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land of corruption and control of the people
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Living in hell
got to camp ro hunt tomorrow.
still have a buck tag and 2 doe tags.
hape to fill those by sunday afternoon.
4 does in the freezer.
Waiting on some homies to show up. Spending some time with wife in the morning then headed to Arkansas to race mountain bikes sometime tomorrow afternoon. Might mow some leaves or work on the shitbox, might not.

In. Have all the tools and parts for replacing the hubs and CVs in the Dad-wagon tomorrow. Was told the hub socket is 32mm. Welp. Its not. So right from the get go, I have to get another socket before I can start. Typical.
Breaking down a job for a bid and sitting around looking at land for sale. Now checking out South Carolina, might plan a trip in two weeks.

Tomorrow should be a busy day working on my own stuff, getting ready to finish the shop canopy installing the c perlin.
In. Turdburban is busting balls again. Wouldnt start, finally got it running, less than 10 minutes in to warming up it died. Occasionally fires and dies. Going to drown my sorrows with tacos
In. Turdburban is busting balls again. Wouldnt start, finally got it running, less than 10 minutes in to warming up it died. Occasionally fires and dies. Going to drown my sorrows with tacos

Shit man, What have you changed since last time?

Went to DMV this morning to finally get my “Real ID”, then got some groceries

I’m going out tomorrow to get a few things I didn’t get today

Counting down the hours to free my 590 from jail. I hope King Newsom doesn’t shut us down before Sunday afternoon 🤞🏻
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In, kid and the woman are both playing video games, I'm drinking beer, may or may not go ruin shit in the garage in a while. Spent the afternoon working on the interior of a fire damaged F150 so I've got a solid amount of fire extinguisher dust in my lungs and I'm just not feeling too froggy.
Only things I've changed since it started acting up are the ignition module and the fuel filter. Hard starting last weekend but never died when it was running.

Sent you a pm with the diagnostic aids that I have.
In. Exhausted from the week working. Drowsy as fuck coming home. Thankfully it’s only 7 miles. Took a nap when I got home. Woke up to kids playing and yelling. Go out and wifey is asleep. Yell at kids to keep it down so as not to wake her up. Still exhausted and have a very fucking busy day tomorrow. Get to prep one of the boats for a jet change so they can pull it and stab the new one Tuesday. Yay :rolleyes:

We stopped for Chinese food while running errands today. The thing about Chinese food is I have a 50/50 chance it's gonna make me feel like shit, my body doesn't like something in it the last few years. Well today I rolled snake eyes and feel like shit. No beer just tea and a Nytol tonight and hopefully I'll feel better in the morning.
In made pizza with the kiddo. Have to go work on the ADU tomorrow. Cabinets are ordered. Flooring comes in next week. Need to get paint in the bedroom done tomorrow and hopefully the rest of the beams primed.

the shit I do for my kid.

pizzas turned out AMAZING
me sting Halotop ice cream, watching Wall Street (the second one with Shy-Ah lay-buff) looking at rifle scopes because I don’t want to pull 840 bullets. I’ll pull them one at a time at the range.
:rolleyes:About 10 mins after posting the last message, kids woke the wife up. Hells wrath ensued. Kids spent next 2 hours cleaning up everything in the toy room and their room:rolleyes:

My buddy, his wife AND girlfriend were here for the week. Everybody is gone now and it's peaceful again, looking forward to a quiet weekend now.
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