a drink and his wife let us play video games together before I had to go home for bed time stories because I have to wake up early to exercise and my kid wanted to sit at home and watch movies all night. :flipoff2:
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