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Fla. Gov. tells Biden to go fuck himself


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May 19, 2020
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Farm lands and horse's asses

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday did not mince words on a congested conference call with Biden and federal health authorities who are seeking to prohibit domestic travel to and from the Sunshine State. DeSantis and Biden exchanged salvos of biting barbs after the criminal president said the federal government had authority to “restrict movement” of the people.

Citing concerns over the widespread proliferation of Covid-19 variants, Biden said he might have to prohibit vehicle and air traffic until the CDC and NIH were confident that currently available vaccinations had a proven efficacy against emerging strains, such as highly transmissible anomalies from the United Kingdom, Brazil, and South Africa.

Also on the call were “Deep State” Dr. Fauci and acting CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, both of whom championed Biden’s idea and told DeSantis that surging cases in Florida threatened to undermine the federal government’s expansive efforts to mitigate spread across the country. Florida, Dr. Fauci said, was the epicenter of Covid-19 mutations, and argued that new variants accounted for between 15-35% of new cases in Florida.

Walensky argued on the call that any attempt by DeSantis to resist a federally mandated travel ban would be immoral, selfish, and possibly illegal.

Biden echoed her words, and he berated DeSantis for having left Florida’s economy open during “the dark days of Covid.” Moreover, Biden claimed he had unilateral and constitutional authority to protect the nation’s health from “rogue politicians” acting in contravention of established health guidelines.

DeSantis’s initial reply was brief and blunt: “I will not comply,” he said, and then cited the CDC’s own statistics showing a nationwide decline in active Covid-19 cases.

Florida had arrested the spread of Covid-19, DeSantis argued, and accused Biden of targeting Republican states that supported Donald Trump.

“Florida absolutely will not comply,” DeSantis repeated. “Instituting a travel ban or restriction of movement would be a gross example of federal overreach with no grounding in law or science. We have Covid-19 in check, and you’re trying to exert unlawful authority over our state and its people,” he chided Biden.

Biden then tacitly threatened to withhold federal funding and to deny Florida access to Covid-19 vaccinations.

“C’mon, man, Florida needs our help, and you need vaccines, which are hard to come by, isn’t that right, Dr. Fauci,” Biden said.

The “Deep State” doctor replied in the affirmative, telling DeSantis that he expects the prevalence of the UK variant to double or triple every week to 10 days.

“Governor, do you want to be responsible for reinfecting the nation? Truth is, we don’t even know how effective current vaccines are against the UK strain.”

DeSantis told Dr. Fauci he trusted his own state health authorities over financially incentivized federal officials.

“How much do you stand to earn from these vaccines, Dr. Fauci? And, Joe, if you continue with this course of action, I will authorize the state National Guard to protect the movement of Floridians,” DeSantis said.

“Address me as Mr. President or President Biden,” Biden said.

“I will not, and you can go fuck yourself,” DeSantis said before hanging up.

In closing, it seems obvious that Team Biden favors perpetual lockdowns and a stagnant economy, keeping Americans imprisoned under a de facto state of medical martial law.

not seeing it on any msm....but as we know, that doesn't matter much these days.
My only worry is there is only the one source that this happened, I'm not saying it isn't true but we have been burned to many times to trust only one account
I hope all of that is true, I have no reason to believe it isnt considering previous actions.
Hopefully MANY other states stand up and tell him to go fawk himself. The Supreme Court is not going to stand up for freedom. That last hope is that the states stand up.
Hopefully MANY other states stand up and tell him to go fawk himself. The Supreme Court is not going to stand up for freedom. That last hope is that the states stand up.

The last hope is that WE'LL stand up against this oppression that is taking place right before our eyes.
But this may also be a fake news article
The last hope is that WE'LL stand up against this oppression that is taking place right before our eyes.
But this may also be a fake news article
I've given up on that. Most people are like frogs with no clue that the water is starting to get warm.
But but... I read it on Real Raw News.
...and then deSantis picked the Criminal President up and threw him out of the ring. Rick jumped down, grabbed a folding chair proffered by a fan, and began beating Joe in the back with it. After Joe was subdued, Rick threw the chair into the ring, grabbed the announcer's microphone, and promised to bash Kamala Harris in a like manner next Friday.
this is literally a fake article you absolute mongoloid

Did you not read my last sentence? Could you not tell i implied it had the possibility to be false? But that the culture of disinfo the msm has created makes that point moot? Kinda exemplify that there is NO reliable news available. It's ALL propaganda with a slant.

but hey, don't take my word for it. Those are just thoughts from a mongoloid :grinpimp:
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I would think border closings between states would wake people up from the dream


They have thoroughly enjoyed the dream of lock downs, shuttered businesses, etc... why would they not enjoy being protected from people in other states?
My only worry is there is only the one source that this happened, I'm not saying it isn't true but we have been burned to many times to trust only one account

And the way that "article" was written REEKS of bias. I'll question the legitimacy unless I see a few more sources that verify it.
I would think border closings between states would wake people up from the dream

So we can have an open southern boarder but we are going to build walls between states.:lmao:

Good luck enforcing that bullshit, it's already IMPOSSIBLE to close the Mexican border. That will take all the police, sheriffs, FBIs, ATFs, BPs, NGs and that will just close the TX boarders. Pipe dream of overreach.
And the way that "article" was written REEKS of bias. I'll question the legitimacy unless I see a few more sources that verify it.

Ya know, I said the EXACT same thing when I hear CNN, or read NYPost. Weird, right?

Ronald Reagan said it best "Trust but verify" he was speaking about the Russians but our own press has become untrustworthy

Maybe this is the "truth" everyone else will see? It's amazing how the libs want to spin it!


Gov. DeSantis attacks Biden for giving a damn about the health of Floridians | Opinion


FEBRUARY 12, 2021 06:00 AM,
Duration 1:55
DeSantis announces COVID-19 vaccines for Bay of Pigs veterans
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced on Feb. 8, 2021 that a new batch of doses of COVID-19 vaccines will go into the arms of veterans of the Bay of Pigs invasion. BY SAM NAVARRO
If his recklessness weren’t so deadly to Floridians, cherubic-faced Gov. Ron DeSantis might seem amusing when he gets angry.

For instance, when he recently chastised journalists: “You can whiz on my leg but don’t tell me it’s raining.”

More accurately, DeSantis pretends to be angry on camera. It helps him deliver mini Trump-like rants against the media — and this week, against political opponents trying to help Florida deal with a new complication of the COVID crisis.

Listening to DeSantis on any COVID-19-related subject is experiencing what the former president might have sounded like had he possessed a vocabulary: big, scientific-sounding words like “the winter respiratory cycle” thrown around, but, still, small thinking.

Throw the politics of coronavirus into the mix, and a DeSantis-Biden war looms over the highly contagious and lethal mutations of COVID-19 in Florida. On the table: what strategies should be adopted to stem outbreaks of the new variants.
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So far, the governor’s strategy seems to be to hop around the state announcing the distribution of vaccines to selected constituents like GOP party faithful Bay of Pigs veterans and red Florida customers of Publix, big donors to his reelection campaign.


Publix, with its partisan pay-to-play moves, has more than a seditious heiress to atone for | Opinion

FEBRUARY 03, 2021 6:00 AM
Short on solutions, he has plenty to say about President Joe Biden.

DeSantis doesn’t like science-driven Biden and his administration floating the idea of domestic travel restrictions for states like Florida that need protection from the spread oftheB.1.1.7 variant, first identified in the United Kingdom.

Three coronavirus variants are circulating in the United States; the two others are from South Africa and Brazil.
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Fresh from mask-less partying in the middle of a pandemic at the Super Bowl in Tampa, DeSantis attacked Biden for giving a damn about the health of Floridians.

Any attempt to restrict travel to or from Florida “would be unconstitutional,” said the governor, who installed useless checkpoints on I-95 at the Florida-Georgia border that caused huge traffic jams but didn’t stop fleeing COVID-infected New Yorkers from entering the state.

“Any attempt to restrict or lock down Florida would be an attack on our state done particularly for political purposes,” DeSantis said. “We will not back down. If anyone tries to target us, we will respond swiftly.”

So says the 24-7 political governor, who, immediately after he said this, added the falsehood that while Biden wants to impose restrictions on Floridians, he’s allowing immigrants to pour across the southern border unchecked.

“If you think about it, restricting the right of Americans to travel freely throughout our country, while illegal aliens pour across the southern border unmolested, would be a ridiculous, but very damaging farce,” DeSantis said. “So we will oppose it 100 percent.

He added: “It would not be based in science. It would be a political attack against the people of Florida.”

Those are the kinds of antics and fighting words that send his xenophobic voter base straight to his campaign’s cash register.

The Biden administration has been holding COVID discussions, as any governing body should in times like these, and one of the participants told McClatchy about the travel-restriction idea.

Repeat: The talk of travel restrictions was a so-called trial balloon floated from the White House for feedback.

What the White House did do this week was appoint a diverse COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force that includes a South Florida representative, student advocate Vincent Toranzo. The national initiative will seek recommendations to ensure that the response to a pandemic that has disproportionately impacted minority communities “has equity at its core.”

Needless to say, DeSantis, who is proposing harsh right-wing legislative initiatives to quash dissent, isn’t a fan of concepts like social justice, either.

Rather than starting a partisan fight with the new administration whose policies, unlike the previous one, are rooted in science, DeSantis should be engaging Democrats to obtain a bigger share of the vaccine pie for Florida.

He should be telling Floridians that, now more than ever — with more than 200 confirmed cases of B.1.1.7 — we need to mask up.

He also should be modeling the behavior, but he’s the state’s proud anti-masker-in-chief.

“But how the hell am I going to be able to drink a beer with a mask on?” he complained to Politico when asked about going without a mask at the Super Bowl. “Come on. I had to watch the Bucs win.”

As usual, the governor insults our intelligence and downplays the coronavirus, which has infected at least 1.8 million Floridians and killed 28,382.

Wearing a tightly fitted surgical mask — or layering a cloth one on top of the surgical mask — can increase by 96.5 percent the protection to the person wearing it and to others, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in guidance released this week.

But DeSantis’ inaction derives from his blind devotion to one Floridian — the ex-president — and has consequences. COVID is on the rise in Florida, despite the pretty picture DeSantis paints and his indulgence in back-patting himself in press conferences.

He would rather play the role of antagonist to please Trump and shut down whatever Democrats propose — even life-saving measures — at our expense.

But what else can we expect from a governor who cares more about your right to party than addressing a more lethal COVID variant?

With DeSantis at the helm, we’ve always been on our own in Florida.

It fits his true nature to attack Biden for giving a damn about the health of Floridians.
...and then deSantis picked the Criminal President up and threw him out of the ring. Rick jumped down, grabbed a folding chair proffered by a fan, and began beating Joe in the back with it. After Joe was subdued, Rick threw the chair into the ring, grabbed the announcer's microphone, and promised to bash Kamala Harris in a like manner next Friday.

$20 says if you put that statement behind a hyperlink Landslide will find it and start a new thread here. I'd give it 2 days at most.
Ronald Reagan said it best "Trust but verify" he was speaking about the Russians but our own press has become untrustworthy

This. I want verification of this "story". The "press" is so full of shit I take anything I see with a huge dose of salt.
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