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land of corruption and control of the people
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Living in hell
in now
made hot sauce and corn salsa, canned all day.
now enjoying al fine alcoholic beverage.
In. Being a lazy piece of shit.

Making horseshoes for dinner.

Tomorrow fixing the shitbox to wheel Reiter on sunday if anyone wants to come.
In. Burning brush with the dog. Drinking PBR. Listening to Clutch.
In, twenty five days sober from alcohol. I have been smoking a lot more weed though. Cooking a frozen pizza and being lazy.

Storm came buy last night (tornado warning), power went out. Can't complain since Loosiesana got it worse.

Getting ready to wash clothes at local laundromat-
I'm a raging animal right now.

My 20 ton press went sideways on me, causing me no small heartache in the middle of a tube/sleeve job. Left the part with a local "large" fab shop and I will pick it up on Monday. Looking to make my own press at this point ... as I don't see anything used for a fair price, and can't afford new (esp when it doesn't really have what I want or the best design).

And of course ... there are no scrap yards that sell Channel and shit within 40 min of me. I live in the state's capital region ... and can't find any fucking thing I need (as usual). So now I have to schlep off to a place 1 hour+ away and hope they have what I need/want.

Schmoe is in bed ... and she's on a zoom meeting with her co-workers (casual meeting). They haven't been in the office since March. And they're anticipating until at least December at this point.

And this fucking hearing implant is driving me batshit crazy. :mad3:

Tomorrow starts day 1 of vacation. Heading down to the beach on Monday for a week of burning my ass off. Not much going on this weekend due to rain.
had dinner with the family. wife made her version of kfc famous bowls, pretty damn good.
were playing with the new roku and frndly(friendly) tv.

In, did some woodworking in the garage with the kiddo today. Taught her a couple things and kept her at it and went into the house to do food prep. When she finished, got her back into the house to cook dinner and some venison chili for tomorrow.
Checking in

Youngest is down from Chico for the weekend. Having never gone to college, it’s fun to hear all about the dorm experience, it sounds a bit safer than barracks life :laughing:
Tomorrow we’re going to go shopping for stuff :homer:
in, played with code for the site, blue stars are ready to roll, took the old lady to get sum mesican, going to watch contraland and order some stuff for my new pew

Just got home from a Nation of Patriots dinner and auction, I got to see some old Buddys and catch up on stuff. All in all a good night and nice to be somewhere besides the house on a Fri night.
Checking in.... Going out wheeling with the GF tomorrow. Hitting the Grand Canyon north rim area (Toroweep). Fucking pig TJ's are running strong and are up for the trip! Yeah baby! :smokin:
In. Being a lazy piece of shit.

Making horseshoes for dinner.

Tomorrow fixing the shitbox to wheel Reiter on sunday if anyone wants to come.

That's odd to me - I grew up in the PNW and had never heard of Horseshoes until I moved to SE Iowa. In all reality, probably not until I went to SW Illinois before I heard mention of Horseshoes as a food item!
That's odd to me - I grew up in the PNW and had never heard of Horseshoes until I moved to SE Iowa. In all reality, probably not until I went to SW Illinois before I heard mention of Horseshoes as a food item!

Now I've heard it twice what is a horseshoe as a food item?
In. Still working too much... it's my "slow time", but I still find myself there 55-60 hours a week. I know I need to cut back on my hours, but every time I try to, something either comes up or I start feeling anxious about not getting enough done. I gotta get over that. I've made myself too available and too amicable for too long.
In at our cabin rental in island park. Just got back from Jackson hole. I like the tetons, but dislike the town.
In. Still working too much... it's my "slow time", but I still find myself there 55-60 hours a week. I know I need to cut back on my hours, but every time I try to, something either comes up or I start feeling anxious about not getting enough done. I gotta get over that. I've made myself too available and too amicable for too long.

We seem to have very similar work personalities.

I have started putting out of office emails that say I am out of cell and computer range. Contact me on xyz date when I return if the issue still requires my attention.

By then, it's either blown the fuck up and needs my attention or mellowed back to the slow simmer that is reality.
That's odd to me - I grew up in the PNW and had never heard of Horseshoes until I moved to SE Iowa. In all reality, probably not until I went to SW Illinois before I heard mention of Horseshoes as a food item!

I watch a lot of cooking shows on youtube. I'm a huge fan of George Motz and try random recipes. Earlier in the week I baked my own sandwich rolls and made chopped cheese sandwiches.
We seem to have very similar work personalities.

I have started putting out of office emails that say I am out of cell and computer range. Contact me on xyz date when I return if the issue still requires my attention.

By then, it's either blown the fuck up and needs my attention or mellowed back to the slow simmer that is reality.

When I started out as a PM this was the same thing that worked for me. When you are completely unavailable no mater how bad people want to get a hold of you, or you just want to check something for a quick second, it allows you to let it all go. It is also amazing how many problems work themselves out and the world doesn't end just because you aren't there.
We seem to have very similar work personalities.

I have started putting out of office emails that say I am out of cell and computer range. Contact me on xyz date when I return if the issue still requires my attention.

By then, it's either blown the fuck up and needs my attention or mellowed back to the slow simmer that is reality.

Yes, I believe that we do.
OOO works great, when you're actually OOO. ;)

I did do something very random a few weeks ago, after a couple of cocktails I saw a posting for a women's weekend hunting trip and signed up for it. I don't really have any female friends, let alone females that I can hunt with, so looking forward to hanging out with some gals that share a similar passion. I sent out my calendar notice for taking Friday off and said I may get crazy and take Monday off too. My vacation renewed in March and due to COVID ruining everything, haven't used a day of it yet and have very few plans to burn any of it. Guess I may spend some more time in the tree stand, but that's also right at start of production/busy season...
I watch a lot of cooking shows on youtube. I'm a huge fan of George Motz and try random recipes. Earlier in the week I baked my own sandwich rolls and made chopped cheese sandwiches.

That makes sense!! Husband and I are currently looking at recipes for pasties. They were all over the place when I lived in Montana and he lived in the UP of Michigan and they were popular there too. The only two places that I've ever heard of them.
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